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Lv 55,229 points


Favorite Answers21%
  • Do you pick the education that interests you or the one that has job opportunities?

    What did you do? What advice to do you offer when asked? Should the government create incentives for young people to pick educations that have the best job opportunities?

    5 AnswersOther - Education1 decade ago
  • Ideas to improve Yahoo Answers point system?

    For example, I think you should be able to vote for promotion of a question to a "Great Question", which gets special treatment (the ASKER gets points, and all good answers get points. Best answer gets 50 points. Asker can delete dumb answers).

    Also, voting on random answers to gain points should give a penalty. More points for voting for an answer when there are 20 different ones to pick from than when there are two.

    Or how about points for having lots of thumbs up on your answers (even if it's not the best answer).

    Best idea gets the 10

    10 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • Why is North Korea being "provocative" when they test nuclear weapons?

    What country in the world with the technology to defend itself would not flex its muscles? Is US being "provocative" when they test nuclear weapons, or is that a different story? If so, why?

    13 AnswersMilitary1 decade ago
  • Would you like to work in the Freedom Tower?

    Assume you worked in Manhattan and your employer decided to relocate to the Freedom Tower. Would you be afraid that the building could be a terrorist target again? Would the relocation make you quit your job?

    2 AnswersRenting & Real Estate1 decade ago
  • Am I qualified to pump my own gas?

    New Jersey and Oregon has outlawed self-service at gas stations. I think I'm qualified to pump my own gas, and I can do it in 48 other states as well as, to my knowledge, all other countries in the world. What's wrong with NJ and OR?

    16 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • How do we get rid of e-mail spam?

    I'm probably not the only one who is tired of spam. Why is it so difficult to find and punish people that send out bulk spam? Is it so hard to collect abuser's mail address/IP and check all mail against an abuse list before they drop down in my inbox? Are there other ideas to rid the world of spam?

    Hope the next president will start a war against spam :-)

    5 AnswersInternet1 decade ago
  • Why is the age limit for drinking in the US so high?

    Most other Western countries allow drinking at younger ages. I've heard the argument that drunk driving for 18-21 years was a major reason for the age limit, but is the American youth really more irresponsible than other nationalities? Drunk driving is probably not the reason for the gambling limit, which is also surprisingly high (21 yrs), so I'm leaning to believe that it stems from a distrust in young people.Thoughts?

    15 AnswersBeer, Wine & Spirits1 decade ago