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Dry and cracked feet, severe any home remedies?

I have tried most everything for my feet. They are severly dry and cracked. Badly the worst even which is embarassing so does anyone have any home rememdies for this matter. Its mainly the part under my feet near the toes

10 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Palmers Cocoa Butter

    Its great for stretch marks too....

    Its great for anything

    I use it and I love it yes especially on my feet. I add alot, rub in and then put socks on .

  • 1 decade ago

    Use superglue. I used to get these when I was in a ballet company. It work wonderfully. Also, the body can metabolize it. There is a compound that we use for would closure in the OR called Dermabond. I am not sure if it is available to the public yet, but check with your local pharmacy.

    Before you apply it, make sure that the wound is VERY clean and dry. If it is not you will be sealing the bacteria inside of the wound and could create a very big problem. If you have any questions about application, look up Dermabond and follow the application directions in the clinical portion of their website.

    Also don't exfoliate. It made it alot worse when I had the same problem.

    Good luck.

    Source(s): Used this method on my feet while dancing in a ballet company.
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You might try getting some cream for Athlete's Foot - at your local pharmacy. In the meantime, wear white socks, make sure you dry your feet well after bathing, and try using Vaseline on them. If this doesn't help and you've tried the cream, it's time to see a Podiatrist (foot doctor). It's a fairly common ailment.

  • 1 decade ago

    start out with a pedicure. then, to maintain, soak feet in warm water with a foot soak or bath salts. use a pumice stone or callous remover to scrape away rough, dead skin cells. dry the feet well and apply an intensive moisture foot cream... bath and body works has one in their "true blue spa" line called "toe the line". make sure it is a thick and creamy one. apply the cream and sleep in cotton socks to help feet absorb the moisture.

    at my last pedicure the tech noticed rough patches under the balls of my feet. she said the thick skin in this area is from wearing high-heeled shoes all the time... and she's right. the only time i don't wear heels is at work and if i'm doing something athletic. but you might want to try some padded insoles. dr scholl's makes them now for women's open-styled shoes.

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  • 1 decade ago

    The other person has the right idea - cocoa butter is very good for the skin. Shea butter, too.

    Anything except lotions that contain mineral oil - it clogs pores (that's why they say it 'locks in moisture').

    Try slathering your feet with vaseline, rub it in, and then put on socks.

    Olive oil works, too. My bf has eczema on his feet and a small amount of olive oil every night keeps it from driving him nuts.

  • Jess H
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Try athlete's foot medication. Sometimes the only symptom of a fungus is severe dryness and cracking. Lotrimin AF is a good one. Put it on your feet twice a day for about two weeks and see if it helps.

  • 1 decade ago

    Try "Quench" body lotion by Olay. At least 2X per day, (morning & night) and right after you get out of the shower. It works for me! Note: You may also need to occasionally soak your feet for a few minutes and scrape the excess dead skin from your feet.

  • 1 decade ago

    This is uncomfortable but it works........soak your feet in hot water that has lots of oil in it. If your feet can handle a pumice stome rub ur feet gently with that, but soak atleast for a half an hour... pat your feet dry, very thickly rub in a heavy moisturiser, and i mean lather that lotion on,.....put your sock on and sleep over night with them on. you may need to do that a few nights to heal your feet but this works

    Source(s): medical lab tech, homecare nurse, patient care tech
  • 1 decade ago

    you'll need to get a rasp (a corn shaver) to get dead skin off. Follow with an exfoliant and pumice stone. When you get out, slather feet with Aquafor. Tada!

  • 1 decade ago

    try steeping them in cornstarch then rub gently with an emory board the dry skin should fall off. good luck

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