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I think this explains, well, everything?

Our beloved modern-day John the Baptist, the late Bill Hicks, said the following. I think it explains everything quite succinctly, don't you? Of course you do.

"The reason the world's so f**ed up right now is that we're undergoing evolution. And the reason our institutions, our traditional religions, are all crumbling is because they're NO LONGER RELEVANT. (Furious laughter.)

They're no longer relevant. So it's time for us to create a new philosophy, and maybe even a new religion, you see, and that's okay because that's our right as free children of God, with minds that can imagine anything, and that's kind of our role."


Not Kojak, but maybe Yul Brynner (see below for context).

16 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I like it. I'm not sure who Bill Hicks is, but your comparison to John the Baptist is pretty good I think. Although, John the Baptist (and Jesus as well) were trying to reform institutionalized Judaism and not break completely away from it. They were revolutionaries who ended up having their message institutionalized, and thus, more revolutionaries emerge who call religious institutions into account for antiquated dogma, lack of justice and mercy, or as Mr. Hicks puts it, lack of relevancy. I am a Christian who is disheartened and disappointed with the direction the main stream church is going. It seems a far cry from what Jesus initially imagined. A revolution is in order. Nice post.

  • pshdsa
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    What is happening in our society is a paradigm shift from a Judeo-Christian paradigm to a Materialistic paradigm. The absolutes of the J-C paradigm are being rebelled against. As society jettisons the absolutes of the J-C paradigm, it replaces it with the relativeness of the Materialistic or Humanistic paradigm. There is a culture clash today. The materialistic/humanistic is winning. All of the media preaches this new gospel. Do what you want. You are free. So the actions of the society become more licentious, more hedonistic with no tolerance for the ideals of the old paradigm. So your post above is consistent with this clash of the paradigms and this desire to throw off the old.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I don't care what religion you believe in... It's impossible for finite beings to have "minds that can imagine anything" ... that's just stupid...

    The "new philosophy" has already been created... it's called Atheistic Humanism... "Do whatever you want, and whatever feels good to you. Disregard all laws, rules and everyone else. If you think murder is ok then by god it's ok."

    Not really a society I wish to live in...

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It's a bit too glib for me. The collapse of organized religion, especially in Europe, suggests that he has a point. But it is not at all obvious that fomenting a new religion will make things any better -- in my opinion, it won't. People need to think for themselves, and that's hard to do within religious precepts.

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  • hape
    Lv 4
    4 years ago

    as quickly as we've "all" the equations describing “all” the actual residences of the universe all of us understand, there is extra to appreciate. we are able to might desire to ask many extra questions than those solutions to the actual worldwide. TOE can answer actual residences of the Universe. i've got not got faith TOE will help us to appreciate thoughts, stable and undesirable habit. TOE might o.k. let us know how disease might desire to be defined with the help of giving us expertise how the molecules of healthful tissues and disease tissues artwork mutually. We might study how we are able to avert disease molecules from ever with the flexibility to attack or connect with healthful molecules. think we are able to describe how atoms are made and how the electrons, protons, neutrons, sub-atomic debris flow and vibrate. And we study how the hundreds of thousands of mixtures of those atoms upload as much as planets, image voltaic structures, galaxies, and the Universe. there'll stay what those sub-atomic supplies are created from and in turn, the place those supplies come from. many of the actual residences are regularly occurring surrounding the belief of each and every thing, TOE, to massive, non-theoretical, actual accuracy. The regularly occurring residences take us nicely into the form and activities interior the barriers of atoms. Even understanding those information, we can not be certain what count and potential creates this sub-atomic count.

  • 1 decade ago

    wasn't this the same Bill Hicks who said after he died, he'd do lines of coke off Kojack's head?

    For a further Bill Hicks was a modern apostle reference, check out the Preacher comic series

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I don't know who Bill Hicks is, but my uncle has the same name and he is a lot like this one, not very smart.

    things aren't falling apart, they are just falling into place.

    the Bible predicted these days a long time ago.

    Matthew 24:12

    And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold.

  • 1 decade ago

    People are just bored, and no longer care what is right and what is wrong. Traditional religions are still relevant it's just that people have stopped caring.

  • 1 decade ago

    Try to make one up that doesn't hurt any one.

    Tammi Dee

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Ya, And you Should Do Stand-up Comedy!!!!

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