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Do you think it would be ok for?

our government to pass a National Sunday Law? this would go against our constitution and the separation of church and state. In1610 the first sunday law in America was passed. Laws and Orders,Divine,,Politique,and Martial, for the Colony in Virginia: forst established by Sir Thomas Gates,Lieutenant -General, May 24, 1610.Did you know the old Sunday blue laws are still on the books in Virginia? They have never been removed. It's a religious law and it's unconstitutional, but its still there.

Did you know that the president has been all for this?

8 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    national Sunday law would mean a religious day would be kept sacred by law, or government.

    A clear violation of Church and State being separated.

    Plus, a conflict of those who believe that Saturday is the Sabbath

  • 1 decade ago

    I've never heard of a National Sunday Law, so could you elaborate? What would this "law" say, exactly? FYI the United States didn't exist until 1776. Before that it was a bunch of Colonies, although many colonial laws were continued to the states.

  • 1 decade ago

    " Did you know that the president has been all for this?"

    Given that he has been doing a lot worse, like suspending Habeas Corpus rights for detainees, I am not at all surprised by this. Fact is, why should anyone be surprised?

    Blue laws? Wouldn't the government do a lot better for the country if it got it's head out of it's Christian as-s and ACTED more along the lines of what it preaches? How 'bout national health care? Get my point?

  • 1 decade ago

    Sure, pretty soon the Blasphemy Laws are gonna get dusted off......then we'll all be happy campers in a Totalitarian Theocracy. Impossible you say, how many of you thought that the President would be quibbling over the 'real' meaning of torture recently?

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    There are quite a few places with Sunday laws left on the books. I'm just happy I do not live there. They would not go over well on the west coast.

  • 1 decade ago

    The only laws that I concern myself with are the laws of the bible.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    No Jews have a right to go on Saturday if they want to..

  • wisdom
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Your Point?

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