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Is it acceptable that people with above average body fat or even clinically obese object to being called fat?

By 'object' I mean they get offended and makes demands for euphemisms.

Dictionary definitions concur that people with excess body fat are indeed 'fat'. So what's the beef? Can we no longer call a spade a spade? - The word 'fat' is not perjorative but the condition in excess is demonstrably negative from a health point of view and austhetically displeasing to the majority of people. Are some fat folk trying to impose a form of denial on the rest of us and reinforce their own delusions?

Web Definitions: having much flesh (especially fat); having a relatively large diameter; adipose tissue; excess bodily weight; a chubby body.


girlnolad...If I was delusional I would hope that it was brought to my attention. Your response appears defensive. Think about this a different way - If you needed to point out an individual in a crowd in which individuals could be clearly identifiable from each other as either short, tall, skinny, fat, white, black, one legged, etc - why would it be offensive to describe them by their actual appearance?

I asked a question recently about whether fat people snore more than the average and was berated for the term ‘fat’. Come on people where no offence is intended 'fat' is fat' and a spade is spade - get over it.

8 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    "Fat" can also be used as a perjorative. As such, people may object to being called "fat". It may not be a matter of denial as much as "Yes, I know I'm overweight but I don't need to be reminded of it, thank you."

    Acceptability often ends up being a subjective concept brought up by those who are usually not the object of the behavior under consideration. If people are wanting to delude themselves, they should do so insofar it doesn't affect others. If I wanted to think that squirrels were talking to bin Laden, then it shouldn't matter to other people as long as I was able to otherwise interact with others in appropriate ways. (BTW, I don't really think that. The squirrels are actually talking to Cheney <g>)

  • 1 decade ago

    Do you refer to a man who can't use his legs to walk 'wheel chair' guy? Do you call someone with a facial scar 'scar face'. Do you bring a mentally challenged persons condition to their attention? These people all have enough to handle with their problems on their own. Do you think the heavier guy wakes up each day and overlooks his size, and even if he acts like it doesn't bother him, how far from his mind do you think this fact wanders? Don't you think they are self conscience already?

    At one time, saying someone was fat as a part of a fact was acceptable, but now people use it derogatorily all the time. All an over weight person needs is someone else pointing out the obvious. Their esteem maybe be already under their own scrutiny, then add the health problems that can both before the weight gain, and those that are subsequent to.

    Just imagine if someone found something obviously true about you, but something kind of embarrassing to you. Now imagine that they call attention to it every time they saw you, as if it wasn't obvious enough.

  • soobee
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    fat is a type of tissue, not a type of being

    is a acceptable to object to being called fat if you are obese, just as it is acceptable to object to being called the 'n' word if you are Black, or a b...h because you are a woman

    on the other hand, we live in a society of small minds, and you should be prepared for the fact that some people will use epithets intended to do harm rather than communicate harmlessly

    a person has the right to object, just as a person has a right to use the epithet if they choose; I would say the thing to do would be to learn how to deal with it in a way that doesn't diminish your spirit

    when I tried to submit this answer, yahoo deleted the full version of the 'n' word and b....h

    words only have the power attatched to them, and censoring them can often serve to make them more powerful

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    look at it this type, if as you're saying human beings are gluttons eating themselves into an early grave the swifter the international would be rid of them. that's what the international needs real, real! Then they are going to would desire to whine on one yet another for a mutually as and not fat human beings.

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  • beast
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Who you calling fat you skinny little twerp? How about if I come over there and sit on you and we'll see who's fat. You probably say Santa's fat too. If you do, guess who's gonna get coal in his stocking? You probably think God is fat and you'll burn forever in the fiery pits of hell!

    I'm not fat. I just have generous proportions.

  • 1 decade ago

    I think mabe they demand euphisms because people use it in a bad way. i think if you use it in a vulgar terms like "youre such a fat whale" it is bad. but saying "You are clinically fat" is okay. that is my opinion. everyone is entitled to their opinion.

    Source(s): i am an otaku and a Christian and i am proud of it. plus most of the time my aunt and grandma talk about their diet plans.
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I am on the heavy side and I truly resent people referring to me as fat. I am well aware of the fact and do not need it pointed out to me. I am not lazy or stupid, thank you. And you can take your definitions and ...them.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    dont no i wouldnt if i were you just to be a nice person

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