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laislinns asked in HealthMental Health · 1 decade ago

Could bad mood swings be a sign of bi-polar?

I tend to go from being ecstatic about something one minute to being depressed the next and not understanding why at all. It will be something small that will upset me and then I just want to lie and sleep and not be anywhere near anyone. This from jumping around and laughing and just generally having a good time. My boyfriend suggested this might be bi-polar. I know nothing about it. What do you guys think it could be?


Okay, please note that I am 18 (someone said that they didn't know how old I was.) I have been going through these things for the last 5 years about, but I don't think that its just hormonal. I would expect to feel this way during my cycle, but this is constantly. I will go through weeks of depression sometimes for no apparent reason, but then there will be days when I am ecstatically happy, but then something small will happen to absolutely ruin it for me. I don't want this to continue. I live in a very small town and have no idea if there even is a psychologist nearby. I don't get extremely violent, I just get angry over little things very often and this used to annoy my friends immensely. My depression upsets my boyfriend alot and he was the one that suggested that it may be bipolar. It just seems to make a lot of sense to me. I have never been to a psychologist before, but maybe now is the time to start going there!

9 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    This is exactly what I have and feel..I have never gone to a psychiatrist about it because when I feel like I need to..I'm fine again..I feel very unbalanced all of the time and can't control my emotions..a friend of mine has the same symptoms you mentioned and has an anxiety disorder and is now on medication for it..I'm now going to a psychiatrist...I think you should think about going as well..

  • 1 decade ago

    I was diagnosed with bipolar depression II when I was 13 years old. Also known as manic-depressive illness. I am all too familiar with the mood swings and reckless behavior. I am currently writing a memoir about my personal struggles. I strongly suggest you see your doctor. How long have these symptoms been going on? Are you or have you been suicidal? If you ever feel unsafe, admit yourself to a hospital. Going in voluntarily, you can check yourself out at any time, don't worry. It's just a "safe place", there's no straight jackets like the movies make it out to be. You also get professional counseling in there as well. When you see your doctor, they will probably refer you to a therapist and a psychiatrist if medication is needed. Medication is ESSENTIAL to battle this illness. It is hard, I won't lie to you. Keep your head up and good luck.

  • 1 decade ago

    I have a friend that is the same way. Yes it could be bi-polar like hers but you would need to go to a professional to find out for sure.

    There are medications that can keep it in control so you won't have so many ups and downs.

    Seek out some help soon so you can get your life back on track and are able to enjoy the ups more often.

    Hope you feel better soon.

  • Vahid
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Bipolar disorder, or its more exact term, manic-depressive, is a common disorder and needs early diagnosis and treatment. When in manic phase, the person feels 'high' and hyperactive with feelings of grandiosity. And when depressed, feelings of 'low' mood come and breaking into tears is frequently seen. You may go to which is very helpful for non-professionals. I recommend you to see a psychiatrist and get better control on your thought,mood and behavior.

    Source(s): I am a medical doctor
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  • 5 years ago

    in case you think of it truly is serious and affecting your on a standard basis existence, then i could see a doctor. it ought to be bipolar, whether it could additionally be borderline character ailment. Or it ought to easily be teenage angst. besides the fact that the case, it wont harm you any to ask for some help once you like it. good success sweetie! I want you the main suitable!

  • 1 decade ago

    Being Bi-polar(I am),has tons of different effects on the mind mostly.Mood swings are as common as waking up in the morning.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    being bi-polar has many symptoms. you just may be depressed, anxious, and happy all in one. being bi-polar is a serious condition.they can be very calm one minute and violent the next. r u violent? do u have sudden violent outbursts?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    yes those are symptoms of a manic depressant. you need to speak to a professional. my sister is bipolar. when you get regulated you will be more fun and most things will be more clear of why your feelings are the way they are. I know I like my sister more when she is on the meds, she is easier to talk to.

  • 1 decade ago

    It could be. You don't say how old you are. It could be hormonal also.

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