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I heard on the radio that muslims deny the Holocaust. Is this true?


I should say, "deny that the Holocaust ever happened".

19 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    A lot of folks deny the holocaust.

    I heard a good one that, according to some, only 100,000 Jews died in the camps, and most of disease.

  • Dan S
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Yes, and so do a lot of blind people like Neo-Nazis.

    As P.T. Barnum said, "There's a sucker born every minute."

    One Afghani's response to 9/11 was, "Why do you Americans make so much fuss about two buildings falling down?" From his little hovel in his little country he could barely conceive of a 3-story building, much less something as huge as the World Trade Center. He probably couldn’t even conceive that the world held as many people as those who were killed on 9/11.

    Don't worry the holocaust has been very well documented. In Israel it is still personal history and there is a project to gather the recollections of holocaust survivors. In Germany some of the camps are still preserved, the Holocaust Museum in Washington D.C. is doing very well and the Holocaust also extensively documented in the Nuremberg Trials.

    Some people try to deny the nose on their face; even after Sr. Francis Drake completed his around the world voyage there were many people who over 100 years later still considered the world to be round. The Greeks had figured out the world was round long before England was more than a collection of a few barbarians and druid lead tribes. The ancient Greeks even got very close to the real figure of its circumference. Of course they discovered atomic theory and that was forgotten until over 1000 years later.

    Hitler invented the concept of the big lie, where if you tell people a lie enough times people start to believe it is true. The haters of the Jewish people are doing the same thing. After all how can Neo-Nazis live with themselves after all the crimes they visited on the Jewish people in the Holocaust? It doesn’t fit their agenda so they ay it isn’t true.

    Another example of the Big Lie tactic is that George Bush Junior is actually the president of the United States. He is just a figurehead, but I will save that for another question.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Actually a lot of Jews deny that the "Holocaust" happened. Very intelligent people are saying this not just skinhead flakes. They often call it a public relations stunt.

    They say that between 55 and 60 million people died in or as a result of the Second World War. Twenty million of them were Russian. Why don't we have a museum in the nations capital that commemorates the 20 million Russians that died. The Native American genocide that took place in the 1800s may have taken up to 100 million lives. One might logically wonder where and when their museum is going to be built, if ever.

    These are interesting questions that I don’t have an answer to. It does make you wonder why we hear so much about these people when so many more died that you never hear anything about.

    Love and blessings


  • 1 decade ago

    Some Muslims, just like some Christian, Jews, and Hindus, deny the holocaust ever happened. But the majority of Muslims do not.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Many people deny the Holocaust ever happened. Not surprising.

  • 1 decade ago

    The president of Iran believes that the Holocast never happened. They like to believe it because they are anti-semetic themselves. They think the Jews invented the story. But they choose to ignore the facts....facts reported by Jews and Christians and Germans. The graves and ovens speak for themselves. ...not to mention the mountains of shoes and clothes, skulls and photos as well and the trials at Nuremburg. Only an idiot would deny the worst atrocity the world has ever known.

  • 1 decade ago

    some muslims deny the holocaust happened. so do some caucasian, christian americans - see the christian identity movement. so do stick-in-the-muds and neonazi assholes in my homecountry of germany. so do stupid people all over the world, regardless of ethnicity, religion or culture. there are, and always will be, stupid, ignorant and evil people, regardless of all these factors, and these people will always find something that'll help them promoting hatred towards people they don't like, it's as simple as that. most muslims know better than to deny a historical tragedy that so clearly happened, as do most americans. saying that all muslims deny the holocaust because some fascist nuts do is like saying all americans deny it because christian identity or gary lauck do. not fair on the rest of them or you, is it? btw, regarding numbers, it is now pretty much established fact that about 1.5 million people died in the holocaust, not the well trumpeted six. these people died as a result of genocide. let's please keep in mind, however, that even one person dying as a result of genocide is one person too many. number crunching about this tragedy is as far as i can see it tasteless and disrepectful to the dead and their families, so please let's leave the number games the holocaust deniers are playing out of it. i've only brought the numbers up as a reaction to other people's answers, to straighten out the record so to speak.

    Source(s): being german and aware of my responsibility to the future.
  • beez
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Some people do deny it. As I've stated before, all those dead and dying people in the concentration camps were not movie extras. Beginning in the 1940's, news films were shown at movie theatres about the holocaust and other events.

  • 1 decade ago

    NO!!!! Why you say such a thing. Don't misinterpret. The radio might of said Irani GOVT. rejects the Holocaust or something like that.

  • 1 decade ago

    The ADL backs up my recall that it's been happening a lot lately.

    Which is kind of funny, because the mufti of Jerusalem was a guest of Hitler and did his best to make sure the Final Solution included the Middle East.

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