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  • David Letterman sex scandal - what do you think of it?

    Admitting doing so is one thing, but could such a showman go scot free?

    13 AnswersMedia & Journalism1 decade ago
  • Isn't an FBI investigation into Lehman affairs warranted and overdue?

    The Bush Administration team responsible for Lehman collapse coupled with the top management at Lehman do deserve to be brought to justice and should be held answerable to the public!

    1 AnswerLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Lehman Collapse - was the then Treasury Secretary solely responsible for bringing Lehman down?

    If the government had acted before Lehman downfall the same way it did after the Lehman fall which brought down with it the entire financial system around the world, the whole world would be different today!

    2 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago
  • Have you heard of this?

    A Japanese doctor said: ‘Medicine in my country is so advanced that we can take a kidney out of one person, put it in another and have that person looking for work in six weeks.’

    A German doctor said: ‘It’s not a big deal. We can take a lung out of one person, put it in another and have him looking for work in four weeks.’

    A British doctor said: ‘In my country, we can take half of a heart out of one person, put it in another and have them both looking for work in two weeks!’

    An American doctor from Texas said: ‘You guys are way behind us. We picked a man with no brains from Texas, put him in the White House and now more than six per cent of the nation’s work force is looking for work!’

    3 AnswersJokes & Riddles1 decade ago
  • Does not Former White House spokesman Scott McClellan’sbrand OLD theory on Iraq War sound a book-selling ....

    gimmick though revealing a dreadful picture of distortion?

    • Washington Post carries a story on the subject in its issue today 28 May 2008.

    • McClellan claims President Bush had misled America on Iraq but the whole world knows that it was indeed a misled and miscalculated war of personal revenge.

    • During his time in office before resigning in 2006, McClellan from the White House press stand had fed the world with fabricated reports of distorted facts justifying the invasion and now his assertions against the war appear to be rather bizarre and betrayal of his former boss.

    • McClellan claims top Bush Aides, in early (2002) preparation for the second-term campaign, had carefully orchestrated a strategy to aggressively sell the war.

    • The whole world knows Secretary of State Powell while addressing Security Council had presented a bunch of lies on the need for invading Iraq, based on a dossier loosely prepared by the former British Prime Minister Tony Blair.

    6 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • What's up with President Bush's appeasement policy - hypocrisy?

    • President Bush plans to meet Sudanese President responsible for genocide in Darfur! He has already spoken to or exchanged communications with the Sudanese president who sheltered and still maintains a link with Osama bin Laden!

    • “It has at least provoked charges of hypocrisy, because Bush recently accused those (Democrats) advocating talks with Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and other radical figures of "appeasement!”

    • “President Bush has sent envoys to pursue aggressive diplomacy with North Korea and Libya and have even conducted limited business with Cuba, Syria and Iran.“

    8 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Is it not time to split the D & R parties to create a new party?

    It seems the time is ripe for a third party in American politics - Social Democratic Party - a splinter group consisting of liberals from both the present Democratic and Republican parties. Maybe Barrack Obama should take the initiative and establish it!

    6 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • How come Hillary camp has not yet paid for service they got in Ohio!?

    It has been reported that some people who rendered promotional service to the Hillary camp in Ohio have not yet been paid! It seems the camp has gone or is going bankrupt just like Hillary going mentally blank - maybe affected by the sub-prime mortage crisis! Is it democracy or bankruptcy the camp is promoting? Whereas, Obama camp is reportedly pretty prompt in settling all bills!

    14 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • What's wrong in the picture showing Obama in Africa?

    Of course, it is senseless to publish it now! Why didn't the Hillary team raise objections in 2006 when Obama visited Africa?

    12 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Do you think there is an overall fall in social-behavior-standards in this country?

    1 Talk show icon David Letterman thinks so and he brought out many examples while speaking to Dr. Phil in his latest Late Show with David Letterman!

    2 A candidate in the forthcoming presidential polls thinks the incumbent President George Bush is mentally ill for casually mentioning the possibility of third world war by saying ‘I have told people that if you are interested in avoiding World War III, it seems like you ought to be interested in preventing (Iran) from having the knowledge to make a nuclear weapon’!

    3 The Idaho senator pleading guilty first for his misbehavior in a public toilet and then withdrawing his plea but one wonders if common sense prevails in the American judicial system which thought itfit to accept it!

    4 With frequent campus shooting incidents, places of education appear to be fast becoming unsafe for learning but turning into breeding grounds of terrorism!

    5 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • What do you think of President Bush - cute and handsome?

    At a joint press conference with Australian Prime Minister in Sydney earlier today 5 September, 2007, in response to a question from a journalist named Susan, President Bush insisted on her calling him ‘cute’! ‘I am cute and I want you to call me cute!’ Wonder if Laura Bush was around listening to his suggestion!

    At the same press conference, looking at the Australian Prime Minister standing next to him, President Bush said ‘I am a beef person’ and added he was looking forward to tasting Australian beef!

    15 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • War, like charity, begins at home in Congress and White House - how about that?

    Well, Congress has voted a time-frame for troops to get home from Iraq and President Bush had already vowed to shoot it (perhaps with the help of VP Dick Cheney)! So, the war-game begins at home in Washington DC!

    3 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Would you like Dr.Abdul Kalam to be President of India for a second term?

    Dr. Kalam is an exemplary citizen of India with incomparable qualities;

    He adores the youth of the nation and indeed is adored by them;

    All political parties of India should join hands and urge Dr.Kalam to continue for a second term;

    He has a vision for the country for it to achieve the status of a developed nation by 2020;

    He is totally selfless and above politics and that is the kind of person we should have for this top post though ceremonial;

    The entire nation should also consider seriously turning the present parliamentary system into a Presidential one, on the lines of some other nations;

    21 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago
  • Is this what we call Rule of Law?

    -Reference here is to the now world famous notoriously held trial of the former Iraqi president Saddam Hussein;

    -He is kept under the custody of the occupying American forces, thus by the American Government;

    -The so-called trial has been conducted by the Government of Iraq as a part of which Saddam Hussein has been sentenced to death and after the abortive appeal, he is to be hanged within 30 days from that verdict;

    -The President of Iraq refuses to sign the final document allowing the execution to be carried out;

    -For the execution to be carried out, Saddam Hussein must be handed over to the Iraqi Government by the American Government;

    -A Human Rights Organization in America has filed a petition in a court for preventing the American Government from handing over Saddam Hussein to the Iraqi Government!

    -Saddam Hussein has willingly offered his life for the sake of national unity!

    4 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Sadam Hussein is by far the worst victim of 9-11backlash. What’s your take?

    •Sadam Hussein was accused of possessing weapons of mass destruction but he did not.

    •He was accused of having a link with al-Qaeda but he never had.

    •He was accused of plotting an attack on America but he actually offered to make friends with USA. President Bush refused or rather afraid to meet him.

    •His removal from power by force has caused so much destruction in Iraq that America and Britain are solely responsible for the holocaust in that country! They are also responsible for its complete reconstruction.

    •The trial of Sadam should end forthwith and he should be set free immediately.

    • In fact, if he is given a second chance to assume power, he would be able to bring back normalcy in Iraq within one month!

    16 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • As we observe 5th year of 9-11 HOLOCAUST, where is the country leading to in the war against terrorism?

    President Bush says the war on terrorism will continue for ever!

    President admits CIA’s hidden agenda!

    Many of the 9-11 accused are still to be tried in a court of law!

    President seems to have lost for words, though not unusual for him, so he started quoting Osma Bin Laden and President repeatedly said ‘death to America’! (Slip of the tongue - repeatedly?)

    The situation in Iraq and Afghanistan is getting worse, especially in Iraq.

    Iran will not oblige America but continue with its nuclear program.

    North Korea is on the verge of a nuclear test.

    China and Russia vehemently oppose any sanctions or military action against Iran and North Korea.

    Situation in the Middle East is as grave as before.


    8 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago