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Do You Think The So Called Proud White American Deserves To Be On Here?

They Are Racists And Only Believe In Whites. These People Don't Need To Be Around Our Children. They Are Like The KKK.

14 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I agree.

  • 1 decade ago

    That's worded wrong.. I happen to be white.. I was born here in America. I am a Vet. And I am extremely proud of this! I am not a member of any KKK or Nazi group. You should be getting use to freedom of speech in the USA. One of the few you can. It's up to the Parents what there children are exposed to. Hate groups are world wide. And there are hate groups in every race..

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Yes, there are some pretty unsavory characters who post here. But in America, everyone has the right to speak their minds. The only proper and truly American way of responding is to speak your mind in turn. Show why their ideas are wrong and yours are right. Yah, I know, dealing with KKK-types of attitudes gets tiring real fast. But still - last time I looked, anyway - this IS America. We have something awesome and unique, called "freedom of speech". Distasteful as it is, that includes hate speech. Because once you start limiting the rights of some, you justify limiting the rights of all. And then this Land of the Free is no more - it becomes a police state wherein only speech approved by the powerful is permitted. You could not speak out against racism and hate. You could not speak out agains the rape of the environment. You could not speak out against Congressmen who sexually abuse young boys. You could not speak out against clergy who do the same thing. You could not speak out if your employer were forcing you to work in an environment that poisoned you. Without our great freedom of speech, you and I and all of us are up that notorious creek without so much as a splinter off a paddle. And that is a pretty s.h.i.t.t.y place to be, wouldn't you agree?

    Source(s): I'm a veteran who fought for that freedom of speech...
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    really if we get rid of every group we disagree with we would live in hitlers germany ,,right,, let them come in here, maybe they can get some insight into reality ,,just as all the other folks who come with an agenda may be enlightened ,and gain some knowledge ,, but if they spray nasty remarks and ask simple minded and crass derogatory statements then report them till they are banned

    Source(s): I report racists
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  • 1 decade ago

    Everyone deserves to be on here if the want.Even those who express negativity.Racism comes in all forms.Every race can be discriminating.Hatred breeds hatred.We all need to respect each other.

  • 1 decade ago

    I am a proud white American

    and I would be dissapointed in any American who wasn't proud of thier country and thier matter what color that may be...Everyone has a right to be proud of who and what they are!

  • I do believe the so called proud White American does deserve to be on here.. Yahoo is American Company - If anyone doesn't deserve to be on here it is the Anti-American twats who sit on their fat *** all day waiting for their next welfare payment to arrive.

  • 1 decade ago

    You have a point, but questions like this only encourage that sort of person. The best thing you can do is to ignore them and report them (they hate that).

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Sounds like you want to be a dictator and stay what people can and can not say. That's not very American of you. Maybe you don't belong in yahoo answers.

    Source(s): You probably think I don't belong here either.
  • Kuji
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    He doesn't DESERVE to be anywhere. However, I believe he has the right to exercise his freedom of speech if he stays within the posted guidelines. If he steps outside those bounds, report him.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    They deserve to be here and can be used as an example of what not to do and what not to be

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