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Can you help me understand the difference?

A lot of Atheist refute the validity of the bible because it's made by man. However, if they don't believe in a higher power then wouldn't that mean that all their beliefs and knowledge come from man made books and theories? Wasn't science created by man? So, what makes science so much more valid than the bible if both are made by man? I mean, just because someone mixed some chemicals together and said it means this, what makes that so much more believeable? It seems to me like all of us, Christian and Atheist alike, are followers. So, can you help me to understand the difference?

13 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Science is based on the interpretation of empirical evidence. Yes, it is a construction of human thought, but unlike religious doctrine it is subject to testing, and to revision if it is found to be incorrect. The failing point of all religious dogma in my view is that it is untestable and indsputable, and therefore devoid of validity.

  • 1 decade ago

    First of all, if you believe that God created all living things then God created mankind. Man is born of sin after leaving Eden. The Bible is two kinds of writings; prophetic and historical. The prophetic writings and to be FROM GOD and scribed by man. The historical writings are records of events as seen and interpreted by man through the wisdom of God.

    I believe God gave man the ability to know science. Science (archeology, geology, geography, etc.) has proven the existence of 95+% of the biblical writings such as names, places, events, etc. These things existed exactly where the Bible says they existed and how it says they existed. There are only a few instances that still need to be proven. Whether Jonah was actually in a whale may never be proven.

    When you look at your question at face value, deductive reasoning would conclude that athiests must also invalidate science on this very same principal that it was written by man. I know science validates the biblical cities, peoples, locations, time lines, etc. What the Bible cannot validate is the words that were spoken. But if 70% of the Bible can be confirmed by science, why would one chose to disbelieve the remaining 30%?

    Perhaps these people also refute their income since it's made by man. Perhaps they refute living in houses because it was made by man. God created all things, man uses the things God made to recreate another tangible thing like science.

    It comes down to faith and what you believe. Strenght comes from knowledge and knowledge not only comes from God but from opening your heart, eyes, ears and mind to the possibilities.

  • Hi.. ( please forgive the typos, spell check was down )

    A great majority of 'scientists' are atheists. Like the rest of us, they are subject to mistakes and peer pressure, designed to keep them supporting theriories that are merely theories as 'fact'. Much of what the 'common' man knows about 'science' is second hand at best, but because 'scientists' are the new priesthood for the 'religion' of secular humanism, what they propound is seldom questioned. As for testing hypothoses, in order to arrive at empirical FACT, Scientific findings have often been faked, concealed, or otherwise distorted to support scant evidence. Sometimes outright fraud and hoax have been resorted to. But the scientific 'community' usually thries to surpress, to the best of their ability.of course scientific study and research has given much good in the service of mankind. This cannot be denied, but it is also 'fact' that much of what 'their' religion teaches requires just as much 'faith' to beleive as any other doctrine that cannot be fully proved one way or another.

    You are correct in your statement that as far as we know ALL written materials were written by men. The diferrence in the Bible, is that there are many prophecies contained theirin that had fullfilment. Sometimes, archeology confounds the 'unbeleiving sceptics' because the evidence proves the Bible accounts of historical events are in fact totally consistant in everery way. In the Bible it is said that the way to test if a prophesey is true and comes from God is fairly simple: if it does not happen, it is false, and not from God.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You have this completely the wrong way round. A scientist's views are guided by reason and evidence - i.e. by the real world - whereas a theist starts with his own beliefs and then tries to make the facts fit his beliefs. So, science is the complete opposite of religion.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The importance of recognizing that the Bible is man-made is that it should be examined with an open mind, not simply accepted with blind faith because it's said to have been penned by a supreme being who should never be questioned. The truth of something can be determined by reason.

  • :
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Hello Ownlee,

    Interestingly some scientists are now looking at creation and becoming Christians because they believe that even science is pointing to a creator God. I do think that Atheism is a religion with very ferverent people errrrrrm who seem to like telling other people off alot lol lol THEY DOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!! innit

    Source(s): Hours of watching and listening and talking in AOL christian chat room (which I no longer attend)
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    We can reproduce the results of scientific experiment. Just because someone put it in a book, does not make it so. Many of your bible stories are absolutely absurd and the second story can go on to contradict the first.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Science proves what it says and before it says anything it's theories are scrutinzed by an entire scientific community of intelligent objective people.

    Religion, not so much

  • Science is founded upon theory that is mathematically defined and supported by real world evidence. It reflects what we have discovered, understand and are able to verify about the way the world really is.

  • 1 decade ago

    i don't know a lot about the bible but i know the lord is real in my heart i just feel it and i do not care what other people say u believe or u don't

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