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Do you think Slavery is still here?

Do you think that its still some form of slavery still here in the work place or society? People playing people against each other?(the crabs in the basket effect) Is it more mental then physical?

While you are at work take a minute and look at your surrounding or envirnment and answer the question.

16 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I feel there is a considerable amout of slavery in the work place. I know of some people who are told to do things that do not consist of their work duties or even their company they work for and are not paid extra for it. I know of people who do chores and errands for their boss just because the boss asks them to. I feel some bosses are very strict on their employees and the employees feel forced to do extra or more to their job in fear of losing their job. There will always be slavery in this world. Everyone is a slave to their job.(for the most part) However in this type of slavery they are being paid for it.

    If you look at it everyone is being sold to a job... By the pay, allowances, and benefits. Its not your choice.. You know how much you must make to survive in this world. Everyone does not work at the job they are most happy with for this fact... They are working for the benefits and money.

    Source(s): l
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    For a minute I thought you meant something else by your question it lost it's significance the minute I read the rest. I would have answered "not the institution but the mentality still exists". The statement of people playing against each other isn't slavery. It's ambition and competition.

  • 1 decade ago

    Anytime you have a high paid "boss" and low paid workers without benefits or job security you have slavery. It happens everywhere. Look at the migrant workers in the US right now and you'll see slavery. As a society we haven't learned a thing, we just call it something else.

  • 1 decade ago

    Slavery in and of itslef still exists (Sudan and Saudi Arabia, I believe). People playing people against each other is a natural effect of gossip, plus if you want to go somewhere you have to do some naughty things, right?

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  • dano
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Yes many of the illegal immigrants here are no more than slaves. The guest worker program currently being considered would make than problem even worse as these people will be in effect the property of business owners.

  • 1 decade ago

    Do some research. Slavery is still taking place in the world on a daily basis.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    anyone who is racist or sexist still practices slavery.

    anytime you ask someone to do something for the sake of being authoritarian when you could have done it yourself is doing it.

    There is slavery going on in the world today still and in America its just more subtle

    Men abuse women. Spousal abuse (not just female victims) is a daily occurance. Why do people allow themselves to be treated like this?

    In America today there are tougher animal cruelty laws than child abuse laws. You have to be nicer to your pet (by law) than you do your kid.

    Ask any tenager they will tell you that they are a slave.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    ok...have taken a minute to look at my surroundings....aahh there you whinging ´i want a drink....when´s dinner going to be ready´, will get around to it in between washing, ironing, cleaning...ooohh yes, slavery is alive and well and living in my house!

  • 1 decade ago

    Absolutely, go visit South America women have almost no rights compared to American women.

  • 1 decade ago

    yes I would say so... if you look at different cultures around the world you can see that all people are not treated the same....

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