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If you are athiest why do you come to a religion and spirituality forum?

22 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    first of all this person did not mention he was a christian in this question.

    why must you assume that and bash him for it?

    I totally agree with the question...

    If atheists do not believe in a god or religion why must they come to a forum about it and bash what others believe?

  • *duh*
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    That you don't believe in God or religion doesn't mean that you know nothing about it. Many atheists know more about religion and the holy books than the believers do.

    Yeah, I'm repeating what I've answered a couple of times before because I hope that some day someone will learn how to use the search function. (Or possibly start to do some logical thinking.)

  • 1 decade ago

    I come here to keep tabs on what the Christians are thinking and propagandizing on the web. It's a good indication of what the population at large is thinking because it's a little internation microcosm here.

    I'm constantly amazed at what I consider nonsense is being bandied about as fact. Amazed and somewhat frightened.

    I also like to debate and find details to back up my arguments... it keeps my mind fresh. :-)

  • 1 decade ago

    Taking the position of atheism is a statement of a religious nature, so it seems to me that atheists could appropriately read and make postings here. Also, just because a person is an atheist doesn't mean they aren't spiritual, they just don't believe in a God.

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  • doleac
    Lv 4
    4 years ago

    "Athiests say they at the instant are not effected by way of different peoples religions" - we honestly are tormented by way of it. I honestly have 24 religious television stations, people on the streets telling all people they are going to hell, theists attempting to legislate their faith and tear down separation of church and state, and JWs coming to my door each Sunday. and that's merely the Christians. i haven't any matters with very almost the different faith, as maximum of them do no longer do any of those issues. "why come right here if faith and spirituality have no power over you?" - it extremely is an extremely funky way of wording the question, "why are we right here?" i do no longer see the factor of the "no power over you" concern. As I honestly have responded on the previous 20 events whilst this question grew to become into asked, atheism is a place in step with theistic claims. So we've something to assert with reference to the religious discussions. apart from the infinite ignorant questions posed to atheists, we honestly might desire to be right here to symbolize the non-religious attitude. i know if I ask a query right here, i could like as many components provided as obtainable. it extremely is not any relaxing to basically hear what you prefer to take heed to.

  • 1 decade ago

    where else can one debate and expound a view point seldom

    heard and of course alternative spiritualist might find it a common moral ground and once again view point for those raised in a religious background who simply could not accept

    every postulate laid down throughout history . why would anyone actually question such is what i would be interested in ...

    not all people of morals and spiritual values believe in a deity

  • 1 decade ago

    For the entertainment value and to see how little the faithful know about their own religions. They just can't agree with each other.

  • Jim L
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    To answer all the questions directed at atheists.


    Seriously, this question has been asked many, many times. Do a quick search and you'll find lots of serious answers, including probably a half dozen that I have written in the last couple months.

  • F R
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Because they have many questions related to this topic, just as much as the rest of us here, if you want to start with that line of questioning, why do religious bigots with no understanding or tolerance of other religions come here either?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You really should search previous questions and answers, as this comes up 4 million times a day.

    Tired of answering this one...somebody else have a turn


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