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Why don't the complainers about this Country and the way things are done, not leave?

Just about everyone you see on the News casts complain about the way things are done in this country. If they do not like it why do not they leave the united States and go where there is not freedom or tolarence, or where you have no choice in anything. Most of the ones who complain do not vote or even try to make a difference in the situations they complain about. They want someone else to do all the work for them. Join a branch of the Armed Service, volunteer yourselves to a worthy cause, be somebody in society that can make a difference in someones elses life that needs it. Yes I have done most of these things I have mentioned, so I can save some the trouble of writing and telling me to do it. This only applies to the ones who know it about themselves. There is no pride in people anymore for the right reasons. All they want is a handout from everyone, and it is about themselves, as that is all they care about. What is going to happen when they have to fend for themselves? Wake up.


I am sure that anyone wanting to leave can find a way if they want to, but no, they have to stay here and get welfare and other help because they are too lazy to make a living on their own.

6 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    You certainly are making a lot of generalizations. Part of our heritage as Americans is the RIGHT to question our government and voice our opinions as we see fit. How do you know most of those complaining aren't voting? What an assumption. I try to change what I do not like by voting and by writing to my Senators and Congressmen/women. Cynicism isn't going to win you any prizes here, any more than those who complain without trying to effect change.

  • Fluffy
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Because that makes no sense.

    Plus it's hard to just move country. You need visas and so on. So it's not like you can just move country whenever you want, and for any reason.

    People are always seeking perfection and until their country is perfect they'll keep complaining about it. That's what happens. You see problems and talk about them and look for solutions to make things better. Then you move onto the next problem.

    What is the point in pride anyway? You nor me nor hundreds of our ancestors didn't make our countries what they are today. What's the point in being proud to be black, or proud to be white when skin colour is not important? What's the point in being proud of being American or Irish?

    There's not that much point in being proud of something which is just plain luck. It's just luck that we weren't born some poor little ethiopian kid.

    I find it hard to believe you've done those things because you sound like you don't know what you're talking about and are probably around 16 years old.

    If you do good things in life don't expect any recognition for it. Most people are selfish but that's life. What are motives for helping others?? There is no such thing as a selfless good deed.

    You are proud of helping people which is fair enough but what that's getting you is admiration, and respect. Things that the most selfish people in life want. Helping people makes the helper feel good. So really we are all selfish. Just in different ways.

  • 1 decade ago

    If people could get paid a living wage maybe they could save up enough for a plane ticket to leave. But most people are barely squeaking by and have to pay interest charges on credit cards, which they had to use to pay for living necessities.

  • 1 decade ago

    one of the things that make this country great is that we CAN complain and not get hauled off by some secret police. and you're being awfully general and vague about the rest.

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  • 1 decade ago

    They are too lazy to leave. They wouldn't have so much time to ***** if they would go to work making things better.

  • jen
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago


    you can disagree with the way things are run and still love it .

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