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Which commandments?

I hear so much crap about putting 10 commandments in public school by Christians.

Can some one of those smart Christians to tell me which exactly of the 10 commandments they want to put for public? Should it be Catholics version or protestant?

Or may be the original once by Hebrew? I think we can get interesting fight from Christians which commandments to display, And specially Catholics version since their version of commandments (specially 2nd one, no engraved pictures.. was nicely removed by them) are totally different from others. If some one is for putting the commandments into the public places would you mind to list which set they would like to use it.


OK let me try second time, for those who saying its all good and bible is the word of god and so on.. i would like to know which 10 commandments are you want to display? Aren't Christians from the whole bible at least know the 10 commandm? Common, we know Christians never read the bible but at least something that they can answer on Judjement day.

17 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I understand what you're trying to point out. There are several different versions of the Decalogue. Even if everyone were to agree that it is appropriate to post the 10 Commandments in public places, someone would feel slighted that their favored wording was not chosen.

    Of course, no religious document belongs on the walls of our public buildings, which belong to All the People, not just those who believe in the 10 Commandments. The best way to protect everyone's right to freedom of conscience is to uphold separation of church and state.

  • 1 decade ago

    There are 3 different sets of the 10 commandments in the Old Testament.

    But I believe the one that people want placed in public areas is the King James' version because that is most common.

    There is an Athiest version out there too. Believe it or not!

    Source(s): Years of religious education
  • 1 decade ago

    All Christian churches use the same 10 commandments translated from the original Hebrew manuscripts of Exodus 20. The 2nd commandment reads the same in all versions of the Bible, Catholic or Protestant. It is the interpretation of the commandment which varies. Get a Catholic Bible and read it some time.

  • Your judgmental attitude is forgiven.

    If any of the 10 Commandments are going to be displayed, they ALL need to be displayed. That would be the ones in the Old Testament. Or the ones in the Torah! Same book, same 10 Commandments!

    ((Will you work on not to stereotyping us (Christians)? I do read the Holy Bible. I not only read it, I actually study it.))

    May you find the grace of the Living God and His Son Jesus!!!

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  • Kitten
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    The reference is made to The 10 Commandments in the Old Testament.

  • 1 decade ago

    Commandment number 9 thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor.To treat people how you will like to be treated and have respect for one another as a christian i don't have to wait for them to put it in the public school system i have them on my wall as a christian i don't force God on anyone and God does not force people to love him it is a individual choice that people make if people ask or if someone is in need of help in there life then i talk to them about God there is so much happening in this world to were people need to put aside there difference and be kind to one another and that's why i chose number 9 to love your neighbor like you love yourself just respect one another weather you are a Catholic ,Hebrew or Christians i thought it was written for all that loved God??i thought we pray to the same God ??and believed in the same Jesus?? least i know i do if people don't won't there children in school to say them then don't make them because i know what i taught my children and the law will always be in there hearts and mind!!

  • 1 decade ago

    every where i turn i am reading or hearigng that people wonts GOD,s lows took out of everything,well i grew up with the lows of GOD and i am on keeping them in the public eye no matter what i have to do. if i could id have the 10 commandments on every goverment buildigng in the usa.

  • 1 decade ago

    As long as people believe in God, any version of The Ten Commandments should be followed. If it's all good, then why differenciate?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Oh, i think it's all rather silly. if they were eventually put in schools, it'd be up to the person who put them there to decide which version. They're all the same.

    And if i happened to be a teacher, I'd rather put Jesus' two commandments up: (most important:) "Love God with all your soul, with all your heart, and with all your mind," and second most: "Love your neighbor as yourself." The second one is pretty much in classrooms already, isn't it?

  • 1 decade ago

    Somewhere and sometime, people will finally become aware of what separation of church and state really means... the distortion put out by the courts, is not what is written in those historical papers. It merely states; the government shall not establish a religion. (As was done in England "The Church of England)"!!

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