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Looks vs Personality?

Why is when women are ask if they prefer a guy with good personality or good looking they always say personality. You can't get to the personality unless you willing to get past the looks.

If a geek or nerd with a great personality walked up to you you wouldn't give them the time of day but if a hottie with a crappy personality walked up to you, you would give him time until you found out that hes an a$$hole. So how can you say personality is more important when you don't give every one the chance to show their personality???

19 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I agree, if a girl says she doesn't go for looks on first impressions then SHE'S LYING! Us girls do have more time for good looking guys but it is the looks that draw you to that person, if a geeky/nerd guy started talking to me if i'm honest i would be nice and polite/friendly but really be wishing the good looking guy on the other side of the room was talking to me but then when i am talking to any person i could fall for anyone whether or not they are good looking or not. Less attractive guys find it harder to get girls b/c they get more knock backs i expect and they have to rely on their personality to get a girl. They also seem to think that they could never stand a chance with some girls but really everyone has shot as long as you have confidence and charisma then you would get more girls than if you were good looking. Anyway things are changing and girls no longer mind so much if you are really attractive in the looks department b/c ultimately we would rather spend time with an interesting geek any day than a boring, self-obsessed attractive guy.

  • Fallen
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Well for the women that do say they prefer personality over looks, and turn out to be a fake, run of the mill, <insert curse word(s)> hypocrit, do you really want to spend anymore time with her as is?

    True there does need to be physical attraction, but in my opinion personality can carry physical attraction beyond just what I see on the outside. Don't worry about the fakes and hypocrits, in the end they will end up where they always are, lonely and wondering why no one is giving them the time of day... by calling back the next day. They are the ones without personality, they are the ones that aren't worthy of someones time.

  • 1 decade ago

    Personality is apparent when the guy walks up to you, or when you see him in the room. Honestly, I can say that I have had commercially pretty men approach me and could recognize their crappy personality and make the conversation short. A "hottie" to me would probably be a geek or a nerd who was happy with who they were. He would know that I would like him because I'm a smart intelligent woman. Anyone who approaches me with the attitude of "Well, you aren't going to like me" is probably right.

  • 1 decade ago

    You are right. I have always said that. Looks are what first attract you to someone. Unless you already know someone such as a friend or your blind, a person goes up to you because they like what they see. Thats where the average person has to make the first move.

    I'm over weight and average looking but I got me a 5' 8" 130 pound blond hair blue eyed beauty. I got her to notice the inner me. We've been married 23 years and have 3 great kids.

    And we still love each other more then ever.

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  • 1 decade ago

    It's about getting in situations where you can allow a woman to see your personality in normal situations. It's hard to do. You can't just walk up to a woman and expect her not to be on her guard. But if you're a friend first, that's the best way for a woman to see your wonderful personality.

    So it's true that women usually prefer a good personality over looks, she wants to meet a guy in a non-threatening situation. You just have to find more opportunities for these situations.

    Good luck!

  • 1 decade ago

    To me it just all depends. I could be attracted to someone good looking(but they have to have a good personality) or I could be attracted to someone not so good looking, but with a good personality. Sad to say that my last boyfriend had neither, I found out finally. But my husband is definitely both. Face it, if the attraction isn't there it doesn't matter what he looks like or how he acts. I've also been around some good looking guys that I wouldn't give a second thought to.

    Source(s): Just my 2 cents.
  • 1 decade ago

    Sorry, just haven't met the right girl. Actually, there are still people out there who do prefer other things over looks. Me, yes me, I'm known for dating nerdy guys. I love talking, and I love the way they challenge me to be better and excel. Funny thing is this last guy I dated I was friends with for over a year. Wanna know why? Cause he wasn't my type. He was so incredibly hot, girls trying to catch his attention left and right. I was a friend, that was it. And then it took me an entire year to find out that he was one of the smartest, nerdiest guys I'd ever known. So ya, I have actually not considered a guy who was so extremely fine because he could not of possibly been nerdy enough to catch my interest.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Well I do weigh personality heavier than looks and I do give every one the chance to show their personality. I guess it's universal for everybody, the looks is the first that you get. And in my opinion to anybody who said that personality matters more it doesn't mean that it should matter first because the looks is the first that you get. If there are people whom you people is not giving the chance to show the personality of another, it means that either they didn't know what they meant when they said that personality matters more OR looks really do matter more to them. :-)

  • 1 decade ago

    WOW! Where have you been getiing these reactions from?!?! I know those women are out there but DANG! They're not all like that, maybe you should try for "another type" or a different place??? I'ts too bad some women think they have to be evil or their looks bypass their personality somehow and make something that could be fun and light into something nerve racking.... *sigh*

  • 1 decade ago

    I'll be honest. Personality wins in the end for me.... but I have to be attracted to the packaging first. That's just how women are and men also. People like being with people that appeal physically to them. Sure personality is most important but there are other things to take into consideration. I'm not trying to date cousin "It" from the Adams Family. I don't care how great his personality is.


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