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Here's a question for all Religions?

If a love one was about to die...would you pray to God for help.. even if you dont believe!!

21 Answers

  • Peace
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    i prayed for my dad in his last days suffering from cancer

    i prayed that if God seen fit .. and my dad was ready to go .. that he would go peacefully

    he died 2 days later with such a beautiful smile on his face

  • 1 decade ago

    Wait a minute. A question for "all religions" including "even if you don't believe"??? That's pretty confusing.

    The very term "prayer" and the concept of direct communication with God implies at least a tentative belief in God. Some god or other. As the poet says, "whatever gods may be." People who are agnostics might easily go that way. A person who truly believes that there is no god would no doubt be using his loved one's imminent death as proof of that fact, not soliciting help from an entity he really does not believe exists.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You only pray because you believe. Even if it is not a conscious belief. There is more to a person than that person will ever know consciously and GOD, The Universal, is beyond comprehension. What the person may not believe in is the exoterics of all, any religions/philosophies, But the spirituality is there if only dormant and the Spirit is always conscious of ...GOD. All that person would be doing is displaying unselfishness(hopefully) and somewhat getting in touch with the Spirit. Though unconsciously.

    If they would only open their heart...And see past all the clouds...the sun is bright and shining!

  • 1 decade ago

    Be it a love one or anyone - expressions used by all "God Help Me", "For God's Sakes", "God Dammit!",and many more explicits... so when saying these words - do you think God is listening? of course He does, and whether or not your a believer... GOD hears ALL! so watch out what your saying. PS: I hope this question did not come from a real life situation.

    Source(s): My knowledge.
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  • 1 decade ago

    of course !! i guess in case - where our loved ones are very sick and are already out of the hands of our gifted doctors ( and they also give up on the chances ) then we have to turn to the " ALMIGHTY" even if we happen to be a non-believer in GOD.

    WE have to pray with a pure heart and plead to our GOD to do the miracle for saving the life of our beloved.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    When you say that you do not believe in God, but you pray to Him, then you just lied. Ether you believe, or you do not. There are no half-way measures with God. Ether you do things His way and go to heaven, or some other way and not go to heaven. In any case the choice is yours. Life or death. You Chose!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Nope I dont prefer to talk to my self sorry! It dont prove too much good in my eyes. I have minister/Priest in my family and people still die. No one lives forever. I have seen my grandmother die right in front of me and other members of the family including the ones who are Ministers/Priest. I dont pray!

  • ?
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    It seems silly to pray to God if you don't believe in Him. Having said that, even if one prays to God on one's deathbed He will listen. God believes in us even if we don't believe in Him.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    i think even athiests would hope there is a God to hear their prayers for their loved one. it seems like a pretty basic thing to start praying when our lives r in danger.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago in the middle with the godly thing..but yes i do pray once in a while

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