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Can anyone explain the God Head?

11 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Only the Mormons can. To everyone else God is a mystery confused by non-biblical creeds.

    God and Christ and the Holy Ghost are three separate beings. Jesus Christ is the son of God.

  • 1 decade ago

    However you explain it, it is not supported by the Bible. Jehovah is the Most High; Jesus is the Son of the Most High; the holy spirit is God's active force. It is not a person.

    The apple illustration to explain the trinity is rather silly. The apple does not contain equal amounts of peel, core and meat. And besides, the person who used that illustration did not mention that water is also a principle part of an apple. I wonder why he left that out.

  • Think of the Godhead as a team; including God the Father, God the Son (Jesus), and God the Holy Ghost.

  • cindy
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Hopefully I can help you a bit here.

    If you have a bible, please open it to Genesis Chapter one. It will help if you can read it yourself.

    verse 26

    And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness; and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowll of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth

    verse 27

    So, God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him, male and female created he them.

    In verse 26 you will see that God says to "let us" create man in our image.

    In verse 27 you see that God then does create man.

    Verse 26 is the first clue we get of the God head. Now we have to find out who is the "us" and "our" that God is speaking of.

    Right in Genesis Chapter one we can find another part of the God Head. verse 2

    And the earth ws without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.

    Here we find the Holy Spirit. The second part of the God Head.

    Now lets look for the third part of the God Head. This third part can be found in many places and I do not want to leave you thinking that these few that I quote are the only ones.

    Genesis Chapter 3, verse15

    And I will put enmity(hostilty) between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy had, and thou shalt bruise his heel.

    This verse is actually talking to the devil and letting him also know what will happen. The devil will continue to walk the earth causing trouble for humans, but his head will be bruised by the seed of Eve (off spring). This is the first mention of Salvation, or end of the punishment being handed out here for disobeying God.

    In other parts of the bible, you will find a conversation between the devil and Jesus Christ. Jesus tells the devil that he cannot deceive him because he (Jesus) was present at the fall of the devil. Thus showing that Jesus has been around from the beginning. You will also find John Chapter one verse one.

    In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

    Jesus is this word that is spoken of, for in further reading you will find that the word became flesh and that flesh is Jesus Christ.

    So now we have three distint "parts" of God. God is the boss, meaning that he knows all and the Holy Spirit and Jesus carry out Gods plan. It is like my own head, it controls my arms and legs. My arms and legs are very much a part of me, but they do not know all that my head is thinking or knows.

    God is much more complex than my head arms and legs, but at least it gives a simple visual of the God head.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    When I was a Christian, this is how I explained it.

    You have an apple, There are three distinct separate parts of the apple. you have the peel, the meat, and the core. All separate, but all fully apple. This is how the Godhead is the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Three separate personalities, but all fully God.

  • 1 decade ago

    Another way to understand the relationship between the Father, the Son, and the Spirit (the three members of the Christian Trinity) is to think about your relationship to other people.

    Human beings often have an idealistic sense of what it means to be "close" to someone. We imagine marrying someone who will eventually grow to be like ourselves and whom we will grow to be like.

    We look longingly at older couples who seem to be able to finish each other's sentences, share the same thoughts, treat each other as if they were part of themselves -- almost become "one person" even while retaining their own individuality.

    We would call that love and personal intimacy -- the two have become one, even while retaining distinction.

    The Trinity is like that, but moreso.

    All three are made of the same "stuff" -- all three are divine in nature and desire -- and they are also so close to each (so loving, so caring, so intimate) that they literally have become the "same" person as well.

    They operate as a flawless unit, even while each of the three retains its own special function within the group.

    While this is a simplistic definition, the Father is like a king; kings have ultimate authority/power and they determine what will be carried out in the land.

    The Son is like the king's emissary; he chooses to obey the king and represents his will to the people. The Son also has authority given to him by the king (Father), to carry out the Father's will.

    The Spirit is like a companion who bonds with each believer, bringing them into the full community of God. It provides good desires and deep knowledge of God, guiding and instructing each believer as they go throughout life.

    (The Spirit gives us a "taste" of what it means to be in the community of heaven, and of what it might be like for the Trinity.)

    So each of the three is made of the same stuff and is totally "in sync" with the other members of the Trinity. They are completely united and affirming of each other, with the same intentions.

    Three beings so close, they're literally one at the same time.

  • Can anybody explain how three can be one?

    Similarly, try to explain the virgin birth, miracles, or eternity.

    There is a place for explaining but aren't these issues best accepted with simple faith?

  • 1 decade ago

    Heavenly Father; His son, Jeasus Christ; and the Holy Ghost.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    the trinity is the god head.god ,jesus,and the holy spirit.there was god he gave his one flesh jesus who was god in the flesh,=then when he was hung for our sins,he died then rose again upon his assention to heaven he left the holy spirit to live in us , that is how we are like christ,through his spirit GOD,JESUS,HOLYSPIRIT a;; are one in the same.........amen

  • 1 decade ago

    It means God, jesus, and the holy spirit. Or "godhood".

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