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If you keep telling me I believe in Jesus, will that make it true?

In this question (;_ylt=AsnH_...

I told the poster that I do not believe in the divinity of Jesus. He responded with "Of course you believe in Jesus' divinity."

Um... what? No I don't.

As you can see, the debate went back and forth for a while. No matter what I said, he pet insisting that I must believe that Jesus was divine.

Why does he think that he can tell me what I believe better than I can? Is this a common Christian trait, or just his own personal delusion? I'm not trying to be disrespectfull here, I'm just confused as to why he thinks he can tell me I believe in Jesus when I very firmly do not.


Sorry, that should be "kept," not "pet."

Update 2:

Lanani, I wasn't assuming that all Christians act this way. And he gave me no good answer for it.

Love Shepard, you do know that Christianity isn't the only religion out there, don't you?

Update 3:

Once again, Nikki completly misses the point.

Damage Control, that... has nothing to do with the question.

Update 4:

Lanani, how was I being abrasive? I tried very hard not to be disrespectful with this question. It seems you are being a little too touchy here.

Update 5:

Love Shepard, you need to learn the term "logical fallacy" and take it to heart.

17 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    To me it is like the WSIDR questions, I ignore them. As soon as you realize you've run into a quack like this guy, it is time to politely move on.

    I once supervised a production dept with a bunch of union hourly folks. I quickly realized that if I listened to the "whiners", I would create more "whiners". Moral: don't empower the quacks.

    As for me, though I have faith, when I talk to a skeptic, I try to talk about philisophical issues, like: why did the universe just begin? It seems it should have had a cause. Sayig it was uncaused makes no sense. If evolution is natural selection, then how did it start, you need something to select. A lot of complex biology needed to be in place to start natural selection. Does matter have a property that includes consciousness? Bottom line, I do not think I or you are a random quirk of nature, for if we are, then in the grand scheme of nature, our lives are meaningless, it matters not, if we live or die. I tend to think like this:

    “What a piece of work is man! How noble in reason! How infinite in faculty! In form and moving how express and admirable! In action how like an angel! In apprehension how like a God! The beauty of the world!” – William Shakespeare

  • 1 decade ago

    Uuumm NO it is not a common Christian trait and I don't think he should have done that. You believe in what you want to believe. I am a Christian, and I cannot tell anyone what they need to believe, or what they do believe. All I can tell them is how good God has been to ME, and what the miracles and blessings he is capable of performing and giving, and what or who they decide to believe in afterwards is their business. The choice is ultimately up to you in who to believe in, and nobody can make that choice but you. It is actually your God given right to believe in what you want. God will not pressure or make you believe in him, thats a decision you decide for yourself. And if you choose not to, then so be it. Please dont let the actions of a few Christians make you think they all act like that. Thank you.

  • AT
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    This is not a common Christian trait. You have the freedom to believe what you want and I have the freedom to believe what I want. We can have open dialog about these beliefs and I think it is okay to even try and convince each other that their beliefs are correct, but I can't dictate your beliefs any more than you can dictate mine.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    The prefix “arch,” meaning “chief” or “imperative,” means that there is in basic terms one archangel, the government angel; in the Scriptures, “archangel” is in no way discovered in the plural. First Thessalonians 4:sixteen, in conversing of the preeminence of the archangel and the authority of his workplace, does so in connection with the resurrected Lord Jesus Christ: “The Lord himself will descend from heaven with a commanding call, with an archangel’s voice and with God’s trumpet, and people who're ineffective in union with Christ will upward thrust first.” it is, as a result, no longer with out magnitude that the only call straight away linked with the be conscious “archangel” is Michael.—Jude 9; Scriptural info shows that the call Michael utilized to God’s Son in the previous he left heaven to alter into Jesus Christ and likewise after his return. Michael is the only one pronounced to be “the archangel,” meaning “chief angel,” or “imperative angel.” The term takes place in the Bible in basic terms in the singular. This seems to intend that there is yet one whom God has detailed chief, or head, of the angelic host. At a million Thessalonians 4:sixteen the voice of the resurrected Lord Jesus Christ is defined as being that of an archangel, suggesting that he's, in certainty, himself the archangel. this text depicts him as descending from heaven with “a commanding call.” it is barely logical, as a result, that the voice expressing this commanding call be defined by using a be conscious that does no longer shrink or detract from the great authority that Christ Jesus now has as King of kings and Lord of lords. (Mt 28:18; Re 17:14) If the designation “archangel” utilized, to no longer Jesus Christ, yet to different angels, then the relationship with “an archangel’s voice” does no longer be perfect. if so it may be describing a voice of lesser authority than that of the Son of God. in case you have self assurance in the trinity, then no, you will no longer have self assurance Jesus is the Archangel!

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  • 1 decade ago

    NO its not a common christian trait. Its his personal conclusion.

    Hes wrong with his attempts to make someone believe.. That wont work --never has never will

  • 1 decade ago

    I keep being told here that it is impossible not to believe in God. We only deny him because it makes us feel less guilty about our inevitably hedonistic lifestyle. Obviously.

    Cogito Sum, would you deliberately leave that quotation from Hamlet incomplete because the final part of his sentence is inconvenient..?

  • Lanani
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Perhaps you should ask the guy who made this assertion rather than aiming this question at all Christians, blithely assuming that we all work exactly the same way.

    Incidentally, being abrasive does nothing to convince others of the validity of your ideas. It just tends to make you come across as self-assured in a condescending sort of way.

  • 1 decade ago

    merry ye meet I am wicca and no being told over and over again that you believe in Jesus does not make it true only you can make the choice in what you want to believe cause in the end it is you who has to believe it.

    hope you have a wonderful day

    blessed be

    white wizard

    merry ye part

  • 1 decade ago

    Maybe he meant GOD. I think many people who say they dont believe in GOD mean that they dont believe in what most people percieve as GOD. But I think almost everyone believes in some sort of higher being or higher authority or superior consciousness. That is believeing in GOD.

  • 1 decade ago

    just because someone tells you that you believe in Jesus' divinity doesn't make it true. its up to you what you beleive in, just because someone tells you to beleive something doesn't make you believe or doesn't make them right. I hate that people try to push their believes on other people, especially when they don't know what that person acctually believes.

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