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tsd574 asked in PetsCats · 1 decade ago

How do i get my male cat to stop peeing on my jackets? HELP!!!!!!!!!?

My cat (male) has been peeing on all my jackets. We don't know why he's doing it. He has been doing for a couple of days, we need help to get the pee stink out and to help solve his pee problem. PLEASE WE NEED HELP AND ANSWERS NOW!!!!!


@kristen, thanks but i have little kids in the house that like to leave their coats and blankets(for forts LOL!) on the floor. Thanks for the advice!

@EA thanks! I will try it!!!

Update 2:

@MD Thanks!!!! I will make sure i check into that, i think it might be the liter box because they have one where the smell doesn't come out so i think the odor might be overwhelming to him!!!!!! Thanks!

Update 3:

@W thanks!!! Thats what everyones telling me!!!! I just actually cleaned it with fantastik yesterday so yeah. I will definitely look into that Cat pee cleaner. I have been told of a remedy of apple ider and vinegar but i think the coats will smell like vinegar!!LOL! Thanks!!!!

6 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    A very common reason for cats suddenly starting to pee where they shouldn't is a UTI. The cat needs to see a vet URGENTLY to check if he has cystitis. This is fatal and extremely painful if not treated, but is easily treated.

    Then you need to get rid of the smell on the coats. Cats pee where ever they smell cat pee, so .....

    Anyway, get some special cleaner that removes the smell of cat pee. Most pet shops sell it. This is the only way of getting rid of the smell so the cat can't smell it. I would suggest soaking the coats in the special cleaner. Just pour it neat all over the coats, cover every bit of coat - then leave for up to 24 hours. Then wash in washing machine, adding special cleaner to the wash (as well as the usual washing powder). Check for the smell once the washing is dry. If there is any trace of cat pee smell, repeat process.

    Good luck!

  • 1 decade ago

    You need to determine if this is a medical or behavioral issue. First of all is he neutered? If not-get it done!! Take him to the vet so they can determine if the only thing wrong is UTI. (urinary tract infection). This is very common in cats and fairly easy to clear up with antibiotics. If it is determined that is not a medical problem then you need to look into a behavioral problem. Is the litter box clean?. Cats are very particular about their bathrooms and if it isn't clean to their satisfaction they will go elsewhere. Is there something different in the household? Is there another cat wondering around outside? Is he urinating or marking? (urinating is on a horizontal surface, marking on a vertical surface.) I use to have a male cat who had UTI's on a regular basis. He would just come right up and pee on the newspaper while I was reading it as if to say "hey, somethings wrong with me". Go to the vet first. It is easier to clear up a medical condition than a behavioral one. If at any time he is acting painful and not able to get any urine out get him in immediately. This is an emergency situation and can be fatal in as little as 24 hours. If it is just an infection seeing the vet in the next couple days is fine, just keep a close eye on him.

    Source(s): retired vet tech
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    First you must clean and disinfect the areas that the cat has pee'd on because they can smell that and will continue to do it. One thing is to watch the cat and if you see it start to pee you can spray it with a water mister or you need to train it to use the litter box. If you can put an cat door on your back door and get the cat used to going outside to go to the bathroom. There are pet pychologist that can help too. Even the vet can suggest some stuff. There is a product that pet stores carry that will eliminate the pee odor.

    Source(s): Don't use bleach to clean up with, as the ammonia will actually attract them. Best thing is washing powder dissolved in warm water, wash the area several times. Read more:
  • 1 decade ago

    Get your jackets off the floor and put them where the cats can't get them, lol. Wash them in hot water to get the smell out. Did something happen to make your cat mad at you? Did you bring another cat into the house? It sounds like he is acting out or maybe he doesn't feel well.

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  • 1 decade ago

    If he is not fixed that is probably why he is "marking his territory" If he is fixed he might be trying to tell you something is wrong or that he is mad about something.

  • 1 decade ago

    Hang jackets up?

    Castrate him?

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