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  • Question about a Halloween costume?

    I want to go as Waldo this year but the costume online is $40. If I can't procure a red striped shirt in my size for the right price, how can I create a red striped shirt?

    Should I paint stripes on it (which I saw in a YouTube tutorial) or "draw" stripes on it with a red Sharpie or use red duct tape? What would be the best method for pulling this off without wasting $40 on a costume I will wear only once?

    1 AnswerHalloween7 years ago
  • Made a mistake in an email to a future!?

    My dad emailed his resume to a potential employer as they pay more than his current employer. So far, they asked him to come in next week to fill out an application. So far, so good. Well...

    He put down that he had seven months experience in a certain work area, however, doing the exact math, his experience comes to about five to almost six months. Should he email the potential employer? The experience on his resume reflects only years (e.g. 2012 to 2014), not months. Also, he hasn't filled out the application yet.

    Is there anyway Dad can fix this? He really needs this job.

    4 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment7 years ago
  • Is this tasteful or not? Pranking my mom on her 60th birthday.?

    I found a great prank (very safe) that I'd like to try on my mom for her 60th birthday. It involves blowing up a balloon, taping it to a baking pan, and covering it in frosting and sprinkles to give it the illusion of a cake. The idea is for her to cut it and pop the balloon.

    My mom doesn't have the greatest sense of humor but she is a good sport. With that being said, I don't know if I want to do this or not. I love my mom very much and I thought something like this would be a good prank. Heck, I got birthday cake smashed in my face by my aunt at my 16th birthday party.

    What do you guys think?

    1 AnswerEtiquette7 years ago
  • Root canal vs extraction?

    I'm in a bit of a jam. I go to one of those low cost dental clinics and they quoted me a price of about $1100 for a root canal and crown. I cannot afford it and I was told that if any time during the treatment process, if I felt things were getting too pricey, I could call it off and have the tooth pulled since it's near the back of my mouth (extraction is $63). Insurance will only pay for root canals in the front teeth.

    I am thinking to myself if it's worth that much to have a tooth fixed or have it pulled and I'm not entirely sure if, after extraction, I would need a bridge (it's the third tooth away from the back of my mouth; all my wisdom teeth are gone, just so you know).

    Should I give the dentist a call and ask about this? I have a very limited budget (and I mean very limited). They do have a payment plan but I'm not sure if I can afford that.

    1 AnswerDental7 years ago
  • Do you normally put personal enrichment courses on a job application?

    I have a college degree and a job. That's my background.

    When I was unemployed at one point in my life, I took a few classes in German (personal enrichment) at a community college between my BA and finding work.

    After I had those few classes, I found work and that was that. I didn't think to include those three classes in German on any of the job applications I would fill out because it never applied to my work.

    I've been at my current job for three years. Should I tell them about my personal enrichment classes I took? I never mentioned them before because they weren't applicable at the time (somehow, we do get German speaking customers from time to time and I try to communicate the best I can with what I remember).

    Thanks for your help.

    4 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment7 years ago
  • Do veterans like being thanked for their service?

    I work in an area that sees a lot of military and their families (active, inactive, retired). I have a habit of thanking them for their service because of what they do or have done for their country. To me, these individuals are heroes.

    Sometimes my thanks go on deaf ears. Others would thank me for my appreciation, saying it was a privilege to serve (mostly older vets).

    Should I continue thanking those who have served?

    12 AnswersMilitary7 years ago
  • Employment dates on resume question?

    Hi, I have a strange work history. At one of my previous positions, I was laid off due to a change in management. The new management was slated to take over in January and we were interviewed by this company in December, the previous month. The company did officially hire me in December but myself and my fellow employees were still employed with our old organization up until January.

    As a result, the two employment entries on my resume "intersect," so to speak. Since I am honest on every job application and resume, I indicate when I was hired and let go. Will future employers look at this and disregard me? How do I explain the "working at the same place but under new management" thing in interviews?

    1 AnswerOther - Careers & Employment7 years ago
  • My dad made a mistake on his resume/application. Need help.?

    After I helped Dad submit his resume/application, we realized that we made a tiny boo boo on his dates of employment (wrong month). Dad has a phone interview tomorrow and this job is very important to him. On his resume, one of the date errors is with a company that he had worked with but it is out of business. The company he previously was let go from is still in service and it is merely the wrong month (we put December instead of January).

    Should he bring this up in the phone interview? Remember, this is really important to my dad.

    1 AnswerOther - Careers & Employment7 years ago
  • Will Doctor Who end with the 12th regeneration?

    With Matt Smith's departure, will the Doctor end with the 12th transformation or will the Doctor stay immortal with endless regenerations? I've heard conflicting views on the Internet on this issue.

    5 AnswersOther - Television8 years ago
  • Helping my dad get a job?

    My father was let go from his roofing job about a month ago (he's since spent his time doing side jobs for other people).

    The problem is finding jobs he's qualified for that pay more than $20 an hour, which is what he was used to being paid and he currently needs to be paid at least that much to pay the mortgage.

    Unfortunately, most labor jobs pay $10 an hour and if Dad takes one, he and my mom would have to declare bankruptcy to keep their home (Mom also has a job).

    Should my dad take a lower paying job and hope that it starts out at $10? Right now, he's "freelancing" his services but would appreciate another job.

    Dad has been thinking about taking a job working with solar companies but is disappointed that they can't teach him the skills on the job.

    2 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment8 years ago
  • Why won't my Belkin router connect to the Internet?

    I just got a new Belkin router a month ago and it was working just fine (after I had to re-install the software) until it magically disconnected from the Internet somehow. After what seemed like 30-60 minutes with tech support and an endless array of unplugging and replugging of my router, computer, and modem, I was told that nothing was wrong with my modem or my router and that my desktop was at fault and didn't explain to me how or why.

    Now my Dell Dimension is 7 years old. I still have WinXP (the lady at Belkin tech support said it wasn't an issue). So how do I get my Belkin router to connect to the Internet on my computer? My mom has a Kindle Fire and she needs the WiFi to download books.

    Everything was working perfectly fine late in the afternoon until my router lost all connectivity with the Internet. What should I do? Dell tech support will cost me if I try to call them since my computer is out of warranty (and I'm too poor to get a new computer at this point).

    Please no sarcastic comments or scams. I just want honest answers (even if the truth hurts).

    3 AnswersOther - Internet8 years ago
  • I need help in Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess (Wii version)?

    I'm in the Sacred Grove for the second time on my way to the Temple of Time. I am almost out of the SG and I am trying DESPARATELY to find Skullkid so I can shoot him with my arrow. I have watched a video walkthrough which clearly shows him atop one of the trees.

    I'm scanning the canopy and I CANNOT SEE HIM. Every time I try to look for him, I get ambushed by the puppets he sends after me. I have spent almost an hour trying to look for him in the trees and my wrists hurt from using the Wiimote and nunchucks. Finding this guy cannot be this difficult but I cannot find Skullkid!

    Does he hide in the same tree or in different trees in this area each time I play? Where do I find this guy? I am very frustrated as this should not be this hard.

    4 AnswersNintendo Wii9 years ago
  • Does anyone know how estrogen creams relate to menopause and memory loss?

    My mom is premenopausal and is wondering how estrogen creams relate to menopause and memory loss.

    2 AnswersWomen's Health9 years ago
  • What kind of router would I need for my Nintendo Wii?

    I have looked at the list of routers through my cable provider (Cox) and found them to be too expensive ($150-$200) and I found a $40 router called Wifi Max that provides free WiFi to consoles and smartphones but I'm not sure if I can use it as it requires computer plug in and my desktop is upstairs while the Wii is attached to the living room TV (moving the Wii upstairs or the computer downstairs is impossible).

    I was wondering if I could use the Wifi Max; plug it in to my desktop and still get a wifi signal for my Wii or bite the bullet and save money for a router. I really want to play Ocarina of Time on my Wii as well as other classic N64 games but I have no internet connection to my Wii.

    Any suggestions?

    3 AnswersNintendo Wii9 years ago
  • Game consoles with vibrating "gun" accessories?

    Aside from the Nintendo Wii, are there any gaming consoles that have a gun accessory that vibrates? Are there any non-console games for the TV that has such an item?

    My friend wants one (he liked playing the shooting games at Dave & Buster's where the toy gun vibrates) but he doesn't like the selection for the Wii. I suggested the "gun controller" thingy for the PS3.

    Any suggestions?

    1 AnswerVideo & Online Games9 years ago
  • Are there any comparison websites for cable companies?

    My friend is looking to change cable companies that include pay-per-view shows so he can watch boxing. He currently has Cox Cable.

    Is there a comparison website where he can compare companies like say, DirecTV with Dish Network? Or are there any cable companies within Southern California that would include pay-per-view channels (my friend lives in the O.C.).


    1 AnswerTVs9 years ago
  • My cable modem is acting weird?

    For the second night in a row, my 5 year old cable modem has trouble connecting. At night, it will stop working for a few minutes and then go back to normal. Mind you that my PC is also 5 years old. Is the problem with the PC, my modem, my ISP (Cox Comm.), or something else?

    3 AnswersComputer Networking1 decade ago
  • How come my 8GB Android won't accept more than 100 songs? Will my phone be able to take a 32GB microSD card?

    I have an Android 3G LG Optimus T from T-Mobile. It has 8GB and that's supposedly supposed to accept at least 1,000 songs. For some reason, I uploaded 100 songs to it and now it won't accept more than that. I tried to transfer music from my PC to my phone and after 100 songs or so, it won't accept any more music files. Is there something wrong with my Android?

    I really need this music since my Creative Zen (that I've had for 3.5 years) died a few days ago. Plus, I have been strongly considering purchasing a 32GB micro SD card; do you think my phone will have that capability?

    Thanks for all your help. I'm new at this smart phone stuff. And please, no spam for answers.

    1 AnswerCell Phones & Plans1 decade ago
  • Regency vs. Victorian literature and how to write (and research) a historical novel?

    I am thinking about writing a historical novel that takes place in Victorian England; I've been reading a lot of Jane Austen (Regency writer) and I've already read one book each from the Bronte sisters as well as three books from Elizabeth Gaskell (all Victorian era writers).

    My degree is in history but I never took a course in Brit. history (school never offered it; I do know some of it from Western Civ. coursework) and I'm learning this on my own. Are both types of literature basically the same (e.g. mannerisms, dialogue)? Are there any differences other than time periods?

    And how long would it take to research for a historical novel? I have the characters and the plot that I need. I want to start writing it ASAP because I'm itching to go, but I do need to do my homework first. Is it okay to outline and do character sketches? Doing the historical research is no problem for me.

    I've pretty much surrounded myself with books when it comes to researching for my novel but I can't afford to travel outside of the country to visit British libraries. Is it entirely possible to research for a historical novel entirely over the Internet?

    I appreciate feedback. Thanks. And no spammers, please.

    1 AnswerBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • What's the name of the song in the ATT commercial?

    It's an ATT commercial that has a bunch of orange flowers and the lyrics say something about "putting everything in perspective." What's the artist and song title?

    2 AnswersOther - Music1 decade ago