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I just got disturbing news about a friends 2 yo daughter.?

She went to check on her 2 yo twins and found one sleeping on her stomach not breathing, cold. She passed away. They are performing an autopsy and most likely will blame SIDS. My question is how do you keep a child from sleeping on their stomach? My daughter is 7 mos. and I have 2 older children and never had them on their stomach, the baby now since learning to roll, only sleeps on her tummy. Any advice would be great and prayers for baby Gina. TYIA!!

16 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I've never heard of that either. I'd wait for the results of the autopsy before blaming SIDS at two years of age. Maybe the child had a undiagnosed heart condition.

    Once the baby learns to roll over on their stomach they're not at risk for SIDS anymore. Also theres nothing that can be done to prevent them from rolling over once they can.

  • its strange because SIDS age ranges from new born to 1 year old. and most common in 2 to 4 months. its not known what causes it, so they can't really confirm its from smothering on their tummy because some babies who pass on from SIDS are lying on their backs. It may have just been a really horrible happening. Maybe it was just the poor babies time to go. At 2 years old, even if the baby was on their tummy, they should have the ability to move if being smothered. There is no sure way but they say to put babies on their backs until they can roll on their own then there is no way to control how they sleep...

    Baby Gina is definitely in my prayers! No one should have to go through the loss of a child...


    What SIDS Is Not

    There is no testing available to tell anxious parents if their baby is potentially a SIDS baby. It is a diagnosis which is made only after death, when all other causes have been ruled out. Currently, there is nothing that can be done to prevent SIDS, although some strategies which have helped the SIDS death rate go down, will be discuss further in this article. Due to ongoing medical research SIDS is NOT caused by the following:

    1. SIDS is not caused by lack of love.

    2. SIDS is not caused by suffocation, vomiting or choking.

    3. SIDS is not contagious.

    4. SIDS is not hereditary.

    5. SIDS is not caused by baby shots, vitamin deficiency, or hormone imbalance.

    6. SIDS is not caused by allergies or infection.

    7. SIDS is not caused by a sleeping parent laying over on the baby.

  • badlam
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    this is compared to crimes that ensue adverse to White all and sundry is in no way suggested. I lived in Washington D.C. for 4 years and could always see CNN protecting some tale of a White woman that were abducted in Aruba or everywhere, yet at the same time as i flow to the submit place of work and spot all the faces of the lacking Black little ones, i ask your self how come they're not getting any coverage. this is precisely what ChinaDoll says. this is because it became at Duke and human beings love scandal. If it were the Black basketball gamers doing the raping, i'm particular which could were coated too.

  • 1 decade ago

    At two years it would not be SIDS. (Technically no one "dies from SIDS" - it's a category to classify deaths in infants of unknown origin, not an illness or medical condition in itself.) Once they are rolling around easily stomach sleeping isn't as much of a concern. I'm sure your daughter will be fine. I'm very sorry for your friend though.

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  • 1 decade ago

    A child at the age of 2 is not likely to die of sids. That is more likely at the age of 2-4 months. once they hit 6 months i believe they are very very low risk of dying from sids i believe you are okay but if your worried then get one of those wedges they have for babies

    Source(s): mommy to a 5 week old and an almost 4 yr old
  • Elo
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Its not SIDS, thats for babies, I think theres another form of it for older children though but VERY rare. It may have something to do with them being twins and perhaps being born early?? They sometimes have respitory issues. But at that age theres no way you can force a child to sleep on their back, they're old enough to move on their own so you'd have to stay up all night watching, thats sad that she passed though. Your poor friend.

  • 1 decade ago

    I'm very sorry to hear about your friends baby. Once they learn to roll there is really not much you can do to keep them on their backs. I always used the wedge for my babies once they are old enough to roll I think the risk of SIDS is not as high. Good luck!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I'm very sorry to hear about this! But the chances of a 2 year old dying of sids are slim to none, the chances of the child having an unknown medical condidtion are greater... When i child is able to roll over on their tummy it's safe for them to sleep in this position, my sons learning to roll over on his tummy and it scares me silly, but I dont want to put anything in his crib to keep him from rolling over because to dont want him to suffocate on that! The best thing you can do is keep doing what your doing, it's like driving a car, we can do things to make ourselves safer, but you never know what might happen. You can keep things out of your childs crib, and you can TRY to keep your child from rolling over on their tummy, but you never know! Just keep doing what your doing, and like all of us hope and pray that you never have to deal with the death of a child. Dont spend your time worrying, just enjoy them! I will keep baby gina in my thoughts and prayers!

  • 1 decade ago

    I have heard of SIDS deaths at 2. rare but they do occur. In most cases SIDS deaths are caused by some sort of underlying unknown medical condition. On occasion they do get caught up in a blanket or something but not usually. unfortunately it is largely unpreventable. :(

  • 1 decade ago

    two years old and sids? i always thought after age one you didnt have to worry about sids...i have a 11 month old and he has been turning turning himself on his stomach since he was able to rollover...i know its not safe..and there is somthing you can buy to keep them off their stomach..

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