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Why is it when you?????

Why is it when someone poses a question, or you comment on an answer, they get defensive on your answer when you do not agree with what they think is right. This is a Q & A Forum I thought. Now I have hate messages and they are trying to argue to get their point across. It is a good thing that I know how to ignore them, and not read the messages. I am just deleting them without reading the remarks. It seems that some people are miserable and want everyone to be miserable with them to put it kindly. Everyone has a point to make and that is what this is about with the answers that are given, as advise is what people are asking for so I would assume. No one person has all the answers, so opinions vary in their response. This seems to be more common in this catagory than in any other. Anyone else going through this type of situation in here?

13 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I just asked this question in a different way. now the haters were answering my questions when I asked for Christians only to respond( the question was clearly designed for Christians and anyone could see that any non-Christian would simply disagree without having previously read the book series I referred to) and like you I got and always get hate messages from the 'others'.

    Then I ask a question all hate-mongers, do you hate everybody, some people, always hated, when did you start hating, how about your mom and dad etc and did you ever love etc. And what do you think I got?...The haters disappeared, yeah it seems that a good Christian question attracts their hate more than a socialogical question about hate. I'm not kidding, look at my history, you'll see for yourselves. And it is far more common, nearly exclusive in this category. I'm shaking my head, it seems that when you turn on the lights, the cockroaches go scurrying for cover.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Don't let it get to you. I get violation notices for the most ridiculous things, and I am immediately thumbs-downed when it is revealed that I am atheist. Even when I have given a very good answer.

    As far as the hate mail goes, I get it too. I do read it, but I delete it immediately afterwards. Some things in this life aren't worth worrying about. The reactions of the people in this forum are one of them.


  • 1 decade ago

    Our natural nature as humans is to use defensive mechanism whenever we feel our intelligence or the representation of ourself is being challenged. In simple form, we lack the ability to accept any opinion that seem disagree with our views or criticism that put our views under a microscope. This is because we all desire to out do the other and will not hesitate to take praise for our good work. We are just merely lacking the ability to accept reasonings and exercise humility.

  • 1 decade ago

    You have the option of leaving your email address or not. I would suggest you not have your email address available because any nut can decide to leave you a message just to get their point across. Other than that, only truly ignorant people get defensive when an answer is given that they don't agree with.

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  • Kithy
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Yes, but it's always those people who don't have a return email that send messages to me. Hit-n-run's I call em. They hit you with their replies and then run for fear you might actually respond and confirm how childish they are acting. A lot of people in here do not know how to rationally talk about something. So when they disagree they lash out, thinking this is proving their point. When all it proves is how irrational they are.

  • 1 decade ago

    I've only gotten two hate messages. One by that Mudcat267 guy and another from someone who must be a kid. I thought Mudcat was a kid, considering what he wrote, but his profile says he's 52. The rest of the comments have been very kind and interesting.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It's religion-some people have a cosy world view where a saviour generously washes away their every sin and cares deeply about them. They don't like people removing their comfort blanket and revealing that in reality the world is a pretty harsh and brutal place.

  • nomad
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    What's bothering you. We are all different, having

    different points of view.I think it is healthy situation.

    There will always be some crap in any society.

  • yeah I find people do that alot

  • 1 decade ago


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