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Ever notice that when someone is caught for Murder or some other horrible crime.?

The ones who have been caught and sentenced to death, they cry, Cruel and Unusual punishment. What about their VICTIMS such as the Elderly, Children, and others that have been murdered in the commission of a crime who are innocent. The child molestors, murders, and perverts always say, "I had a bad childhood". Fry them all and do to them what they have done to their victims, only slower, and make it as painful as possible.

27 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    You Go! I was wathcing a show on t.v. just a few nights ago. I think it was 'the most dangerous police videos' or something like that. It was on Court t.v.

    But anyway, in Brazil you know they are allowed to shoot a suspect? Even if he isn't armed?

    I told my husband too bad they don't have that here. Seem like criminals get all the rights in this counrty.

  • 1 decade ago

    An eye for an eye seems apt. The only issue is being absolutely certain that you have the right person, which is why the death penalty was abolished in the UK some time ago. I agree that a murderer, molester or some such should have done to them what they did to others. Failing that, death is fine. But how do you know you have the right person? The death penalty would reduce the cost of running prisons hugely, save the country billions. It's almost worth it. But what if that one person who is wrongly killed is you? Or your mother? Or your lover? It's easy to say 'for the good of society'... until you're the one getting shafted.

  • 1 decade ago

    ....hmmmm......not sure this is a question, but anyway..

    What if the 'victims' or their families don't want them to be murdered by the state? And do two wrongs make it right? And you should channel your anger into something more constructive instead of Internet rants......

    Soooooo, not sure I agree with you......and might I suggest that you think through what you are actually saying and the implication that this would have upon our society if the state had the power to take life....... seriously...I think this would be a backward step for civilisation....

  • 1 decade ago

    Why all the negativity yes the victim has been killed they are dead and don't know what is going on maybe even happier, but what good is it to kill the killer. What if you accidentally kill an innocent human who happened to be at the wrong place at the wrong time. It has happened before. Chill out everything will sort it self out in the end.

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  • WC
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    For some twisted reason, America have adopted a criminal injustice system. They go all out to protect the rights of the criminal, while their victims sometimes are victimized again by the very people who are suppose to protect them.

  • 1 decade ago

    You answer to 'the problem' makes you no different from them, only you claim 'moral outrage' as your defence for such thoughts and feelings.

    Oh! Ok. That's all right then.

    May you live in more interesting and satisfying times.


  • Cal
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Seems that you may have had an experience with some of them.

    I agree with you. Just sticking a needle in their arm is an easy way out. Pain might deter some of them and make them think twice.

  • 1 decade ago


    I also think that people who misuse Yahoo Answers to vent personal opinions or just plain rant should be forced to wear nipple clamps for a month. They clog up the front page with shite that has no business being there.

  • 1 decade ago

    Remind me to never get on your bad side

    but I agree about the victims part

  • 1 decade ago

    make the prisons more worse bc they can do to many things as it is now. they can watch tv they can get college degrees FOR FREE and weight lift and play basketball and other sport activities. I mean prison is rough bc you have to watch out for the other prisoners but i think they should take all the above i listed out bc i do not think they should have all those things they are being punished.

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