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As we observe 5th year of 9-11 HOLOCAUST, where is the country leading to in the war against terrorism?

President Bush says the war on terrorism will continue for ever!

President admits CIA’s hidden agenda!

Many of the 9-11 accused are still to be tried in a court of law!

President seems to have lost for words, though not unusual for him, so he started quoting Osma Bin Laden and President repeatedly said ‘death to America’! (Slip of the tongue - repeatedly?)

The situation in Iraq and Afghanistan is getting worse, especially in Iraq.

Iran will not oblige America but continue with its nuclear program.

North Korea is on the verge of a nuclear test.

China and Russia vehemently oppose any sanctions or military action against Iran and North Korea.

Situation in the Middle East is as grave as before.


8 Answers

  • Lyn I
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    We are on the highway to hell. The rocky road to ruin. When will governments start listening to their people, millions of us out here just wish they could get their acts together and work to world wide peace before it is too late for us and the earth.

  • 1 decade ago

    The people of Britain suffered many years of terrorism. We had the crap bombed out of us regularly. The terrorists lived next door in Ireland. They lived in the UK too. They looked just like us.

    HOWEVER, the people of Britain did not lose their civil liberties, did not set up torture camps and illegal jails.

    America strongly supported the IRA investing millions, supplying arms and cocaine (so that more arms could be bought).

    Spain has also suffered greatly, but suprisingly (by american standards) hasnt invaded france.

    So clearly the americans have another agenda.

    If there is a god I wish it would bless america for surely america is a curse on the rest of us.

  • 1 decade ago

    The right believes yes

    The left believes no.

    Look up and down from my answer and see the proof.

    Well it appears you aren't getting many answers for this one. Perhaps it's been answered too many times before.

    Check for similar Q's and you'll see how the left denies the existence of a world wide threat and how the right believes we can either stop it or will end up in a world war over it before it stops.

  • Yes we are. He says it will go on forever because he knows that the only way it will end is with the fall of Tehran.

    Once the oil money from Iran stops funding radical Islam around the globe the war against Radical Islam will be over with.

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  • 1 decade ago

    yo people u watch the news?

    america has in its own back yard more oil than all reserves in the current world say as of TODAY. its in the colrado basis know as Shell oil (something liek that, u look it up)

    saw this on CNN, someone back me up on this so I dont have to go dig it up.

    anyway America gets only 15% of its total oil import from the middle east. oil aint the reason why we are there.

  • 1 decade ago

    Do you feel safer today than on Sept 10th?? I sure as hell dont. GW and his cronies have made it worse and less safe now. Now that its election time..I heard GW say the word Osama on TV! wow..the first mention of him in a looong time. Dont forget Iraq had no direct link to 9-11...and yet Osama did...and we all know that. So why arent we spending as much on finding him?

  • 1 decade ago

    America is leading for sure.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    no one will survive WWIII !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! that for sure!!

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