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  • Parking at Logan Airport?

    Is it true you have to park in areas designated for your airline. If so, how do I find out what area is for what airline?

    4 AnswersBoston1 decade ago
  • I need advice on how to politely put my friend in her place...?

    Three years ago a friend of mine needed someone to babysit her son. Her husband creates websites and I needed someone to create on for my photography business, so we agreed we'd trade babysitting for my website. Well, three years later I still don't have a website. I only babysat their son for 6 months, but I still held up my end of the bargain. I've been extremely patient about getting my website done, but I can't have a business without one. This fall I did family photos for this couple and they never offered to pay me, which bothered me, but I never said anything. A few weeks ago, they asked me to do photos of his sister's baby shower. She had the nerve to ask for the "friend discount" which meant free. So I told her how much I would charge for a baby shower and included the "friend discount" of 25% and I offered to give her TWO album proofs instead of one. Today she told me she thought I'd do it for her in trade for all the computer work her husband has done for me. Am I wrong in being pissed off? I still haven't recieved anything for the last thing we "traded". I wrote her an email stating we "traded" babysitting for my website, but it's taken three years for her husband to finish it, I just haven't hit send yet. How would you put her in her place, but still not come across as a total *****? Any thoughts would be great. Thank you in advance.

    4 AnswersFriends1 decade ago
  • I am having a tea party ... I was trying to come up with a creative saying for the invitation?

    It's my daughter's 7th birthday... and I wanted a cute saying on the invitation. We'll be dressing up and having tea(of course) any ideas??? And any fun games or activities you can think of for the girls to do. Thank you!

    8 AnswersGrade-Schooler1 decade ago
  • Traded Papi?

    Is it true the Sox traded Papi?

    12 AnswersBaseball1 decade ago
  • Grateful Dead collectors item?

    I am looking to buy a friend of mine something that is a collectors item from the Grateful Dead, his favorite band. I have the opportunity to buy Grateful Dead comix numbers 1, 2 and 3. Does anyone know if this is a good gift? or if I should keep looking. Any ideas/suggestions would be great too. Thanks for your help.

    2 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Lady on the streets... freak in the sheets...?

    Can anyone tell me the name of the song that has that in it. I think it was a hip hop song, can't really remember. If you know it, could you tell me who it's by? Thanks.

    11 AnswersRap and Hip-Hop1 decade ago
  • Who gets the money upon death??

    My MIL and FIL have moved in with my FIL mother. My in laws have totally redone the entire house because it was not good enough for them. They made a three bedroom into a two bedroom so they could have a bedroom that was huge. My MIL has totally redecorated(not tastefully either) the enitre house. There is nothing but the living room set left that was there before. SO, the other day my MIL says she is keeping all the reciepts so that when Gram dies, she can get her money back. Are you kidding me? Can she legally do this, make the other family members repay her for the updates out of their inheritance when they sell the house? They're pieces of work let me tell you. But legally, do they have a leg to stand on? It seems like if they live there for free, there should be no repayment. These were updates THEY wanted to do, not required for Gram. By the way, the told the famiy Gram needed them to be with her, which is a bunch of BS. She's very mobile and idependant.

    5 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • An old couple....?

    A man and a woman meet at the elderly home. They decide later to meet in the supply closet and fool around.

    The woman gets undressed, and says, "Now Larry, you have to be easy with me, I have acute angina."

    To which Larry relies, "I hope so, because those are the ugliest boobs I've ever seen."

    Get it???

    12 AnswersJokes & Riddles1 decade ago
  • How do you add additional comments?

    I can't figure it out. Thanks!!

    7 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Unsolved Mysteries....?

    Does anyone else miss this show? Did the music freak you out? What criminal do you remeber the most? I miss it, I think it was one of the best shows on TV. Lifetime still shows it once and a while. The music freaked me out when I was a kid, and I remember the Unibomber episode the most. It scared the crap out of me when I was younger, still gives me the wilies.

    6 AnswersTelevision1 decade ago
  • Potty Training my 3 year old?

    I know, another question about potty training... but here is my dilema. My daughter is 3 years old. We have been trying to potty train her SERIOUSLY for two weeks. She will hold her pee ALL DAY LONG. When I finally put a diaper on her for bed, she wets it in 30 minutes--I mean soaks it. We have tried the sticker sheets, going out buying a new potty and big girl undies, having her older sister sit on the potty and clap and go crazy. We've done the "sink the cheerio" game, the sit and drink water, sit and sing to get her mind off from it. We have done everything that I know how. I don't get it, and I am really getting to the end of my rope. She wants to put on her panties, and she sits on the potty all day long. Has anyone else experienced this? Or any ideas of how we can help her? My oldest was so easy and was totally potty trained by this age. HELP!! Thanks.

    11 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • Who won Freshmeat on MTV??

    What happened because I missed it, thanks.

    5 AnswersTelevision1 decade ago
  • Help with this quote....?

    there is a quote that I saw once and it was something about

    To the world you may only be one person, but to one person you may be the world. But I can't remember if that is exactly how it goes. Does anyone know for sure? Thanks

    7 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Really funny jokes wanted...?

    I want some really funny- laugh till your tummy hurts, tears rolling down your cheeks- jokes. I need a good laugh. Thanks!!

    10 AnswersJokes & Riddles1 decade ago
  • How do I do this politely??

    I am having a baby shower at a pottery shop. They have this mirror that has 15 tiles on it. Everyone paints a tile, and then you have a beautiful mirror everyone contributed to. I have three friends who are pregnant. I had one shower already. I put on the invitation If you would like to paint a tile, let Melissa know. We asked that everyone pay $10 to paint a tile. Well, one person didn't let me know and brought her 3 children with her. They all painted a tile, then left. People even purposely said, "HERE'S MY MONEY FOR THE TILE." right in front of her. Well, needless to say, we had to come up with $40 extra dollars. (worst part was, we had people who were going to pay, but she took the tiles before they could, and we ran out of tiles. How do I state this on the other two showers I have to throw so that the same situation doesn't happen. I don't want to put $10 a tile on it, that's tacky. But I didn't think people would assume I was paying for the whole thing either. HELP>>>

    25 AnswersEtiquette1 decade ago
  • Any songs??

    From either the Miracle soundtrack or in general that would be really good to put in a hockey video? What songs do you listen to during warm-ups? Any ideas are great. Thanks

    9 AnswersHockey1 decade ago
  • A good song to say goodbye..?

    I am making a video for a friend that is moving away. Any ideas for a good song? He's in his 40s so alternative is not his type of music, but likes everything else. Any ideas would be great. I'm stuck. Thanks

    11 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • What are some good songs...?

    to put in a video that is saying goodbye to someone special. My sister's hockey coach is moving, and we want to make a video for him. He's a great coach, and a great friend. Any ideas would be great. I've asked the night crowd, I'd like to see if you have different ideas. Thanks!!

    4 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Cheap and Easy Appetizers?

    for a small get together. Any ideas?

    20 AnswersEntertaining1 decade ago