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Any words of encouragement during midterms?

I'm feeling extremely depressed. Not like some people who get upset about a B or C... I'm failing my engineering tests. I study endlessly and just choke come test time. I know I maybe could prepare a little better. I have 4 this week and just took the first one. I know I did terrible compared to everyone else. Why I'm still going through it I don't know. I'm just not as good in physics as the average student... science I'm so much better in and get easily get high Bs and As. Anyways, please, any words of encouragement in getting through the week that is destined to almost ruin my career?

4 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    It ain't over till it's over. And if you're going to mess up, now's the time to do it.

    College is a place of learning and if you have to take a class twice to really get it, then that's what happens. If you really want to be an engineer you should stay the course and get through it no matter what path you take.

    But if science is your strong point, have you considered medicine? Very lucrative future - remember all the old people living to like 150 these days. Pharmacy is also a good one.

    This anxiety is totally normal. You'll do fine - one way or another!

  • 1 decade ago

    Sorry you are having a rough time. Maybe engineering is just not your thing and this is God's way of letting you know! My brother also was set to become an engineer and had his own dreams dashed much like you are. He flunked out of his engineering courses! He now makes 6 figures for BF Goodrich and is nearly at the top of the company now. He found that computer science suited him much better, and to my knowledge he has never had any regrets! It is NOT the end of the world (while it may feel like it now) and it is better to find out now you are not able to hack it than later on. I am sure you are good at many things so explore some of your other options. There are careers out there that will suit you to a T that you have probably never even considered or heard of before! So please, don't get all down on yourself just do some research, and look at some other job possibilities that won't make you so miserable! There are great jobs for people with degrees in tech fields. Distance learning (people who can design and create on line curriculum and programs) is one hot new career field. One of my cousin's is a marine biologist and he gets to go all these cool places. You just need to find your niche! Good luck!

  • 1 decade ago

    "Run to the roar!"

    Fear is getting in your way -- don't let it!!! Think of the roar of a lion and how scary it can sound. But if you "run to the roars" in life, then once you arrive you realize that the roar is all that an old lion has left since it no longer has teeth to harm you. Between fear and stress, you are using energy up with the roar factor.

    Get some rest!! Then hit your biggest challenges first. Pace yourself. You are very intelligent to have come this far and you can do it. Don't allow depression to distract the need to RUN toward this challenge!

  • 1 decade ago

    Our Father knows what's best for us,

    So why should we complain ...

    We always want the sunshine,

    But He knows there must be rain.

    We love the sound of laughter

    And the merriment of cheer;

    But our hearts would lose their tenderness

    If we never shed a tear.

    Our Father tests us often

    With suffering and with sorrow;

    He tests us, not to punish us,

    But to help us meet "tomorrow."

    For growing trees are strengthened

    When they withstand the storm;

    And the sharp cut of the chisel

    Gives the marble grace and form.

    God never hurts us needlessly,

    And He never wastes our pain;

    For every loss He sends to us

    Is followed by rich gain.

    And when we count the blessings

    That God has so freely sent;

    We will find no cause for murmuring

    And no time to lament.

    For Our Father loves His children,

    And to Him all things are plain;

    So He never sends us "pleasure"

    When the "soul's deep need is pain."

    So whenever we are troubled,

    And when everything goes wrong,

    It is just God working in us

    To make "our spirits strong."

    Sometimes life seems hard to bear,

    Full of sorrow, trouble and woe,

    It's then I have to remember

    That it's in the valleys I grow.

    If I always stayed on the mountain top

    And never experienced pain,

    I would never appreciate God's love,

    And would be living in vain.

    I have so much to learn,

    And my growth is very slow,

    Sometimes I need the mountain tops,

    But it's in the valleys I grow.

    I do not always understand

    Why things happen as they do,

    But I am very sure of one thing ...

    My Lord will see me through.

    My little valleys are nothing

    When I picture Christ on the cross

    He went through the valley of death;

    His victory was Satan's loss.

    Forgive me Lord, for complaining

    When I'm feeling so very low,

    Just give me a gentle reminder

    That it's in the valleys I grow.

    Continue to strengthen me Lord,

    And use my life each day,

    To share your love with others

    And help them find their way.

    Thank you for valleys Lord,

    For this one thing I know ...

    The mountain tops are glorious,

    But it's in the valleys I grow!

    All the best in your exams, and remember, you do not compare youself with others, you compare youself, with you, your ownself. Also, remember, to give your very best. As long as you done your best, nobody will blame you.

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