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Favorite Answers19%
  • Please help with a trojan Virus?

    I have these programs on my Computer and AVAST is the ONLY ONE who Detects a Virus.

    Avast Anti Virus

    AdAware 2007


    a-squared Free

    Super Antispyware Professional

    Windows Defender

    Everyday 2 or 3 times a day, Avast tells me that I have a Trojan Virus, and other Malware, BUT the OTHER Programs I have listed does NOT Pick it up and tells me that my Computer is Running Normal and Nothing is Detected. It is a EXE Trojan File, and I have Contacted Avast about this, BUT all they tell me to do is what I have already done. I MOVE the Infected File into the Virus Chest, and sure enough a few hours later Avast Warnes me AGAIN with the SAME VIRUS WARNING. This has been going on for over 3 weeks and Avast IS NO HELP. ( the support team ) What must I do to get Rid of this Trojan IF it is NOT a False Postive, and IF it is a False Postive, how do I know it is? I Apologize for this being so long of a Question, BUT I do not know how to explain it better. Thanx

    5 AnswersSecurity1 decade ago
  • denisedennydenny would you?????

    Would you plese accept my apology for my answer yesterday, (in R&S Forum) with your question about being poor and the church. I came across too strong and I could have worded it different I can see now. I got a Thumbs Down, and I DESERVED IT for the way I answered. I know this is more of a Statement rather than a question, but I hope you will read this and forgive me. Totally MY FAULT, not yours. Once again I apologize.

    3 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Would someone Please Rate this Computer from 1-10, and Price it should be worth B 4 I Buy? Thanks in Advance?

    Operating System System Model Windows XP Home Edition Service Pack 2 (build 2600) Systemax

    Enclosure Type: Desktop Processor a Main Circuit Board b 2.20 gigahertz AMD Athlon 64

    256 kilobyte primary memory cache

    1024 kilobyte secondary memory cache Board: C51MCP51

    Bus Clock: 200 megahertz

    BIOS: Phoenix Technologies, LTD 6.00 PG 10/11/2005 Drives Memory Modules c,d 69.03 Gigabytes Usable Hard Drive Capacity

    56.29 Gigabytes Hard Drive Free Space

    SONY DVD RW DW-Q120A [CD-ROM drive]

    3.5" format removeable media [Floppy drive]

    Sony USB HS-CF Card USB Device [Hard drive] -- drive 1

    Sony USB HS-MS Card USB Device [Hard drive] -- drive 3

    Sony USB HS-SD Card USB Device [Hard drive] -- drive 4

    Sony USB HS-xD/SM USB Device [Hard drive] -- drive 2

    WDC WD800JD-00MSA1 [Hard drive] (80.02 GB) -- drive 0 448 Megabytes Installed Memory

    Slot 'A0' is Empty

    Slot 'A1' is Empty

    Slot 'A2' has 512 MB

    Slot 'A3' is Empty Local Drive Volumes

    C: (NTFS on drive 0 56.29

    Controllers Display Standard floppy disk controller

    Primary IDE Channel [Controller] (2x)

    Secondary IDE Channel [Controller] (2x)

    Standard Dual Channel PCI IDE Controller (2x) NVIDIA GeForce 6100 [Display adapter]

    ACR AL1706 [Monitor] (17.1"vis, August 2006) Bus Adapters Multimedia Standard Enhanced PCI to USB Host Controller

    Standard OpenHCD USB Host Controller Realtek AC'97 Audio

    Unimodem Half-Duplex Audio Device Communications Other Devices PCI SoftV92 Modem

    HID-compliant consumer control device

    HID-compliant device

    USB Human Interface Device (2x)

    HID Keyboard Device

    Laser Mouse

    NVIDIA Network Bus Enumerator


    Generic USB Hub

    USB Composite Device

    USB Mass Storage Device

    USB Printing Support

    USB Root Hub (2x)

    7 AnswersDesktops1 decade ago
  • What is happening????

    I have 9 Card readers built into my Computer, and they are of course listed under Devices With Removable Storage. EX: My "C" Drive, 31/2 Floppy, BUT the problem is when I Boot up My computer and put in my SD CARD from my Digital Camera "H" Drive is not listed at times, BUT if I shut down the computer and restart it, "H" Drive IS listed again. What do I have to do to keep my Removable Drives for removable Storage LISTED so I do not have to shut down and Reboot everytime I want to insert the SD Card? It usually does this AFTER I Delete the Pix off the SD Card after I send them to my Documents so I can Edit them and save them to a CD. Thanx for any info you may be able to provide in advance.

    3 AnswersAdd-ons1 decade ago
  • When is the ???????

    When is the Edit Profile Link going to be back up and running again. I have a Blog, and a Jpeg I want to use. I have not been able to Edit my Info for over a week now and this is the second time I have asked this and someone said to go to your Profile and Click Edit Profile and do it there. IT DOES NOT have that in my Profile. I KNOW what to do, it is just that the choice is NOT THERE. Any info will be appreciated, Thanks.

    3 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • How do I ????

    Ok Im really confused this morning. I use to know how to change my Pic in YA BUT now as of this morning I cannot find out how to do this. Everything was just fine last night. I have been to my Profile, searched the YA Questions, and been all over the YA Forums to find out what is going on. I have a Blog that has the Pic I want to use, BUT there is NOT an Option in my Profile to change my Avatar to a Jpeg Pic. Help please.

    1 AnswerOther - Yahoo Products1 decade ago
  • Can a Beta????

    Is it OK to put a Beta Fish (just one) in an Aquarium with 6 Goldfish, Cory Cats, (2) and two (2) Snails. There is also 1 Sucker Fish, (I do not know how to spell the name of it, and that is what I call it)? Also IF it is OK, should I get a Male or a Female Beta? I hope you all understand what I am saying. Thanks to all in advance for your help in this.

    6 AnswersFish1 decade ago
  • Would it be better to?????

    When I change the water in my Aquarium, would it be better to buy Distilled Water in Gallon Jugs rather than use Tap Water from my kitchen facuet? I only have a Ten Gallon aquarium, so I do not have to do this very often.

    11 AnswersFish1 decade ago
  • Has YA changed the way they?????

    Has YA changed the way you get notified if your answer is chosen the Best Answer? They use to send it to my email, but now when I log in it states that "whoa, you just earned 20 points" for an example. Just curious.

    9 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • How do I ?????

    I want to make my folders in an USB External HD private and I know how to do it, but when I go to check the box that says to check to make private in the security option, it is "grayed" out and will not let me check it. What must I do, or what am I doing wrong?? It is NTFS formatted as my desktop is. Hope you understand my question. Thanks to all. I would LIKE to make the complete External HD completley passworded protected if that is possible.I have search the Internet and I have found a site that says to make sure that under system tasks make sure that show contents of drive is checked. I do not see an option to show contents of drive.

    4 AnswersSecurity1 decade ago
  • How do I and is it safe to......?

    I had an old Gateway Computer and I have bought a new computer to replace it, and with the old one I had an External 40gb HD. I want to Reformat the External HD and take ALL the folders and such out of it so it will just be like it was when I bought it with nothing on it. It is NTFS formatted, and I do not need any of the files anymore and it is just taking up free space and I want to clean everything out of it. Hope you understand what I am saying. I am fairly new to computers and do not want to mess the External HD up as it is fairly new, and I sure do not want to mess up my new computer I just bought. My new computer is a desktop NTFS formatted. Please help if you can. Thanks to all.

    2 AnswersDesktops1 decade ago
  • HELPPPPP!!! Why is my????????

    I have just bought an I/OMagic USB EXTERNAL CD/RW and when I hit the EJECT BUTTON the door will open, but it closes so fast I cannot insert a disk. IT IS installed correctly, Windows picks it up OK, it is listed in My Computer with the correct ICON. I have also went to Properties and used the troubleshooter and it states that the devise is working PROPERLY. It is also listed in my Devise Manager. I have uninstalled it 3 times and reinstalled it and I get the same problem. I have an up to date driver with it also. It will READ a Data and IMAGE Disk that I made awhile back with no problem. It will also NOT PLAY an AUDIO CD. I have set it to Analog instead of Digital and that does not help. Any help out there?????????? (I have to hold the door open for a second by hand so I can put a disk in)

    3 AnswersDesktops1 decade ago
  • How do you?????

    I have some 32 x 32 pixel pictures in GIF Format, and I want to use them as Desktop Icons. How do I convert them to Icon Files so I can use them for Icons?

    I know that I will get a ton of answers, so to be FAIR, the FIRST CORRECT ANSWER I receive will get the 10 points.

    That is only fair. I wish I could give them to all who answer, but as you know I cannot.

    Thanks to all who answer though for your time.

    2 AnswersOther - Computers1 decade ago
  • Does anyone know??????

    I will try to explain this the best I can please bear with me. SOMETIMES when I type (in an Email Letter) for instance, if I make a mistake and catch it before I finish the email, (and I go back into the paragraph) and backspace to correct the miss-spelling, I have to rewrite the whole thing from the beginning of the word forward untill I get to where I can continue with the email. This also happens in Word Pad too. This only happens sometimes, and it is a hassle to have to rewrite the whole thing over. Say I have a Sentance in the first part of the Paragraph, and I go back to that Sentance to correct a misspelling, and if the Paragraph is, lets say, ten (10) Sentances long, I have to retype the whole ten (10) Sentances. I hope I am making sense. Thanks for any help.

    4 AnswersOther - Computers1 decade ago
  • Why is it when you?????

    Why is it when someone poses a question, or you comment on an answer, they get defensive on your answer when you do not agree with what they think is right. This is a Q & A Forum I thought. Now I have hate messages and they are trying to argue to get their point across. It is a good thing that I know how to ignore them, and not read the messages. I am just deleting them without reading the remarks. It seems that some people are miserable and want everyone to be miserable with them to put it kindly. Everyone has a point to make and that is what this is about with the answers that are given, as advise is what people are asking for so I would assume. No one person has all the answers, so opinions vary in their response. This seems to be more common in this catagory than in any other. Anyone else going through this type of situation in here?

    13 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Is there anyway...?

    I have an External 60GB USB Hard Drive. Is there any way to set up a PASSWORD so no one can access the Hard Drive except me?

    1 AnswerSecurity1 decade ago
  • Ever notice that when someone is caught for Murder or some other horrible crime.?

    The ones who have been caught and sentenced to death, they cry, Cruel and Unusual punishment. What about their VICTIMS such as the Elderly, Children, and others that have been murdered in the commission of a crime who are innocent. The child molestors, murders, and perverts always say, "I had a bad childhood". Fry them all and do to them what they have done to their victims, only slower, and make it as painful as possible.

    27 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • Why don't the complainers about this Country and the way things are done, not leave?

    Just about everyone you see on the News casts complain about the way things are done in this country. If they do not like it why do not they leave the united States and go where there is not freedom or tolarence, or where you have no choice in anything. Most of the ones who complain do not vote or even try to make a difference in the situations they complain about. They want someone else to do all the work for them. Join a branch of the Armed Service, volunteer yourselves to a worthy cause, be somebody in society that can make a difference in someones elses life that needs it. Yes I have done most of these things I have mentioned, so I can save some the trouble of writing and telling me to do it. This only applies to the ones who know it about themselves. There is no pride in people anymore for the right reasons. All they want is a handout from everyone, and it is about themselves, as that is all they care about. What is going to happen when they have to fend for themselves? Wake up.

    6 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • Is there anyone who would be serious about making friends with me to share pictures of our Furry Babies?

    I would like to make some friends to email one another to share pix and stories of our Furry Babies, our Kitties, who feel as I do about them, which is they are like our children. PLEASE NOTHING VULGAR OR DIRTY RESPONSES. You will be reported for any PORN or FILTHY LANGUAGE in any way I can do so. I am trained in Forensics Recovery and WILL TRACK you down and bring charges. I want this to be a FAMILY Friendly Discussion experience for everyone who cares to partake in the discussions. We could as I stated earlier send pix, tell stories, and share how our Babies bring us love and companionship to us. Be able to make new friends online, and to keep in touch with one another through our common interests. Other Pet Owners are welcome also. If you have a Web-Site and your Babies are on it, we could also visit one another's sites. Thanks to all who are interested and reply,


    4 AnswersCats1 decade ago