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Lv 5

what will an atheist do IF There is a GOD?

now that you have lived your life as though there was not a GOD and you died found out there was one..what then? just curious..

23 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Lake of fire.

  • 1 decade ago

    If there is a God, which I sincerely doubt, he/she/it will know that I had no choice but to be an atheist, and will understand and forgive for not giving my life over to Jesus. I cannot force myself to believe something that every fiber in my being insists is false. If this God is the loving God that theists claim, there will be no problem, since I am a good person with high morals.

    If, on the other hand, the God is angry and vengeful, I guess I better pack some marshmallows. I'm not afraid, either way.

  • 1 decade ago

    It would depend on the god. Man has belived in thousands of gods over the milennia, yet most religious folks seem to believe that they worship The god. If The god turns out to be Quetzalcoatl (Aztec), then the the descendants of Catholic conquistadors can expect a very rude welcome. That is, if there is an afterlife (which Christians take for granted), and if the god judges you (ditto), and if faith in the god is a criteria for preferred judgement (again, ditto). Personally, I think if there is a god, and he judges people, he will look more favorably on skeptics than on those who blindly followed some leader or ancient tome.

  • 1 decade ago

    probably not too well.

    while we're considering ifs though, how will YOU do IF islam is true?

    a question like this doesn't scare you much, does it? that's because you're pretty sure that islam ISN'T true, right? well,,, this is exactly how we atheists feel about christianity. ---- let me put it like this, IF christianity is actually true, then the universe as we know it is broken. not only is christianity far too specific too be likely when so unsubstantiated, but it requires contradictory ideas to coexist in order to be true.

    more than anything, i think what your question does is provide insight into your reasons for being a christian. you're obviously only doing this for a reward and to avoid punishment. your devotion to christ has NOTHING to do with love., only greed, fear, and overall selfishness. so if there is a god, then what is he going to think of all that? --- don't get me wrong. i realize that your idea of a god is some egomaniac who created us solely for the purpose of his receiving constant praise, but don't think it might take a little bit of the glitter out of it for him to know that you've only been doing this because you were coerced by his threats?? i mean,,,, where's the free will in THAT?

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  • 1 decade ago

    It'll be the same way we treat science. If we make a mistake, we correct our way of thinking. Not a big deal. It is not like I "denied" god out of anger or what not. It is just that there wasn't any credible evidence. I'd like there to be a form of a god. Well, not a god, but more of an after-life. I really would like to live forever in one way or another.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Accept my fate, I'm not a pussy and I am not going to cry for any of the choices that I have made. I was given a logical and rational mind for a reason, If God exist then he knows how I would have been because he made me. If he would still want to punish me for the way that he made me then that is just the way it has to be, and that would be a God not worth spending an eternity with.

  • 1 decade ago

    What will you do if you have lived your life as though there was a GOD and you died found out there was NADA!..what then? just curious..

  • 1 decade ago

    you have to except jesus into your heart so you will be saved form the lake of fire/ hell. so the athiests the non believers will go to hell for eternity i just dont see why some people dont get saved just in case i know that sounds silly but pray to god to cleanse you. your just plain lazy if you cant stop for 5 minutes and say a prayer theres been sooo many attempts to prove that the bible is fiction but everything has been proven true. there are soo many scientists that have gotten saved by trying to prove the bible be smart take the 5 minutes to talk to Jesus. and see what he tells you!!!!!

  • 1 decade ago

    I would make friends with him/her. I think we would have a lot to learn from each other.

    If there is a god, it's a nice one. I can't imagine anything beyond that. A judging god is just something so brutal that I can't even hold that thought.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    They will cry like little baby, but God won't listen. It will actually happen one day. Many of them died, and if they could come back to tell their friends the truth, they would. I love ur ? brother. I wonder if u're a born again christian or whatever religion u may be. Time is near.

    God bless you

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Eat humble pie

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