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Anonymous asked in Yahoo ProductsYahoo Answers · 1 decade ago

Is it really an accomplishment to be at the top of the Global Overall Leaderboard for Yahoo Answers?

The one at the top today has 138,842 points. He has answered 12,584 questions and asked only 63 questions. There are 1,440 minutes in a 24 hour period. I'm sure the average time to answer a question is more than 1 minute especially for a guy with 7,308 best answers.

Do these people have nothing better to do with their lives than spend so much time on Yahoo Answers? I'd be ashamed if I was up there on the leaders board. I'm not mocking Yahoo Answers. All I'm saying is that these people must be a little too obsessive?!? If you're one of them, could you please just tell me where the inspiration comes from?

The leaderboard can be accessed with this link:;_ylt=AnVCo9...


Once upon a time, I'll confess that I was obsessional with Yahoo Groups. I had 6 groups and one of them was really popular. I was really going somewhere and had over 1,000 members. Then one day I logged in and found that Yahoo had deleted my account. For no apparent reason they had deleted my account and all of my Yahoo Groups.

I had spent hours and hours of my time building up those groups and then Yahoo, out of pure spite deleted everything I had worked on. I did contact Yahoo to find out why they'd deleted it but they didn't give me any meaningful answer. Maybe they had a temp working for them who was just randomly deleting accounts?

Ever since then I have not been as enthusiastic about any of Yahoo's products. Wouldn't it be horrible if you slaved away for hours on Yahoo Answers and got to 120,000 points only for Yahoo to delete your account?

This is why I pity those who are on the Global Overall Leaderboard. Especially if they are disabled and Yahoo is their life.

22 Answers

  • iswd1
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    How long did it take you to write out that question, and think of it to begin with? Do you feel you wasted your time? If you do, why did you write it in the first place?

    Obviously, if they have answered that many questions, they really enjoy yahoo answers. I myself sit here for hours on end sometimes, just going through and answering questions because I find it to be much more entertaining that say, sitting in front of the television or playing some stupid game.

  • 1 decade ago

    An accomplishment is finding the cure for cancer, or working in a soup can sitting on your butt answering inane questions be an accomplishment? If it is, we seem to have pretty low standards…but I’m just a cartoon character eating chicken so what do I know? Not to mention I’ve been sitting here for about an hour doing the same thing…

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    This is actually an amusing way to spend your time. Since you seem to have carefully thought out your question and spent two paragraphs writing it, you must enjoy it somewhat too, or you wouldn't have placed a post, nor would you be reading this far down to get to my post, as I am way down toward the bottom of the list of those who answered your question. Maybe the poor fellow is disabled or something and all he does is stay on the computer between meals and bedtime. You never truly know how a person's shoes feel until you have walked in them.

  • 1 decade ago

    I think in this case there is/are more than one person.(more than one PC?)

    I think you are the one who is obsessing.! Why worry, there is no way you are likely to even get close.

    Perhaps you are taking the spirit of Yahoo Answers in the wrong way.

    I come in for the amusement, and if i can answer a question, i will. If i can put a funny answer, I'll do that too.

    Just have fun and seek the answers or questions that are relevant to you.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Methinks you have not recovered from your frustration with Yahoo so are dissing Y! Answers. It is addictive - look how much time you have spent on your question LOL All power to those individuals at the top.

    Come on, fess up what were these Groups that got deleted, I am all ears I am begining to see conspiracy theories abounding on why all your accounts got deleted at once. I just love mysteries.

  • 1 decade ago

    Depends on how important it is to you.

    I hought he idea was to help people wiht answers to things and feel good about hsaring to help others, it costs nothing.

    I like Answers and have encountered some intelligent, interesting people here. Of course I have also had some quite unpleasant messages too there you go!

    I am no bothered how many points I have I enjoy the experience and most of the people.

  • 1 decade ago

    Not an accomplishment. Most at the top, I suspect have used means to get there that are less than honest.

    Why the heck cheat in Yahoo answers? Competition?

    ...whatever. I am just here to give honest and/or funny answers.

    Points mean nothing to me.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Only got reported once for a stupid reason, I was going to appeal it, but other answers said they just allow appealing to sound fair. I mean maybe it happened a few times, but I think they were kidding. Just go along with it, read the guiellines and terms of service JUST IN CASE, then delete your email talking about it. Everyone gets reported sometimes, and it;'s usually for stupid reasons, if any.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Of course it is an accomplishment, I have no intention of going for it, someone has to be at the top, some people put in a lot of effort, good for them I say. You sound a bit jealous.

  • Bryan
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Well personally I think this person must have a lot of free time on their hands. Of course I also think you must have a lot also since you appear to be obsessed with them. The answer to your question is no, it is not a particularly noteworthy accomplishment.

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