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Potty Training my 3 year old?

I know, another question about potty training... but here is my dilema. My daughter is 3 years old. We have been trying to potty train her SERIOUSLY for two weeks. She will hold her pee ALL DAY LONG. When I finally put a diaper on her for bed, she wets it in 30 minutes--I mean soaks it. We have tried the sticker sheets, going out buying a new potty and big girl undies, having her older sister sit on the potty and clap and go crazy. We've done the "sink the cheerio" game, the sit and drink water, sit and sing to get her mind off from it. We have done everything that I know how. I don't get it, and I am really getting to the end of my rope. She wants to put on her panties, and she sits on the potty all day long. Has anyone else experienced this? Or any ideas of how we can help her? My oldest was so easy and was totally potty trained by this age. HELP!! Thanks.

11 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    dont panic.... relax, the pressure is probably drving her nutts! My son is 2.5 and i am very slowly trying to potty train him, cause he is one that like to do things on his own, so i dont treat it like a job... he has peed on the potty 3 times, only, and those 3 times, he went in to the bathroom on his onw, shut the door, and went.... he cant pee under pressure, so i just put training underwear on him, and if he wets 3 of them...oh well!!! some kids buckle under pressure, treat it like its not a big deal. Put panties on her, and forget about it, till she comes to you, cause they are wet and she cant stand it!!!! she might just go on her own.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    First of all, I completely understand how you daughter didn't get potty trained until she was 3 1/2! I realized that you can't push them into, because then it just makes them back track and not want to do it at all. Be a little more patient with him, but you can definitely try some things like only having him wear underwear vs. diapers and make him at least sit on the toilet once every hour, and make sure you do it every hour. you could also try getting one of the little potty's and have him sit on it for hours at a time, watching his fav movies. My girlfriend said that this worked for her daughter and she never wore diapers again. She used the potty like a chair, and whenever her daughter tried to stand up or whatever, it felt weird to her so she would just sit back down and eventually she pee'd in the potty and got excited! you could also try putting cheerios in the toilet and helping him learn how to aim for the hole's...I've heard this one is always kind of fun! But one thing for have to reward him when he does go and DON'T get mad when he has an accident....but just give it some more time, he'll get there. good luck! :o)

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    No 2 children are the same, my oldest was easier to potty train also,but the 2nd was easier to wean from the bottle.

    Sounds like you're really trying, don't get frustrated, it will come.

    Is she asleep when she wets ? May be that she trys so hard during the day and when she goes to sleep, she is just relaxed and it happens. If she is not asleep, it could still be that she is relaxed, after all day of potty by yourself,feed yourself, play by yourself,etc. Catch what I'm trying to say, going to bed could be her comfort zone and that's where she totally relaxes.

    I would give the night potty a little while longer and just focus on when she is up, but change her as soon as you know she is wet, after some time of being dry all day she will be really uncomfortable being wet at night, she'll get it.

    Happy Potty Patrol....LOL

    Source(s): Been there, Done that. Mom of 2 grown children
  • 1 decade ago

    Well one thing you need to do is not put her in diapers... if she feels the diaper on her the reaction will be to pee.. so just put panties on her and if she pees in them thats ok... she'll realize she wont like the feeling and when she does just tell her.. well lets go potty so you dont get a wet butt! and walk her in there and sit with her for a while ... just keep at it.. good luck

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Wow! You've tried so many different things. Maybe you should choose a one or two of those things and make a routine out of it. Try to pee first thing in the morning. Sticker. Try to pee every hour. Sticker. Try to pee before bed. Sticker. Most kids learn by repetition. Just a suggestion.

    Your daughter may still need your help but she will eventually learn to do it by herself. Good luck!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Try real panties. If she wets them they will be super uncomfortable and keep them on at all times. She knows she can wet her diaper so don't use them. If you want her in a diaper at bedtime get some cloth ones this will give her the same feeling as panties.

  • 1 decade ago

    What I did with my kids is to frequently check their diapers. As soon as there was any sign of pee, I would take off the diaper and put them on the potty. They would catch on in no time.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    STOP MAKING A BIG DEAL OF IT ! She digs the attention. Is she the baby in the family? I would just put the potty chair in a place where it's easy to get to, I used the kitchen. Then forget it. Put underpants on her. If she pees them, don't scold. Give her new ones and have her put them on. Don't humiliate her by saying anything else to her or anyone else. Don't make her wash her dirty ones either. When she does go , smile, give her a kiss & hug and say " see how easy? I knew you could do it ! ". Don't worry about her age or what others say. She will be fine.

  • chuy
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    i suggest cutting off potty training for now its bad for little kids to hold it that long she may end up with a UTI and hello! all kids potty train different just because some other kids is dont mean yours is ready ok

  • Stick with it. Keep doing everything you are doing now. If she isn't peeing during the day, she isn't drinking enough water. (a common problem with children) Increase her intake and have her wear panties - not diapers during the day.

    Your Friendly Pharmacist

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