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I'm Christian. Question for Christians: why must you pray in schools and have the 10 Commandments in court?

Christians can worship at home, at church, and during all their off time. You can go to church every day, if it's open. You are free to teach your beliefs to your children. You are free to spend every minute in silent prayer, if you wish to.

Would someone please explain why you ALSO insist on praying in schools, ALSO insist that the government sanction one religion over all the others, ALSO try to rewrite science to include religious creationism, and ALSO claim persecution when your public crusade is limited in any way?

I really do not understand this. It's incomprehensible to me. Even if I can't agree with you, I would like to understand you a little better. I know we live in a chaotic culture in which cursing has become a sacrament and people have sex with anything that moves. I'm disgusted too. Are you reacting to this? Or do you honestly want to change the United States into a Christian theocracy, and disregard all the other religions that exist here?

Please explain.


100Hertz, if your faith hasn't taught you to respect the faiths of others, you are in no position to proselytize.

creeklops, why isn't it good enough to teach creationism in church? and at home?

Melissa, do you see any conflict between your point 2 and point 5? Also, science is not concerned with the politics of "equal time." It looks for the best answer and builds on that. For me there is no conflict with religion there, but it might be different for you.

Kurt, you are semi-literate.

Thanks to all who answered so far. I had feared I would only get crazed answers. There are some thoughtful responses here.

12 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I will do my best to answer your questions according to the way I believe, although I'm sure some Christians will disagree with me, maybe even you.

    1. I do not believe that our government should sanction one religion over all others.

    2. Elder people who attended school during a time when the Bible was read and there was a short prayer before starting their lessons say that it gave them direction and a quiet attitude for the rest of their school day. To me, this is a good thing, especially when today public schools can be very dangerous.

    3. I do not believe in rewriting science. I believe that science supports creationism. There was an article today about gene mapping, which scientists believe will once and for all settle the evolution/creation debate. If evolution is correct, then DNA continues to change. If creation is correct, then DNA does not change, but some traits may remain dormant and others that were dormant may resurface again years later, but the actual DNA doesn't change. This is really interesting, and if I could remember where the article was, I'd tell you. Did you know that Charles Darwin decided that his theory of evolution was incorrect and denounced it himself?

    4. I do not feel persecuted for being a Christian, nor am I on a public crusade. I live my life everyday according to my values and beliefs, and I don't care what anyone thinks about that. I expect them to respect me as much as I respect them, and if they don't I certainly don't feel persecuted. I feel like I have the misfortune of being in the presence of someone who is rude.

    5. I do not want to change the United States into a Christian theocracy, and I do not want to disregard all other religions. Of course I am very angry at Islam for what it has done and is doing all over the world, and I am still waiting for those Islams who believe in peace to stand up and speak out against all the violence. Other than that, I don't take issue with any other religions.

    I hope I explained my position.

  • 1 decade ago

    I am a Christian, I don't believe that prayer should be in school because there are too many different religions and non-religious people in school. Instead they should have a few moments of silence, if anything, that way if religious students want to take a moment to pray they can. I also believe they should start teaching creationism in school, because there are a lot of religious people out there that does not believe in evolution, I know I don't and I don't want my children to be taught evolution is the only answer. The government should NOT sanction any ONE religion, there are many different religions, even in America, and who is to say which one is right. Every one no matter what religion they practice has rights.

  • 1 decade ago

    1. praying in schools? because if your child can curse then my child should be able to Pray with out being told it is wrong like she is doing something wrong.

    2. government sanction one religion over all the others?

    never heard of that one.

    3. rewrite science to include religious creationism? isn't it fair to include all possibility's instead of assuming science is always right?

    4. persecution when your public crusade is limited in any way? look around you and tell me the world does not presecute Christians.

    5. Or do you honestly want to change the United States into a Christian theocracy? I only wish. then we wouldn't have abortion, divorce and murder...

    Hope that helps...

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    10 Commandments? Why a law which is no longer in effect. Lots of Christians don't understand the Gospel.

    Ephesians 2:15 Through his body on the cross, Christ put an end to the law with all its commands and rules. He wanted to create one new group of people out of the two. He wanted to make peace between them.

    Colossians 2:14 He wiped out the written Law with its rules. The Law was against us. It opposed us. He took it away and nailed it to the cross.

    Galatians 2:16 We know that no one is made right with God by obeying the law. It is by believing in Jesus Christ. So we too have put our faith in Christ Jesus. That is so we can be made right with God by believing in Christ, not by obeying the law. No one can be made right with God by obeying the law.

    Galatians 2:21 I do not get rid of the grace of God. What if a person could become right with God by obeying the law? Then Christ died for nothing!

    Galatians 5:4 Some of you are trying to be made right with God by obeying the law. You have been separated from Christ. You have fallen away from God’s grace.

    Matthew 5:17-18 Says Jesus didn't come to abolish the law but to fulfill it. It ALSO LOOKS FORWARD to the time when IT WOULD BE DESTROYED.

    Matthew 5:17 “Do not think I have come to get rid of what is written in the Law or in the Prophets. I have not come to do that. Instead, I have come to give full meaning to what is written. 18 What I’m about to tell you is true. Heaven and earth will disappear before the smallest letter disappears from the Law. Not even the smallest stroke of a pen will disappear from the Law until everything is completed.

    -- If the law were not to be set aside, the "until everything is completed" clause is meaningless.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Why not have prayer in schools. This is the land of the free. I have no objection to anyone else praying to there why should I be deprived of praying to mine. People from ages 5-18 go to public schools and spend about half their day there. WHy shouldn't they be able to pray. Last time I checked it was a free country. If I'm not imposing my beliefs or hurting neone y should it matter if people pray or not? This nation was founded upon men of prayer.

  • 1 decade ago

    i dont know about prayer in schools - that doesnt seem necessary to me. however, if/when i have children i will not be sending them to the same public schools i had to endure. not only are they non-christian, they are utterly; yet subtly Godless.

    what frustrates me as a Christian is that I have to pay taxes that fund groups like the NEA that subsidize artists and museums that display the Virgin Mary caked in elephant fesis - but our schools cant even mention god, christmas, or christ. they give a biased view of history that condemns christian europe at all costs, and train children that religious beliefs should be hidden, or out of public view, or down right silly.

    that's my view anyway.

    Source(s): a roman catholic raised in public schools
  • 1 decade ago

    The 10 Commandments can't exist in any legal courtroom because it is considered a religious document; likewise with any other document from other faiths.

    Christians are allowed to pray in schools but it can't be school-sanctioned. When I was in college, I prayed before every meal to myself and no one thought much of me (I was very surprised to find one guy praying before eating lunch in one of the food courts).

    And yes, I am a born-again, Bible thumper.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Why should you tell me I can't pray in school. If this is a free country then I should be able to pray in school, not in silent. If I can't pray, you shouldn't talk, just sit in silent.

    Christians don't want your government telling us we can't display are religion.

    We are not trying to rewite science to include creationism, Anti-Christians are trying to write science to discount creation, they go as far as making things up.

    And don't lie to everyone, saying you're a Christian!!!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Why would anyone not want our kids to pray and the commandments in front yard of a court is beyond me. I have never pushed for prayer in school, why Darwinism, cant you see how ridiculous that is? You say so much, yet so little. In one breath you are simply cursing God whether you realize it or not, then you worry why are world is crumbling. Cant you see, our world is corrupt and crumbling because God is taken out of school and off the front yard.

    God Bless you and I will pray for you.

    Source(s): My source Is God. I met him 20 years ago at United Pentecostal Alter where I received the gift of the Holy Ghost!
  • 1 decade ago

    It's a good substitute for having it on the inside.

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