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(immigration mess) shouldn't they just let whites go back to Europe& let us hispanics stay?

I mean with all the immigration arguments, shouldn't they just let us hispanics remain in this country since after all this is our continent, and send all the caucasians back to their home continetn??(Europe)


Well, most hispanic countries are in the continent of America...For instance, all the ones in South America!!!!!!!!!

31 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Ok, but if the europeans move home, here's a list of those things that should be packed up, and shipped along:




    farming and farming equipment

    every paved road

    the military(every rifle, uniform etc)



    written language

    music(all of europe)


    law enforcement

    rail system(germany)

    airplanes/airports(mongolfier, wright brothers)


    irrigation systems/dams


    most mechanism clocks/watches etc

    computers(all based on european innovations)

    math itself(Euclid, newton)

    any kind of real science(Einstein, curie, george washington carver)

    space travel(Jules verne dreamt it, america built it)

    radio(marconi, tesla)

    Pretty much everything you could call 'civilization' around the world today, started off in europe.

    You want america back? Fine. Get bare-*** naked, ok, here's a bear skin for a loin cloth, and your little spear, and there's your pet goat, now don't poison yourself, or get sick, or fall down, 'cause there's no medical care, and winter's going to be a Real ***** without boots or shoes, or a good jacket, or a good house that keeps the cold out, or roads, and you're on foot, sparky, not so much as a bicycle. Now, feed your family, and keep migrating because that's the only way you're going to find enough food after they forage down all the bushes, and you'll have to keep finding water because of no wells or water trucks or plumbing, so you'll probably never live far from a river, if those go dry like in a really hot year, it'll really suck to be'll be going to bed at sundown and campfires will be your only light source, you'll always be fighting with your neighbors over hunting rights, perpetually on guard against 2 legged and 4 legged marauders, no flashlight to find em with, no telephone to dial for help on, you can FORGET cell phones, no electricity and cell towers, remember? And, no guns, no door locks, either. Basically, if all the 'evil' white europeans are to leave america(which I doubt will ever happen), let's take every contribution to modern society they've made, and remove those as well. Then, you can go live in your Dark Ages fantasy-land, and 'learn' from your exclusively verbal history, and get down with your bad post-neanderthal self, of course, you wouldn't know what that was, either, having never attended a school in your life.

    What WOULD life be like without white people? Indeed...let us ponder...forest fires would burn FOREVER, or until they ran out of fuel, meaning no trees left for your home, which would probably also burn, and I don't know about you, but building things with tools made out of rock sounds like a real bummer of a time to me, suffice it to say you'll be at it for a while, and the end product will likely turn out to be pretty flimsy.

    The native american tribes of North America were hunter-gatherers, nomads, and often didn't live for very long. It was a rarity for someone to make it into their 60's, let alone beyond that, and the old method of caring for the elderly was to banish them from the tribe to go out into the forest and die. Sounds like good times.

    Welcome to the 21st century. Marvel at that which surrounds you, as if for the first time, with eyes wide open. And, the next time you see a descendant of the settlers that made america what it is today, be sure to say 'thank you' for things like flush toilets, soap, nail clippers, sunglasses, indoor lighting, air conditioning, canned goods, waterproofing, and the host of other inventions and innovations that traveled west with the settlers.

    Our history is not picture-perfect, nor is it as sanitary as some might have tried to portray it, but by and large, we've got a pretty good country, the envy of many others, truth be known. Maybe instead of trashing on the people that helped build it, you could either learn to appreciate it for what it is, or go somewhere else where you think it's better.

    While you're 'getting back to basics', remember to eschew any and all forms of technology, anything not used by native americans during those times. You can have your rock hatchet, your bow and arrows, but nothing that came from europe, nothing. Give it 6 months, and see if your perspective changes...

  • Yakuza
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I don't see any Continent with the name Hispania on it do you ?What the hell are you talking about,how is it your Continent? Do you know anything at all about history?

    I swear the ignorance on here gets worse every single day.I am not from Europe I am a born and raised American,my ancestors came here before there was a 1702.We are not going anywhere .Get used to it .

    And get an education its free to illegals No to any amnesty to anyone from any where.

    Deportation not legalization.

    Paulis we can ,we do ,and we will.This nation is America respect its borders or don't be here .Man settled this country,man lived and died for it and Man sets the borders to the land he holds.By your way of thinking any one could come into your home and live there no matter if you knew them or not.Why not open the door to your house and let every one come in and take over .That is a childish statement.

  • DAR
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    How do you get it that Hispanics (meaning from Spain) have more rights to this continent than the Europeans and others (some being Hispanics) who are citizens of the country that built the infrastructure, developed the schools and fund the social programs?

    We own it. We are hardly going to turn it over to you.

    There is no continent of America. How far did you go in school?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You are wrong. This isnt your continent. The American natives and the Indios in Mexico were here first so does that mean that the so called hispanic / spanish population also go back to spain (that includes you). Please check the history books of who were here first before asking a stupid question as the one you asked.

    We all just need to get along but laws are laws. Illegals are illegals. Mexico has its rules and USA has their rules so stay on your side and we will stay on our side. If you and anyone wants to come over please do so legallly. Thats the law so stop asking for a free ride if you break the law. If i had my way there would be a big boarder and anyone crossing over without papers should be SHOT and shoot to KILL. Simple. Make laws and enforce it so all Mexicans / hispanics who sneak in are here ILLEGALLY. Get it up your head...Its a illegal issue not a legal issue so shut the F*ck up and go apply for papers as it should be done.

    I know you wont like my answer but its the truth. Hispanics are not natives or Mexico and neither are the whites of the USA. So please dont start stiring up ship with what you think or feel. Laws are laws and history states who were here first regasrdless of what you think.... Later.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Well...the Spanish settled Mexico, so your ancestors came from Europe, too...and you're considered part of the Caucasian race. (You're certainly not ****** or Orientals) sure you want that? Keep in mind...Mexico...the country that YOUR culture has an abject, total failure...even though it has a lot of natural resources, including oil. If you had the entire continent up to Canada, it wouldnt be like it is now, with a thriving economy and high standard of living. It'd be the same damn failed economy that your hispanic culture has created in Mexico. The only difference is...instead of sneaking into California, Arizona, Texas, etc. to find work, you'd be sneaking into British Columbia, Alberta, etc.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    In no way is this an Hispanic continent. There is no argument that you can make to prove that.

    Ancient Asians and Europeans were here first, the earliest anglos being here 20,000 years ago. The first written history of this continent was by anglos 1000 years ago in which this land was named Vinland. California was first named by Drake and the English NOVA ALBION.

    The majority of whites were against racism and slavery, being the reason why civil rights laws were voted in by white people. When we were the dominant race your people got to immigrate here, partake in our bounty, build casinos or whatever it is you do. Now that you're the dominant race you want to do nothing but play the race card?!

    What good are you going to do for my people like the majority of us did for you?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Perhaps since they shall not have the means to follow them there. Then they can just call it Mexico. Provide your own free- bees and work to support your own.

    But if that happened, the existing Mexican government shall move in to lay claim and it will be just as is was for those who left because their own government couldn't take care of them. So what ever the case, let the Americans go where they have a massive body of water between that can't be "jumped".

  • 1 decade ago

    It is an immigration mess. Sending everyone back to Europe is just a big a night mare as it would to round up 12 million illegals. Your question is at best, reinforcing how uninformed most people are. I do not want amnesty, but I also don't want to pay $15 for a head of lettuce. Our leaders and president need to figure out a solution. The name calling and racist comments need to stop. Its ridiculous and a big waste of energy.

  • 1 decade ago

    Hmmm HiSPANIC. From Spain. In Europe.

    How abou YOU leave the continent to the people who were there first, the Native Americans. And as many Spaniards are descendants of Moors from North Africa, you'd best go back there.

    Actually why don't we have the everyone who isn't a descendant of the first 10 people to set foot in a country "go back" to where they came from. That little valley in Africa where all of humanity came from may end up a bit crowded, but then at least the racists are happy aren't they?

  • 1 decade ago

    OH so Canada's not ok on YOUR continent either? How bout you jump back over the fence and go to your precious homeland. In fact tell the ones lined up at the fences on your way out its not worth it. OR heres a novel idea, immigrate legally like the rest of us had to.

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