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For SERIOUS Astrologers ONLY!?

How does the reclassification of Pluto affect Astrology...Or does it? How are YOU handling it?

17 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    You can't take a job away from Pluto, he's doing what he does, always has, always will. I haven't changed a thing, except field more questions about him.

    Pluto handles what absolutely has to happen, process, birth, growth, and rebirth are all under his jurisdiction.Hes in charge of the scary stuff, he loves black, hates the spotlight, and always works below the surface. Head of the department of death, decay, destruction, and other unavoidables. He disposes of situations that have gone past the point of no return, that absolutely must go. You can't fire Hades! If anything, by declassifying (dwarfing) a planet that does all its work behind the scenes, or hidden, we've just empowered him on his own terms.

    Peace & Love

  • Spica
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Yes, it's true the modern planets were discovered fairly recently in history. The old traditional rulerships still apply today. Pluto is not THE ruler of Scorpio, it is Scorpio's CO-RULER. Mars still is, always has been, the main ruler of Scorpio.

    The traditional planets and rulerships have been in use for thousands of years because they were visible to us in the heavens, and could be tracked daily for observation of its effects.

    Another thing is that the planets were discovered and named by astronomers. Generally, astronomers don't have much knowledge of Astrology and its folklore and themes. So they just named the modern planets after whichever mythical god had been left out or should take its turn. The astrological meanings of the modern planets only came after modern astrologers observed their effects over time.

    Speaking about time, there hasn't been much historical time since these planets were discovered. The study of the Astrology of the modern planets is still an ongoing thing.

    Astrologers have built up a body of knowledge about Pluto through observations of how people here on earth are affected by its journey through the signs. Whatever astronomical classification it comes under doesn't have any bearing at all on its observable astrological effects.

    What I can't understand is why people get so worked up about this.


  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Well, at face value it would seem that the "demotion" that Pluto has recieved would be a big blow to astrology. When I first heard of it I was rather upset even though I thought it would happen for sometime now. There are several things that we have to consider before we think of the adverse affects that it may have.

    1. Pluto is primarily composed of rock and ice. It has an eccentric orbit that is highly inclined with respect to the planets and takes it closer to the Sun than Neptune during a portion of its orbit. Pluto and its largest satellite, Charon, have often been considered a binary system because they are more nearly equal in size than any of the other known planetoid/moon combinations in the solar system, and because the barycentre of their orbits does not lie within either body

    2. Our solar system consists of the sun, eight planets and a dwarf planet (and their moons), an asteroid belt, and many comets and meteors. The sun is the center of our solar system; the planets, their moons, the asteroids, comets, and other rocks and gas all orbit the sun. Pluto is the only one that really counts up until this point.

    3. Pluto never intended to be a planet. Consider this: Known as 2000 CR105, the comet moves about the sun in a much more elongated pathway than originally thought, astronomers now find. Observations over the past year by Brett Gladman of the Observatoire de la Côte d'Azur in Nice, France, and his colleagues show that the comet's orbit takes it further than 200 astronomical units (AU) from the sun and as close as 44 AU. One AU equals the Earth-sun distance of about 150 million kilometers.

    With these findings and several others that I cannot mention because of their classification it seems like this is the best thing that could have happened for our solar system because it is going to open the door for other things to happen. Such as the development of new planets and inter solar system travel.

    If you are upset then I think you should read the evidence and it will ease your worry.

  • 1 decade ago

    It wasn't until Pluto was discovered and named that it was granted rule over Scorpio. Mars was our old ruler and our nature has retained some of his aspects. Remember how these planets got their names: Pluto- god of the underworld & Mars- god of war. Scorpios will always have a dark side no matter what you choose to call Pluto. Besides, these chunks of matter were being charted and used in astrology long before they had names. It really matters more what constellation each planet was in at the time of your birth then what planet "rules" your sign. You also have to remember that a lot of the given descriptions for how one behaves in relation to this planet's name, have more to do with the Roman gods they are named for then anything astromical. Astrology is very old and it's not going to affect it a bit. At least not for people who really and truly know what they're doing.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I think that a simple chang in the name wil have no effect on how pluto is represented through astrology. Pluto plays a very big role in astrology and I honestly dont think that this dwarf thing will not effect us believers in Astrology

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    The North Node shows an area of life that has to be developed; the South Node shows how we feel comfortable in dealing with the issues shown. If we keep doing things in the way of the South Node we can get into a rut, stagnate even. If you take care of your North Node, the South will take care of itself. The South Node will also have positive traits, these will come out only by using the North Node. The sign the North Node's in shows the "problem" and the house shows the area of life affected.

  • 1 decade ago

    according to vedic astrology only the following have an effect:

    1. sun, 2. moon, 3. mars 4. venus 5.jupiter 6. mercury 7.saturn .

    urenus, neptune and pluto have no effect.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    it doesnt, its just a title change. astrolgy tracks many non-planets including te sun the moon and countless asteroids. a simple change from planet - dwarf planet will not change the fact that pluto still remains in the sky and its effects on astrology are still known.

  • 1 decade ago

    i think it's horrible, i'm really sad to see poor pluto just get booted off the list like that and be dubbed 'dwarf planet'. it's fxcking demeaning, and i still think of it as one of the official planets, scientist opinions or not.

  • 1 decade ago

    I'm totally with Stardog- it shouldn't affect anything

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