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OK heres my situation. I have an 8 yo daughter whos father is an illegal alien from guatemala. I didnt know at the time and did not find out until she was about 2 1/2. We never married and actually broke up before she was born. When we did the paternity papers he gave me his social security number and everything went through alright. 2 years later I received a child support payment from the IRS, later to find out it was taken from his father. I then found out that the SS # he gave me was his fathers. So right now according to SS, my daughters grandfather, is her father. I went to SS and told them that he falsified papers and all they told me to do was go to the place of birth and have it removed. He refuses to let my husband now of 4 years to adopt her. Also he has in the past threatened me that he would take her back to guatemala and never return. He has supervised visitation rights but does not see her. He hasnt seen her in 6 years. Sorry so long. Can i get him deported?


1. I definiitely dont want to hide him, hes an *ss.

2. I've already been to the SS office and they told me to go to the town hall where she was born and have the # removed.

3. and as far as reporting him, its already in the custody papers that I have full custody and he has supervised visitation. And no I dont think anyone would miss him.

What else makes this hard is that my daughter knows who he is and asks occasionally about him.

Update 2:

Oh and ...

4> He hasnt paid in like 3 or 4 years.

Update 3:

to jalfreizi, obviously you dont have kids, then you would know that you would do anything to keep your kids safe. I knew the man for over 10years and not to many people knew, not even the people that put him up in their home for those 10+ years. I called a lawyer and they told me that if i was to receive payment from him not to accept it or cash the check. After 6 months its considered abandonment. then my husband can adopt her.

15 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    You have every right to be mad as hell but the truth is that even if you get his name removed you still can try to get him deported but INS, ICE etc wont do sh*t about it. Honestly, look around , we have Illegals roaming our streets and towns as if they own the place in plain sight and no one is doing anything to arrest and deport them. Its just talk as long as I am concerned by the INS, IV+CS, Homeland security, politrics, govt etc etc. report him all you want and i bet he will still be around ILLEGALLY even when your kid gets married and has her own kids. I have no faih in the USA system and I also advice you to keep trying to get what is right done but dont be disapointed when nothing happens, and the chances are that nothing will happen.........My heart goes out to you and you have my sympathy...........good luck

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes, if you know for certain he is an illegal alien. You can also get his parental rights removed. If he is not visiting her and has threatened to take her out of the country he is putting your child in danger. You should go speak with an attorney as well as protective services to see what you have to do to get his rights revoked. I can tell you from experience tho that protective services (at least here in Michigan) they will do what ever they can to reunite the parent with the child even if it is not in the childs best interest. As far as the child support issue goes contact social security to find out if he does have a social security number if not you can have him deported for fraud as well as being an illegal.

    Good Luck and keep your daughter safe.

  • Niecy
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    You can have him deported for being here illegally and falsifying documents. He gave you someone else's ss#. I don't know what you should tell your daughter about him, but considering he hasn't seen her in 6 years and doesn't pay child support, he is a deadbeat. Maybe you should tell her the truth and tell her to think of your husband as her father.

  • 1 decade ago

    Do you want the father deported or the grandfather? Your message is quite confusing. If you never married and have not received support neither the father or the grandfather would have many rights concerning the child. If the grandfather is here legally you cannot get him deported. You might be able to terminate visitation if they have not used it for 6 years. You may also be able to sue for child support. It doesn't sound like they give you too much trouble, so what is your real grief? Why don't you get legal advice from child services?

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    This man needs to deported pronto! Do everything you need to do to have him deported! Have everyone in your family and all your friends report him to Immigration. File a report for his illegal use of the SSN. For the safety of your daughter and yourself, you need to do everything you can to get him deported. Like someone else here said, see a lawyer. You can get a free or very cheap consultation with a lawyer for advice and then go from there. Keep reporting him to INS until he is deported!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago yourself in a pretty scarey situation. One of the MANY reasons we have to know who's in this country and getting a grip on these phony documents. They can barely handle legal citizens with proper documentation between bogus numbers and foreign countries in the have yet to see the magnitude of this problem and how many ways your life can be destroyed. Get a good lawyer pronto and do everything you can to protect your little girl. Atleast you found out.......child support is the least of your problems now. A lawyer is the only one who could guide you through the legal channels.

  • MEL T
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    You need to go the SS Office and file a fradualant use of social security number form. This will not get him deported. You will have no luck with that I fear. If he does not pay child support a court will sever his parental rights and your new husband can adopt your child. That's really the only way your going to get it done, that I can think of. It's expensive and you'll get no child support payments.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Report him!

    ICE has a 24-hour number:

    (866) 347-2423

    There is lots of kids being stole by illegal aliens right now! He also might kill her have you ever thought of that. Many illegals kill their wife and or kids!

    Would anyone miss your X if he died?

  • 1 decade ago

    Deported? I'd have him arrested for forging the papers!! Looking at all the illegals here, I doubt if you can have him deported.

  • 1 decade ago

    People like you anger me. You are a selfish woman. If you had bothered to get to know this man before opening your legs to him you would not be in this situation and not have a child who will never grow up with her "real dad" hope you have leant a lesson.

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