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Lv 5
vick asked in Arts & HumanitiesPhilosophy · 1 decade ago

What u think about this observation?

Since i've started using Yahoo answers, i've noticed that there are lots of highschool kids who look for help concerning their projects from us. Is this a good thing or bad thing? Does this speak to our public school system or the kids just want everything handed to them on the platter. What is the purpose of receiving readymade answers from others. If the question is really dificult then its understandable. They won't learn anything by doing this. how to do research and other important qualities needed after graduation in real world will not be acheived. I know im gonna make many students mad but i just had to get this off my chest. Sorry


I agree with kremer but ur an exception and keep up the good work. i just felt that most of the kids were very irresponsible regarding their homework assignments and u should agree with that

Update 2:

I also want to thank boredintooblivian2 for his great answer but i disagree with u when u say that end justifies the means in workplace. i think kids are learning how cheat and pass someone else's work as their own, which is neither right nor good. i have no problem them doing research on their own on the internet but not just ask question wait few hours waiting for answer. When in a work place, it is encouraged to ask others if u don't know but not in schools because that is supposed to be ur learning experience. but anyways great answer. i like it

11 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    You are right. I am tired of kids asking us to do their homework. I don't mind questions about opinions or where to find more information, but I really hate it when they type the question right out of their schoolbook. One kid was so absently doing this, the question was something like, "What does the graph in Figure 2 show about the population of Tacoma". He typed it verbatim, and thought we were all just going to answer this. I am not a big fan of homework for this reason. Make them do it in school!

  • 1 decade ago

    Very few if any adults are going to disagree with the gist of your observation; that being that kids need to do their own work. One of the core values that built our nation was a strong national work ethic. That ethic has certainly waned in the past decades.

    However, you made the following statement:

    "They won't learn anything by doing this."

    The truth is that they have ALREADY learned something that many adults have not; how to get answers, how to identify and utilize available resources.

    Think about it for a moment. Let's change the scenario. You're at work and your boss comes to you with a question, "How is outsourcing going to impact our bottom line?" Your boss doesn't care if you're an expert on economics, ethics, or anything else, and he doesn't care how you get the answer.

    Now suppose two of you are standing there when the question is asked. One spends three months researching, one goes to his network contacts and dumps the question in front of a group of analysts who have the answer back to him in two days. One proved he was a hard worker and capable of finding his own answers, but the other just got a raise.

    Throughout our school years we are taught "work harder, work harder, work harder." But the moment we graduate we are taught "work smarter, not harder." The truth is these kids are doing that.

    What you're asking is really an ethical question, not a performance question. But you asked how these students will survive in the real world. The real world doesn't care HOW you get the job done, it cares THAT you get it done.

    Is there value in hard work? Without question, yes. Is there value in being able to find new resources to help with that work? Undoubtedly, yes again.

    Now as to how I feel about them having others answer their questions; I have mixed feelings about it. If I caught my own kid doing it, I'd probably be a little bugged and a little proud at the same time.

  • 1 decade ago

    I completely agree. Some questions seem even to come from those in middle school (looking at the religion section might further confirm this idea). I find it amusing that I can get answers chosen as the best even when I originally had no idea as to the what answer of a question was and did a quick google and/or wikipedia search, usually resulting in just pasting the links with a little explanation.

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes your right. First let me get this out of the way b 4 I get thumbs down like crazy. This is a great place for homework HELP.....HELP being the key word....and I am glad to give it. However, Project and Paper questions are like flies on a garbage truck around here.

    There was a young girl who wanted someone to write her intro paragraph and topic sentence for a paper on Immigration. A couple of people actually did it for her. All she had to do is cut and paste. Thats not Plagiarism it is theft and cheating.

    What will they do when they get into the real world and their boss ask them to write a letter to an associate? They will be lost!

  • Kremer
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago


    You definitely dont make me mad. Im a sophomore going to a prviate high school. Nothing is handed to us on a platter at my school. We have to work out ourselves all our homework. The teachers are really good there, so that could be a reason why, but they are hard on us and don't let us cheat or stuff, but they also care about us. They want to make sure that we are actually learning about stuff, that's why (not trying to brag) I have a 4.1 gpa right now.

    In reality, though it is not entirely the students fault about how they are in school, they could try, but I think that it is the parents' fault, the teachers' fault, and teh administrations' fault.

    Most people send their kids to public school for one of three reasons 1) they can't afford private school and missed out on the charter schools 2) they could care less about their kids future and how they are in society, like once the kids stopped being cute, they are an impositon on the parents. or 3) the parents absolutely pamper their kids and do what their kids tell them to do because its "all about the children". If parents really cared about their kids, they would at leats tell them to work hard in school, or even enforce it and get mad when the kids do bad, instead of trying to go along woth society.

    The teachers in public schools I hate. They are simply there because of the money. they really don't care about the kids. I live in Michigan,-Plymouth. A good example of this is that the Detroit teachers' union went on strike because the Detroit public schools are losing students (what a suprise), so they have to cut back on funding and close some schools. The teachers went on stirke because tehy were supposed to get 10% pay reduces. This happened starting the end of August. It went on for over 2 weeks. The first day of school was Sept 6. it was declared a half day. Only about 10% of all the teachers went to school that day. The rest just sat at home not caring about the kids.

    I also hate teachers because they could care less about what happens in the classroom. They could care less if little Johnny in the corner is trying to kill himself. They could care less that litle Billy is failing a basic math class. Many teachers need to be fired.

    The last thiing I hate about public schools is the Administration's

    poor decisions. They keep asking for money that seems to be doing nothing. Remember I am getting a 4.1- my parents pay 7000-8000 a year for me to go there. The Public schools in Michigan get 10000-11000 per student and they are still worse than my school. The administrations need to cut back spending. They are probably the worst parts about the schools.

    What I think should happen is that schools should be only allowed to spend 7000-8000 per student. The teachers' unions should be dissovled so that they are at risk of being fired. The schools should re-introduce God into the cirriculm (I go to a Catholic school) because if you look at any school with the mentoion of God, they seem to do better as they have better standards. The state administrations should allow breaks on the admissions to private schools as long as people are paying their taxes so more people could send their kids to private schools- my parents are essentially paying for me and another student a year through taxes. Teachers should be monitored for th efirst 6 months of teaching to see it they are good. Studenst should say bye bye to video games and myspace, and should have limits on TV. Parents should crack down on their students more to see that they are doing well. AND students should try harder or else they will screw our generation.

    So if you who asked the question thought your question made people mad, look at my answer

    REMEMBER-this is coming from a high school student


  • 1 decade ago

    Children are curious enough to do any thing themselves, but they have to understand what they are doing. I donot know how many parents sit with their children to make them do their homework. Kids may not understand everything taught in the school where the teacher kid ratio is one to many. How many parents nowadays sit with the kids and explain things. Once understood any kid would want to do a thing by himself.

  • 1 decade ago

    We do not help any student by doing their assignments for them.

    One must realize that though a student learns from primary and secondary schooling, its also how a student learns how to study. With this knowledge one's education becomes more complete considering that the student will learn how to find his or her own answers.

  • 1 decade ago

    It seems laziness is at the core of the majority. Have you noticed a lot of them use poor grammar and cannot spell well? It seems to indicate they aren't exactly the shining example of education in this country.

    This does not apply to all though; I have seen some legitimate and logical questions. Those are the minority however.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I agree with you. Only lazy kids seek help for simple problems, so let's be cruel to be kind and ignore their pleas!

  • 1 decade ago

    Tend to agree with you there, and if they are on the internet, which they must be to be on here, why don't they look it up themselves?

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