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Seriously, what was Jack Chick on?

I see these every once in a while (someone keeps putting them in the bathrooms where I work) and I must say, all the seem to do is paint Christianity in a rediculous light. I mean, how silly is the one about D&D ( ? And how dumb are the ones about Evolution ( , Muslims ( , and Homosexuality? (

Wow, this one makes me sick.

I can't believe someone actually thinking "This preachy, badly drawn, borderline offensive comic will make someone think Christianity is great! I'll leave it next to a urinal!"

Is there anyone here who actually thinks Chick Tracts help recruit converts? Can you defend them?

Here's a whole bunch, have a laugh.


Geez, coreyusaf, you got a stick up your butt or what? Why do you hate me so much?

Update 2:

proscunio, This isn't about Islam. I don't want to hear it.

22 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Chick knew his audience: kids.

    When I was a kid, I was adopted by a Fundamentalist family. Later, the Fundamentalist church I attended forced children to pass out Chick tracts door to door. You've got no idea how mean people can be to kids when they're evangelizing (and it wasn't the kids' idea; they were sent out by adults to do this).

    The Chick tracts were especially targeted to children. I know they used to scare some of the kids terribly. When you're an adult, you can see that they're really just goofy and inadvertently funny. As a kid, though, when an adult hands you a copy of Chick's "The Last Generation" and tells you that it's the gospel truth, you just get really creeped out, instead.

  • 1 decade ago


    There are two ways of looking at these bizarre creations. Either we can go with the visceral reaction: "What sick, stupid, lying, moronic bull!"

    Or we can reflect for a minute that, as some people have said on here, and you mentioned in your premise, that plenty of people will have been led to see Christianity in a creepy, hateful or just plain stupid light as a result of reasing this garbage. That means if there IS a Christian God, It's probably gonna be mighty pissed at Chick for "losing" the souls of so many potential believers.

    Don't know about you, but that's an image that gives me some degree of comfort!

  • Joseph
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Chick Tracts indeed always have been very popular, and there is an element of truth to just about anything people say - even you. For example, read the one about The Death Cookie:

    and you'll to a large extent be reading the the truth about the Catholic eucharist and how it was established.

    In this tract:

    he tells the truth about Halloween, and what people used to do.

    Yet I think it is much nicer to put the pumpkins on the porch and have the kids dress in costumes and give them candy instead of them being killed. I am sure they would agree.

    He won't recognize or admit though, that Christmas is also a completely pagan holiday with the Jesus birth story tied in. Rather, they place this at the site:

    You should probably burn all your D&D crap (if you have any) as he says and let it go back to the devil. Well, it probably doesn't go there - but still would not be a bad idea.

    I can go on & on.

    Yet he seems to be so convinced of the King James Version, but scholars know the Gospel of Matthew was originally written in Hebrew. He also seems to use going to hell as a scare tactic such that many people come to believe because they are afraid of going to hell rather than because there is something to believe in.

    So I've come to learn differently about several things, but find some of his material interesting, educational, and entertaining.

  • .
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    "That's right! This LIE (evolution) was created by the devil to keep kids out of heaven!"

    "God said that He made the first dinosaur and the first man on the same day!"

    That is, at the same time, the funniest and scariest thing I've seen all day. Also, I love how the pro-evolution teacher looks like a witch. I'm sure that was a coincidence... <rolls eyes>

    "If anyone tries to make YOU gay, stay away from them!"

    Wow. Just... wow.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Jack Chick, unfortunately, is just like many, self-righteous and ignorant Christians, the only difference and greatest danger is that he communicates his idea of what Christianity is further influencing others to believe what "Christianity" is about.

    We should pray for the truth to be preserved, despite these distortions. Check out the exhaustive and complete theology of Jack Chick in the link. God bless. =^)

  • 1 decade ago

    I've always gotten a kick out of Chick tracts. I collected them as a kid, but never handed them out. They are very corny, but that is part of the charm.. The artwork is actually pretty good by 70's and 80's comic standards. I had a great nostalgic laugh at the D&D tract, thanks for the link!

  • 1 decade ago

    Those things are pure comedy! In all honesty, Jack Chick Tracts among others (like this have made it impossible for me to take Christianity seriously. I cannot believe that anyone takes these things seriously.

  • 1 decade ago

    While I haven't always agreed with one or two of the Chick Comics, these Publications have actually been very well received by people around the world. I have relatives who actually read them in Greek.

    I Cr 13;8a, Love never fails!!!!!


  • 1 decade ago

    Wow, the D&D one was really funny. Jack Chick must never have played any kind of game in his entire life. He should draw another one based on Monopoly, and the secret financial powers you can gain from it...

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    genuinely, i do no longer think of which you will discover lots spirituality in a palm-sized comedian e book, a soccer-container-sized comedian e book or any comedian e book for that remember. Spirituality is chanced on interior the midsection and ideas and is reinforced via reliable works, sacrifice and prayer. satisfied Easter!!

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