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When is Jesus coming back?

It's been long enough. I've been reading my Bible and praying like crazy for Him to come back. I wish He would rid this world of all the evil, hateful, intolerant, stupid, filthy, subhuman garbage that infests it and makes life not worth living.

Jesus promised all over the gospels he was coming back. He said He was coming back within the lifetimes of the people who actually witnessed His Crusifixition.

Why would He lie to us? Doesn't He love me?

How come Muslims are taking over the world? Why won't Jesus come back and help?


I love you guys!

26 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Jesus did not say He was coming back within the lifetimes of the people who witnessed His Crucifixtion. He listed some things which are just now starting to happen and said that some of the people who witnessed these things would also witness His return. He also said only the Father knows the exact time. His gathering of His brided is eminent, though, so be ready in your heart. I am part of the garbage that infests this world, as are you and all the rest of humanity. So be careful what you wish for. Not only does God want you and me to be ready, but He wishes everyone would be. He is waiting to give us every chance He can.

  • 1 decade ago

    Three things for you:

    1- If I tell you he is coming back in a month, would you give your house in charity or sell it?

    2- I am not a christian but I find it extremely offensive that you call a prophet lier. Please do not do that. Did it ever occur to you that instead of horrified and praying like crazy, go on internet and search that how many christian scholars have proven that Bible has been changed so many time by differnt people that there are many self contradictory statements and it is not possible to know that what actual Bible said.

    3- What on earth made you belief that Muslims are taking over the world? They are brutally murdered everyday in Kashmir, Iraq, Chechnya, Leabon, Bosnia, Africa, Plestine etc. Does it sound like sign of taking over?? To me it sounds more like getting kicked in ***.

    4- When Jesus was here and taken for Crusification, christians did not do anything to save him. Nobody else died that day. What is the chance that when he will come back and fight AntiChrist, you guys will not leave him again? Muslims have a better record in protecting their Prophet and his legacy, so lets outsource this job to them.

  • 1 decade ago

    >Jesus promised all over the gospels he was coming back.

    >He said He was coming back within the lifetimes

    >of the people who actually witnessed His Crucifixion.


    Before He ascended to Heaven, He gave some signs of when He will return. He said that the generation which sees those signs will not pass until all be fulfilled.

    So, not the generation that saw His crucifixion; rather, the generation which sees the signs of the approach of His return.

  • 1 decade ago

    The Scripture says, "Be ye therefore also ready for in such an hour as ye think NOT, the Son of Man cometh". It is not made for man to know exactly when He's coming back. His return is described as a thief in the night to make us want to live our lives in Godly fear of an eternity spent in hell if we're not spiritually prepared to go to Heaven. If God made known when His return was, then in theory, man could sin himself silly, then confess himself to God the day before and enter in! How unfair would that be to those who lived under the New Testament way of getting repentance? This is why we must be spiritually prepared every day and stop worrying about what cannot hurt or affect us unless God uses it as a medium in which to call us home BEFORE His return! Remember, not all those who are alive today will live to see His return, hence another reason to be prepared, for we're all going to be judged with the same righteous judgment!

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  • 1 decade ago

    If you truly knew your Bible, you'd know the anwers. To call him a liar, you are walking a fine line brother.

    ***His return is nearer than we think. *****

    The bible says in 2 Peter 3:3-7 In the last days there will be scoffers, scoffing and following their own evil desires. They will say, "Where is this coming, he promised? Ever since our father died, everything goes on as it has since the beginning of creation."

    So thank you everyone who is laughing and mocking the word of God and his promise. The Bible predicted this would happen and you all are fullfilling Bible prophecy!!!!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    He didnt lie He is waiting so everyone will learn something and have a chance to repent BEfore the end comes....Muslims dont have the US or France comeon

    Great tribulation will come first

    Im guessing 50 yrs before 2nd coming Many things must happen first but we dont know for sure We may be sleeping in graves before He comes....the problem is THAT ONE HUNDRED PERCENT ARENT CARING like we do so he is waiting awhile..

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Questions about Jesus, or Questions designed to convert or recruit people to Jesus are simply a waste of time. People have already decided for the most part if they believe in the fiction written in the bible. People who feel God talks to them have psychological problems because hearing voices is a psychological illness. %-}

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Jesus is not gong to return when you want Him to, but when His Father, the Almighty God tells Him to. Stay in the word, just like you are, and keep praying. If you read the scriptures that have been prophisized and recognize those that have already come to pass, you will see that we are living now in the end of times.

    Mark 13:8 For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be earthquakes in divers places, and there shall be famines and troubles: these are the beginnings of sorrows.

    Luke 21:11 And great earthquakes shall be in divers places, and famines, and pestilences; and fearful sights and great signs shall there be from heaven.

    Just continue to stay in the word, and keep sharing it with others like God wants us to,and He shall bring His church/bride home in His perfect time.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    > He would rid this world of all the evil, hateful, intolerant, stupid, filthy, subhuman garbage that infests it and makes life not worth living.

    You mean, the Christians? Right with ya buddy.

  • 1 decade ago

    And this just proves my point of people asking questions trying to get others stirred up and irritated!!!! You are playing on the emotions of Christians when you ask this question. Your next question will probably be, " Why do people come on here asking stupid questions??" or " Why do the Christians show hate to non believers??" etc..

    Because of people like you.

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