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Why do women want more than one child?

Just wondering, and not putting down motherhood. I would think after one you go pretty much downhill, body wise, after one. Loads of responsibility, and all of you mothers seem to have very little time for yourselves and dads mostly leave the raising and disipline to you moms. I see a lot of single moms too, where the father has vanished and left everything to the mom. For every 100 single moms I see maybe one dad that takes responsibility of the children and actually helps other than a token "mom's day off".



Some really great answers from this group!!!

I do run across a lot of single moms, and I know how hard it is to raise just one child, let alone 2,3,4 or more. My question was more to judge how women in general have changed over the years from when I was a child and my siblings and I were growing up in the 1940's and 1950's. I have 3 children of my own, and 4 grandchildren. oday doesn't compare with when I was born because it is SO much harder on all of you, moms and dads, although I see less marriages, I still see lots of loving between moms and their kids. hanks all of you for your answers. I'll pick one later for best....most deserve that rating so it will be hard!


Update 2:

As I said, these are some great answers and it is hard to choose a "best" answer. The question was meant to be an exoteric rather an esoteric one, but, I am happy with the responses I received. I am now throwing the question open for votes to decide the best of the best.


21 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Body image is a nice thing don't get me wrong, I use to be a fitness model and personal trainer, I'm past that and there are more things in life. Motherhood is a wonderful feeling, and it may not be for all women. For those who enjoy their children and the rewards of motherhood, they want more than 1 child.

    I am 31 I have a 7 year old and 16 weeks pregnant and I want 1 more in a few years

  • 1 decade ago

    Because it is our god given right. Motherhood is selfless. you are right. And the abilty to carry a child and raise it. It just a woman thing. I could have twenty and be fine, if frinances would allow.

    Having children is the most rewarding gift ever,

    There are nights were my sleep is limited, my strength is gone, and my day start 2 hours ealier then the rest of the household.

    All for a single kiss, or an Ilove you. Make it worth it.

    And as for the body, I look great. I am 3 months, and work out daily. I eat right, I am 5'7, 120 lbs. And perfect!!!!!! give or take.

    downhill? Sweetie, my thin well nursed breast, are only a reminder that I have three children, and I can count on one hand how many times they have seen the doctor over an illness in 7 years.

  • 1 decade ago

    I am a single mom of a 10 year old. Dad pays child support and chose to stay out of her life. He met her 2 years ago for the first time. LONG STORY... I never told him that the child i was having was his due to the fact that we only had sex one and it was unprotected. I was young and very stupid. I was 17 when i got knocked up. I did want to ruin his life by telling him he was going to be a dad. MY FAULT.... But i raised my daughter by myself do to a choice i made. I was very selfish when it came to my daughter. Any way... the answer to your question.... I come from a pretty big family. I know the importance of having brothers and sisters and having them are the most wonderful thing that anyone can have. I want my daughter to experience that too and i have been trying and no luck yet. I make pretty good money and can afford another child. My husband and i talk about kids all the time and how wonderful it would be to have one more, but i want 2 more. Being a single mom again is out of the question. I have learned from the mistake i made in the past and i love my daughter like no other.

  • 1 decade ago

    Well, I don't not yet have my first child, but I feel like I would like to accept as many children as God blesses us with and I feel that I can handle (at least 3, maybe 8??? I guess I won't really have any idea until my 1st, huh?). Luckily, I have been blessed with a very loving husband and I know I can count on him to help me, and I do think that is a factor when I think of having more than one child.

    It's true raising children is difficult. There are hard times. They are cleaning up vomit times and being woken up in the middle of the night times and it can be a sometimes tedious and thankless job. Of course, the thanklessness is very dependent on one's husband. But I once heard a quote that went something like this: "There is no greater gift that parents can give to their children than another sibling." And it's so true! Although I am only 1 of 3 kids, my mom was 1 of 6 (who lived to adulthood) and the love is tremendous! And there is always someone there to listen and a shoulder to cry on. I've heard some of my friends say "I wish I had a brother(s)/sister(s)," but I've never heard any of friends from bigger families say, "I wish I had fewer brothers/sisters." NEVER. That speaks worlds of wisdom to me. Plus, it also seems that the more siblings a person has, the better they are able to socialize in the "real world," and the more humble they seem to be.

    Motherhood is hard work, but is there any work more rewarding? You may never get a pay raise, but who can put a price on watching your two kids share their candy with one another? Who could put a price on the propensity to laughter and joy that children bring into the world? Who could put a price on seeing your children falling in love with God for the first time or getting happily married or eventually having children of their own? Does Earth hold greater treasures than these? I think not:)

    Thanks for reading and God Bless!

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  • jm1970
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    I can't speak for all moms, and I have an ideal situation. I have a great husband who supports us AND comes home and helps out....okay....I could deal without the tag games just before bedtime..but he is great.

    I could deal with a little more me time, I would love to take a bath, or watch TV all Sunday afternoon, or be a size 3 again.....but that is a fleeting thought! Being a mom is wonderful...and awful.

    I've ALWAYS wanted to be a mom and you get way more than you can ever give.

    I'd also not want my child to be an only child....I was infertile between my children and that was a huge fear....50 years from now when they get a call in the middle of the night that I've had a heart attack....or that my husband was found at the store and didn't appear to know his name.....I want a sibling with him and I'm glad my son and daughter will have each other.

    This is going to sound horribly judgemental, but it is reality. Some mothers are single moms because they make dumb choices...they hook up with losers and have sex with them....the pregnancy (totally avoidable) is an accident, but it happens.

    I have several single mother friends, and I love them, and I don't know one of them who would EVER give their kids back even for a second.

    I also have responsible single mom friends who make a good living and chose their lives.

    Then I have single mom friends who's husband's died, left or who are deployed....stilll......NOT ONE WOULD GIVE UP THEIR KID.

    You just have to be a mom to understand.

  • 1 decade ago

    Alot of people don't want their children to grow up without siblings.

    Plus many women cling to the need for another baby.

    To most women having a baby is the most wonderfullest thing in the world.

    Sure you end up with little time of your own in life, but you get so much from children. They make us laugh, cry, - once you have one kid there is no turning back. Families change and mold to each other and so it often becomes that you can't live without them.

    If you have a child you will understand all this what I'm trying to say.

    Children give out so much more than the heartache they first create.

  • 1 decade ago

    I'm on my fourth child and it's a miracle each and everytime. Besides, if one child turns out as the bad apple you still have more to fall back on! Okay, just kidding, but seriously, why stop at one? The body is issue is really a non-issue. My husband loves my body, I'm not fat, I'm not a bean pole, I'm average, always have been and with any luck I always will be. It's all about how the woman sees herself. I love kids, I'm done after this one, but all three of my daughters keep each other occupied, as parents we don't have much time for ourselves, but when you have kids it's time to play mommy and daddy for a while. The rewards are great when they look up at you and tell you they love you, or they crawl into bed with you, or they hug you when you walk through the door. It's the little things that count the most.

    Source(s): Mother of three with one on the way.
  • 1 decade ago

    When you see that beautiful child in your arms something just melts in your heart. It is the most marvelous thing. I had twins and trust me, I still don't have time to myself and they are almost 3! My husband is very good about watching them - but even then, we watch the kids so the other can run errands or do chores or take a bath - not to even really relax (although sometimes I do get to sleep in until 9AM on one or two weekend days a month...). I'd have more if I thought I had the money or time I would need to give all my kids (we have 3, total) everything they need. Kids are so hard - and so marvelous. It is SO worthwhile - makes me feel "whole" as a woman to be able to help these little beings and love them more than life itself!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I have one child that is 4 months old and I plan on having 3 more in the future. I want a big family. I have always had a big family and I plan on still having one. I think that it's your opinion to just have one child and I respect that. But not everyone has a messed up family like what you just described. Or if they do, I'm sure they never planned on it being that way. Being a first time Mommy was (and still is) the best thing ever! In about a year my husband and I will add on to our family and still be as happy then as we are now. And yes, we will have more responsibilities and less time for ourselves but that's what having a family and being a grown-up is all about.

  • 1 decade ago

    I am a single mother of a 2 year old boy and I am just fine with that. If I meet a nice man who is responsible sometime in the future I might think about having another one, but for now I am happy with just 1 child. Plus he wants all my attention so I don't know how he would react to having to share my attention with another child.

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