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A quick summary about me. I have a BS in Criminology from Fresno State University. I'm a newlywed. My husband and I are deperately trying to conceive our first child together. I'm a stepmom and a proud non-denominational Christian. Everything is not right but everything is not wrong so I will continue to .P.U.S.H. (Pray Until Something Happens). I'm here because I like to give others my opinion and there are things that I want know as well. Take Care and God Bless.

  • Is this normal (TTC)?

    For the pass few days I've been having the following symptoms:

    Mild period type cramping, abdomen and back pains (all over), sharp pains in pelvis and side, bloating, increase vaginal discharge.

    I ovulated five days prior to these symptoms, now I'm 9 days pass ovulation. My period isn't due until Friday. I've never felt like this before period besides the cramping. Are these normal symptoms during early pregnancy? Has anyone else experience this?

    3 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • Does an LH surge guarantee ovulation?

    I started doing my ovulation test Monday. On Wednesday and Thursday the test showed a LH surge. I know that means I was fertile on those days and I took advantage of it. It also means that I should be ovulating today. However, I wanted to know if that is a guarantee that I will ovulate? Or, can you be fertile and have a surge but not ovulate?

    2 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • Does an LH surge guarantee that you will ovulate?

    I started doing my ovulation test Monday. On Wednesday and Thursday the test showed a LH surge. I know that means I was fertile on those days and I took advantage of it. It also means that I should be ovulating today. However, I wanted to know if that is a guarantee that I will ovulate? Or, can you be fertile and have a surge but not ovulate?

    2 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • Anybody here do fertility yoga? You think it helps?

    I'm trying to conceive and I'm doing all I can to increase my chances of getting pregnant. I just started doing fertility yoga and I was looking for some feedback on it.

    4 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Why do we get violated if we ask people about our 360 page?

    If we ask people to look at our Yahoo! 360 page. What guideline are we violating?

    1 AnswerYahoo Profiles1 decade ago
  • How much disappointment can one girl take?

    Has anyone else been disappointed so many times that you didn't even want to take a HPT even though you think you are pregnant?

    I been having cramps for some time now and no period. I'm late but I'm scared to test cuz I know I'm going to be disappointed if the results read negative yet again. My husband and I have been trying since we got married. Each time I think my period is coming or I get a negative result I get upset. I just can't take the disappointment so I don't even want to test. Anyone else out there feel this way?

    11 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • As far as producing eggs, how do the ovaries work?

    I heard that ovaries produce eggs at random instead of rotating. So, an ovary can produce an egg one month then the next month that same ovary might produce an egg again. If this is so, if you have only one ovary then your chances of that one producing an egg is less than 50%. Yes, you have a 50% chance each month that your ovary will produce an egg. However, if you look at the wide scope, like the scope of a year, its less than 50% of the time a particular ovary might produce anything. Am I understanding it right? How does that work?

    I'm asking because I have endometriosis and I have an ovary removed. I'm trying to conceive and I'm trying to figure out my chances each month. My delay may just be an issue of that ovary not producing an egg yet and not another problem on me or my husbands behalf.

    Hope I explained myself clearly. Thank you in advance.

    7 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • Men, would you get upset...?

    ...if your wife had a penpal in prison that was serving 25 to life?

    Years ago, I was in a sociology class and this lady came in to talk about this organization to keep kids out the street. In doing so, she brought up this murder case which was the foundation on which this organization was built. This story really touched me so I asked for the address to the prisoner she mentioned. At the time I was in the process of changing major of Criminology due to a proposition that relates to this case and this cases really brought it home for me. So, I started writing this guy and getting insight. When I meet my husband, then boyfriend, I told him I was writing and he had no problem. Then we got married and he saw the box of letters and started questioning me if I was still writing. We talked about it and he tried to act as if he didn't mind me writing but I could tell he wasn't okay with it. Now, out of respect for my husband I told the guy that it would be a problem for me to write.

    26 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Isn't the spirit of a person amazing? How do you explain this?

    My grandma died a couple of years ago. She had alzhiemers and then had a stroke. After the stroke doctors said she had only days left. At the time my sister and I were away at college so when we heard we said we'd wait until she was gone to go up there. Well, days turned to weeks and the doctors tried to aid in her passing on with a morphine drift and everything but to no avail. Finally, while at work my sister said "she's waiting for us". So, we drove out the next day. We went to visit her and she was in a coma state by then and at one point she seized and her eyes opened and she looked as if she was looking up to Heaven, telling God she's ready. My sister whispered in her ear before we left that it was okay for her to go now. Later, that night my grandma passed on. Do you really think her spirit was waiting for us before it could moved on? How do you explain this?

    10 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • Spirit holding on: How do you explain this?

    My grandma died a couple of years ago. She had alzhiemers and then had a stroke. After the stroke doctors said she had only days left. At the time my sister and I were away at college so when we heard we said we'd wait until she was gone to go up there. Well, days turned to weeks and the doctors tried to aid in her passing on with a morphine drift and everything but to no avail. Finally, while at work my sister said "she's waiting for us". So, we drove out the next day. We went to visit her and she was in a coma state by then and at one point she seized and her eyes opened and she looked as if she was looking up to Heaven, telling God she's ready. My sister whispered in her ear before we left that it was okay for her to go now. Later, that night my grandma passed on. Do you really think her spirit was waiting for us before it could moved on? How do you explain this?

    5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • What are your feelings about dying loved ones?

    My dad is very sick. He has myloma (blood cancer) and the doctor now has him on hospice care. My husband gets upset when I mention anything about my dad dying. It states he is states that he is going to be around for a long time and he feels like everyone is giving up on my dad. But, my thing is I'm not giving up on my dad. Yes, I want my dad to be around for a while. I want my dad to see me have kids, I didn't have a grandpa and I know he wants to be there for his grandchildren. For me to not be willing to let my dad go is not giving up on him, it's being unselfish. My dad is only a shadow of what he use to be. He is constantly in pain. So, for me to hold on would be incredibly selfish. I'd rather my dad pass on and be with our Father God and not have to suffer anymore than to be in constant pain everyday. I know he is ready to move on, he don't want to live in pain. So, what are your feelings about dying loved ones?

    17 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • If you really want a baby, how do you not try?

    Whenever people get upset about contuniously trying to conceive and not getting any results others always tell them, "don't try, have fun with it". But, if you really want a baby how do you not try? It's easier said than done.

    12 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • What is my problem, I can't stop eating?

    Lately, I just stay hungry. I usually eat 2 meals a day (sometimes 3) but now I, I snack all day at work. When I get home I eat and late at night I'm hungry again. I ate a big plate of food at 9:30 pm last night and when I got to work this morning @ 6:00 am I was starving like I ain't ate in a while. I'm not overweight, my BMI is like 20 and I'm not gaining weight from all the eating. I been the same size for 10 years. What's the deal, should I be concerned about my weight?

    6 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • What do I need to protect a logo?

    My husband wants to start our own clothing line. I created a symbol for it. What do I need to do to protect our logo? I was reading about patents, trademarks, and copyright. I wasn't sure what I really needed. Looked like I needed a trademark, but I'm not sure. Any help for someone who knows from experience and not just guesting is very much appreciated. Thank you in advance.

    6 AnswersSmall Business1 decade ago
  • So, what do you think may be going on with my body?

    I've been trying to conceive for two months now. My period this month was expected on the 15th. I started feeling slight cramping on the 10th. On the 14th I started bleeding lightly and it lasted until the 16th. So, I only bled two full days but only lightly. And, now today I'm experiencing slight cramping. The discomfort I'm feeling today is in my lower back, stomach, and hips.

    This is weird because every period I had up until now (with exception to being on birth control) has started real heavy. I usually have to wear a pad and tampon to control the bleeding. And, my cramps are usually severe but not this time. I'm trying to get in to see my doctor but she is booked until the 30th of October so I need some advice.

    So, what do you think may be going on with my body?

    9 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • What do you think this may be?

    I've been trying to conceive for two months now. My period this month was expected on the 15th. I started feeling slight cramping on the 10th. On the 14th I started bleeding lightly and it lasted until the 16th. So, I only bled two full days but only lightly. And, now today I'm experiencing slight cramping and I feel it all in my hips.

    This is weird because every period I had up until now (with exception to being on birth control) has started real heavy. I usually have to wear a pad and tampon to control the bleeding. And, my cramps are usually severe but not this time. I'm trying to get in to see my doctor but she is booked until the 30th of October so I need some advice.

    So, what do you think may be going on with my body?

    6 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • Can you help me understand the difference?

    A lot of Atheist refute the validity of the bible because it's made by man. However, if they don't believe in a higher power then wouldn't that mean that all their beliefs and knowledge come from man made books and theories? Wasn't science created by man? So, what makes science so much more valid than the bible if both are made by man? I mean, just because someone mixed some chemicals together and said it means this, what makes that so much more believeable? It seems to me like all of us, Christian and Atheist alike, are followers. So, can you help me to understand the difference?

    13 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Does anyone have AT&T Yahoo! Broadband? How is it?

    It is a lot faster than dial-up? What's the best internet connection out there?

    2 AnswersOther - Yahoo Products1 decade ago