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  • How do i get my male cat to stop peeing on my jackets? HELP!!!!!!!!!?

    My cat (male) has been peeing on all my jackets. We don't know why he's doing it. He has been doing for a couple of days, we need help to get the pee stink out and to help solve his pee problem. PLEASE WE NEED HELP AND ANSWERS NOW!!!!!

    6 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • I just got disturbing news about a friends 2 yo daughter.?

    She went to check on her 2 yo twins and found one sleeping on her stomach not breathing, cold. She passed away. They are performing an autopsy and most likely will blame SIDS. My question is how do you keep a child from sleeping on their stomach? My daughter is 7 mos. and I have 2 older children and never had them on their stomach, the baby now since learning to roll, only sleeps on her tummy. Any advice would be great and prayers for baby Gina. TYIA!!

    16 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • scary video?

    where can i find that video where you see a car driving then a woman jumps up and scares the crap out of everyone.

    1 AnswerJokes & Riddles1 decade ago
  • IUD question?

    A few weeks back, I was pregnant and it was expelled due to an IUD in place. Now that I was pregnant, my husband and I want another child, we have 2 girls. I'm planning to take out my IUD and am going to work on the shettles method, we want a boy. Will removing my IUD, change my cycle? I'm on a 28 day cycle, and I'm also going to start the BBT. So I was wondering, if taking it out will affect my timing? We figured we would practice until we got the dates down of when I ovulate. Again, would it change my ovulation dates I guess is my real question? Sorry so confusing, I'm really looking forward to another baby. Thank you so much.

    5 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • deportation?

    OK heres my situation. I have an 8 yo daughter whos father is an illegal alien from guatemala. I didnt know at the time and did not find out until she was about 2 1/2. We never married and actually broke up before she was born. When we did the paternity papers he gave me his social security number and everything went through alright. 2 years later I received a child support payment from the IRS, later to find out it was taken from his father. I then found out that the SS # he gave me was his fathers. So right now according to SS, my daughters grandfather, is her father. I went to SS and told them that he falsified papers and all they told me to do was go to the place of birth and have it removed. He refuses to let my husband now of 4 years to adopt her. Also he has in the past threatened me that he would take her back to guatemala and never return. He has supervised visitation rights but does not see her. He hasnt seen her in 6 years. Sorry so long. Can i get him deported?

    15 AnswersImmigration1 decade ago
  • for guys....?

    I am a wife and I have a question for all you guys age 30 and over. When you guys have erections in your sleep, do you know that you are having them and do they always involve sexual dreams? Please serious responses only. My husband and I will make love and two hours later i his sleep he will be hard again. But when he is awake, if I want to fool around some more , he'll tell me he is not "****** and reloaded" not to be funny but, I was just wondering.

    14 AnswersMen's Health1 decade ago
  • IUD and Pregnancy?

    I have heard conflicting reports about whether or not you should take the IUD out early or to wait til after the eighth week. Im just about four weeks and have the copper IUD in place. So if anyone has been through this please send some comments.

    4 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • 7 y.o. neighbor with sticky fingers?

    My daughter is 8 and has a frind next door that is 7. When ever this "friend" comes over she tends to pick up something that doesnt belong to her, specifically, my daughters pokemon cards. I caught her the first time and insisted that she put it back. I figured she knew she was caught and wouldnt do it again. sure enough a few days later my daughter realized they were missing. i confronted the 7 y.o. and told her that is was wrong and if she was to do it again i would tell her mother and she would not be allowed over. Well, didnt seem to work, she repeatedly stole from my little girl, and i feel bad keeping her away from her friend. i did tell her mother and she said she was glad i told her but did nothing to reprimand her. instead she went out and bought her the exact same stuff that she stole. what is the best way to avoid this little girl abut not hurt my daughters feelings? there is only so many errands one can do to avoid the situation.

    19 AnswersGrade-Schooler1 decade ago
  • dumb riddle?

    How much dirt is in a hole four feet deep and two feet wide?

    9 AnswersJokes & Riddles1 decade ago
  • one more dumb riddle?

    Can a man legally marry his widows's sister in the state of california?

    12 AnswersJokes & Riddles1 decade ago
  • anoither riddle?

    Before the days of motor cars, a man rode into town on his horse. He arrived on friday, spent three days in town and left on friday. How is that possible?

    11 AnswersJokes & Riddles1 decade ago
  • funny riddle?

    A man builds a house with all four sides facing south, a bear walks past it. What color is the bear?

    5 AnswersJokes & Riddles1 decade ago
  • Vasal Vagal Syncope?

    I am 32 and was dx at 19 with v.v. syncope. Is there anyone out there who is also suffering with this syndrome?

    7 AnswersHeart Diseases1 decade ago