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Both of My Feet are Swollen and Infected?

Help ! Both of My Feet have become swollen and Infected.Is this Diabetes ? What Herbal Supplements would help ? I also have no Appetite.Would Drinking lots of Water Help ? Should I stay away from Soft Drinks? This started when I Quit Drinking Beer, usually 8 to 10 a Day, on the 9th of October was when I Quit.I Drank for over 20 Years, decided to Quit, and that's when My Feet Swelled up.Has anyone else experienced this ?

17 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Since drinking to much beer triggered my diabetes, it's a good possibility that this is what happened to you. After you come back from the doctor (hopefully, they can save your feet), you need to read this:

    For type I and type II diabetics (and those who are overweight and could potentially become diabetic). Copy and bookmark the webpages I‘ve listed below… they are invaluable for those with diabetes and/or weight problems...

    I've found a wonderful book that will help you control your diabetes and minimize or even eliminate the complications. Some folks who became diabetic due to poor diet and obesity are effectively cured by following the advice in this book. I'm a type II (inherited), but it helps all types, especially those who became diabetic due to poor eating habits. It's by an author who has really done his homework, Patrick Quillin, Phd. It's called, "The Diabetes Improvement Program". I have tried his suggestions and found them to be very helpful. I have no complications whatsoever and my blood sugar levels are quite stable. Yes, I still have to take Metformin (Glucophage) daily, but it's the minimum dosage (500mg) and I only have to take it twice a day. I have been off Metformin for as much as a week, but this was with vigorous exercise. Many, what I call, non-hereditary type IIs (those that don't have a close relative who had it) have gotten off medication completely, just with diet, exercise, and supplements. So, in some instances, it most certainly can be 'effectively' cured. Read more about it here:

    The book explains what's going on in our system and what to do about it. It's really easy and inexpensive. It's basically diet, supplements, and exercise. For example, did you know that cinnamon helps blood sugar absorption? It also controls cholesterol and triglycerides. This is according to the USDA:

    Here are just a few of the things I’ve learned to help my diabetes:

    Learn how a vegetarian diet can renew your body and cure almost anything:

    Remarkable supplement improves circulation and can help prevent neuropathy and macular degeneration:

    Great calorie enlightenment:

    Sugar does not cause diabetes:

    Lots of information on diabetes:

    Some enlightening type 1 diabetes info:

    Recommended reading for anyone trying to control weight, especially diabetics:

    Some psychology behind overeating:

    Insulin and the brain:

    Why the British are healthier than Americans:

    Some great health sites with all kinds of general health information:

  • 1 decade ago

    Infection and swelling of the feet are not signs of diabetes, in fact you can not diagnose diabetes from a foot exam..(By the way I have been a Podiatrist for 15 years). If you are a diabetic your feet can and probably will undergo changes as you get older but the only way to diagnose diabetes is with a blood test. If your feet are infected and your sugar is out of control it is serious. Your sugar being out of control is fuel for the fire or food for the infection. It will cause the infection to spread more rapidly, and you wouldn't necessarily feel any pain. You would be amazed as to how little a person with a neuropathy can feel. I have had many patients present in my office with needles, glass and many other items in their feet and didn't even know that they were there. Most of the time they just came in for a routine foot exam, or they noticed some blood on their socks. Go to an internist, podiatrist, dermatologist who will examine you with your shoes off.

    Good Luck

    Source(s): 15 years experience and a DPM degree
  • Paul S
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    I am diabetic. Get to the doctor immediately, not tomorrow, not next week, walk yourself out to your car right now and go to the Emergency room. You have no time to waste.

    Additional info:

    Infection and swelling of the legs and feet is a classic sign of Diabeties. When the bodies blood sugar level is above 200 then wounds do not heal and get infected. This is a double edged sword, because an infection causes your blood sugar to rise. It is a combination between a Yeast infection (because with raised sugar comes fungal growth) and a bacterial infection (in any open wound) When I get a wound I use a combination of fungal cream and triple antibiotic ointment to treat and watch my sugar level closely.

    Drinking lots of water along with frequent urination is also a symptom of Diabetes. The body is trying to flush out the excess sugar in your system with water, flooding your kidneys. This also can cause long term damage

    Have you noticed blurred vision? Dry mouth? Leg Cramps? Lack of energy? There are many symptoms, and if left too long you can go into a coma and die. That is why you need to go Right now, no hesitating, no excuses, to the nearest Emergency room available.

  • 1 decade ago

    You get yourself somehow to that Emergency Room asap. I mean it. You could lose your legs or feet to an infection. My Mom lost all of the back of one leg because she got a small infection thru her foot and didn't knwo it. They had to cut out her entire muscle in the back of her leg. Also the man next door than was in his 40's also got an infection and it traveled up his leg. He was lucky they got it in time, but he was still left with some scarring on his leg. This is nothign to fool around with or wait. Please go to the emergency room so you can get treatment. If you don't it can travel to your heart and yes you can die. I know this for a fact. I have seen it happen to people. And yes you could have diabetes or another problem. Just let the doctors do their job.

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  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    I was just getting ready to say exactly what Kellie said! That works like a charm. My husband and I used to have TERRIBLE ingrown toenails, but we haven't had any for 20 years. Make sure you jam that bit of cotten just as far down in the sorest part of the toe....where the side of the nail meets the "meat" of your toe. We use hydrogen peroxide rather than iodine. Works just as well and hurts a lot less. If there is pus in there, drain it as best you can before doing this. Once it grows out even with the rest of the nail, never ever EVER cut it down the side again or it will come back. Good luck!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It could be the result of diabetes. If so, only a doctor can tell you.

    If so, why is it not being treated? The ultimate result of what you describe is amputation or death by gangrene of infected tissue (which seems likely if you are foolish enough to consider treating infections with useless herbal medicines). I would suggest that you get to the doctor immediately...or prepare to die.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It could be Diabetes......go and get checked...I don't know if the drinking beer has anything to do with it... only tests and a foot doctor can help you at this point...I'm sorry that I don't have an answer for you other than I have said... good luck to you

  • ?
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    You need to go to the Doc ASAP!! Swollen feet can be symptomatic of many different things from diabetes to heart failure!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It very well could be diabetes but also have them check your kidneys that could also cause swelling of the feet legs and ankles. go to a DR. asap! LIKE NOW!!! don't rely upon yahoo answers on this one!

  • 1 decade ago

    You need to see a doctor IMMEDIATELY. Nothing anyone here can tell that is going to help you especially if you have INFECTION! You could lose your feet!!!! GO....NOW!!!!!

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