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Lv 5
Ivan asked in Politics & GovernmentMilitary · 1 decade ago

Why is North Korea being "provocative" when they test nuclear weapons?

What country in the world with the technology to defend itself would not flex its muscles? Is US being "provocative" when they test nuclear weapons, or is that a different story? If so, why?


Pake: I live in NYC, so if the city is reduced to a sand castle, I won't be here to remember it. My point is that attacking US with nuclear weapons is suicide. Why would anybody do it? Is the better solution to (1) call them "provocative" or (2) discuss diplomatic solutions?

13 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Testing nuclear weapons has always been 'provocative' because it is done almost as a dare or threat to potential enemies. The whole point of testing a nuclear weapon is to show that you have the weapons, that they WORK, and that you are willing and able to use them at your own discretion. And yes, while the USA did still test its nuclear arsenal it WAS considered provocative when we would test them because we were using the tests as a means to show the USSR that we meant business and that the arsenal was still in working order.

    I hope this answers the technical aspects of the question. As to the political and moral undertones, I will leave that to the others.

  • 1 decade ago

    The United States never agreed to be nuclear free. North Korea did and did so with the implicit understanding that South Korea and Japan would be nuclear free. The reason why North Korea is seen as provocative is that North Korea's possession of Nuclear arms means that South Korea and Japan could have nuclear arms as well. This is not a good thing in a region with deep seated hatred dating back centuries. The United States chooses not to develop technologies that other nations have. Specifically biological and chemical agents have been earmarked to not be weaponized in the states. The US does not use the presence of those weapons in foreign arsenals as justification to develop those same weapons themselves. Hopefully now you can see that it is a different story.

  • 1 decade ago

    I see no reason not to call them what they are- which is deliberately provocative. It amounts to a tantrum for attention, which is why they do it. Has it escaped your notice that they only issue these threats when nobody is paying attention to them and they haven't made the front pages in a while? If it weren't for diplomacy, most of the North Koreans would have starved to death by now. There are a good many nations who are willing and actively trying to practice diplomacy with the North Koreans. Kim Il Yong is not exactly a normal person, in case you haven't noticed, so diplomacy with them isn't exactly the easiest. The trouble is North Korea doesn't have the technology to deliver a nuclear warhead any distance. The available targets are not exactly thrilled with the prospect of having nuclear weapons in the hands of an unstable government leader. Even China doesn't like the idea, and they are one of the biggest supporters of North Korea. I mean, how would you feel knowing your mentally unstable next door neighbor just got a delivery of fertilizer- and he isn't into gardening? Wouldn't it make you just a tad nervous to have him out in the front yard screaming about being entitled to defend himself from the terrorists?

    North Korea is saber rattling for attention, but that doesn't mean they should get what they want. Even if all of the nations involved in the six part talks caved in, do you honestly think that would satisfy them? Did you not learn anything from events leading up to World War II, when the leaders compromised with Germany to avoid war by giving away Poland? It didn't work then, and it won't work now. North Korea will not be satisfied with a compromise, it will just encourage them to make bigger demands next time. When they are ready to join the rest of the world, maybe diplomacy can happen. Until then, as long as they throw tantrums like a two year old, the rest of the world has every right to call it what it is and send North Korea back to their diplomatic time-out corner.

    By the way- the US hasn't tested a nuclear weapon in decades. We already know ours work.

  • 1 decade ago

    We dont test Nuclear weapons anymore! As of 1996 when the Comprehensive test ban treaty was signed we no longer test them.

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  • 1 decade ago

    North Korea as well as all other countries should disband nuclear armament.

    The U.S. are idiots. The government sucks, and it acts like the parent for every other country in the world. The hypocritical sucky parent....

    Trust me. I'm a citizen of it.

    Waiting for nuclear armageddon any day now...

  • 1 decade ago

    I'm more worried about us. ICBMs are a much more advanced technology than nuclear fission.

    Korea might detonate a bomb in China or Taiwan or Seoul, and then WE'd start flinging ICBMs all over the place.....

  • ZCT
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    You are right. Over the next decade there will be many countries who are not currently nuclear powers who find nuclear capability.

    It is utterly arrogant and unrealistic to expect developing nations to simply agree not to pursue this goal after we have so vigorously sought nuclear weapons.

  • 1 decade ago

    The "people" of N. Korea don't want to get nuked and their egomaniacal leader thinks he has a chance of winning a nuclear war.

  • 1 decade ago

    Nobody is testing them anymore. The Nk's are bad guys. Stop trying to rationalize a unrational nation still in the 1950's with staving people.

  • 1 decade ago

    hey , why dont you watch or read the news about the north korea ? instead asking ppl out there ? such looking up the news cast online ? maybe it will tell you more about the provocative and the test for the weapons ?

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