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is it bad that im addicted to porn while my husband doesnt really care for it for his own pleasure?

ive been into watchng porn before i met my fiance. we've watched it together quite a few times a week, but i watch it whenever he isnt around the house like im a fiend. he feels like he might lose me to porn, but i dont feel like that at all. i just like the feeling of touching myself.

12 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Different people have different ways to get arouse and feel that crackling love. But if u love ur husband so much, u got to respect his preferences. Peg it down a little and compromise.

  • 1 decade ago

    I saw a movie a couple of weeks ago that dealt with that very subject. It started out with porn photos, then porn movies and then internet porn. It is a gradual process like any addiction and my advice to you is stop while you still can. Thinking you don't have a problem and watching it all the time and not getting enough of it is a sure sign that you are either addicted or not far from it.

  • 1 decade ago

    No, not bad. But with all things, use "moderation". Utilize some balance and think before you act out. You might be "fiending" due to unsatisfactory relations past and present.

    Use the skills you know and the resources you have at your disposal in moderation.

  • 1 decade ago

    If you just like to watch porn, no worries – you just have a compatibility issue to workout. However, if you are genuinely, clinically addicted, then he has reason for his concern. Addicts frequently give up everything for their addiction. This is most commonly seen in alcoholics and drug addicts.

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  • 1 decade ago's not bad.

    Its a state of mind...........n I would not call it 'sick'......... nor 'obsessed'....base on the fact that you seem to enjoy watching while touching yourself.

    Your husband need not worry losing you to porn.........on the proviso that you only enjoy porn and relief yourself................ n not watching porn n dashing off to the street corner to pick up the first hunk you find!

    So........go on......enjoy long as it's safe, fun, satisfying.........n harmless to your marital relationship!

    But......out of curiosity.......girl.....tell the hell you find so much time to wear yourself out!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It's not bad, but it is unusual. See if husband is interested in doing something pornographic with you -- it could be fun.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Nope go right ahead. If he can't handle it that's his problem or maybe he should step up and try to put that fire out. I know I would. ;)

  • i love porn also maybe your married to the worng guy

  • 1 decade ago

    so you watch the porn, and than pleasure him, somple enough

  • g_man
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Hey I"ll watch it with you !

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