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Who has some positive experiences with muslims ?

I hope to hear some stories, no general opinions please.

14 Answers

  • Mrs D
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I used to manage a restaurant where the owner was a muslim. He was very good to his friends & family as well as his workers. He practiced his religion daily & never ever brought harm to others. He has a very kind heart & is an extremely funny person! He actually calls me his daughter, although I am an australian girl & he is rather dark! lol, when I gave birth to my daughter, he called the hospital saying he was my dad, the nurses were quite confused as my dad was waiting in the waiting room! Like I said, very kind hearted & very very very funny man! It has been almost 10 years since I worked for him & we still keep in contact. A whole religion should not be banished because of a few extreemists. While I myself do not understand the religion I do respect it as being an important entity to others' lives.

  • Sugar
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    I met a muslim man online. We discussed everything under the sun, including religion. We then met in person, and we are still closer than close. All he has ever done is show me what an incredible, strong, beautiful muslim person he is, and how his love for God fills every part of his soul.

    He helps anyone at any point with anything he can. He will counsel & assist anyone as far as he can. His friends range from distinguished to homeless. He seeks truth and faith and God unlike anyone I have ever met.

    I have another friend - a lady, who does not follow her muslim faith very strictly, but it has nonetheless given her a tremendous ability to find compassion for even the most hardened heart.

    I for one will not judge a muslim by the media - there is a lot going on most people do not know about; they tend to see the hurt and the anger caused without looking for real hand the weapon may be in.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Mei Guanxi,"NO PROBLEM",I am living and working in China for the past 3 years in Urumqi,the heartland of Chinese Uighur Muslims,they have been so helpful that no words can describe their kindness,never had the slightest of a problem with them.We,Europeans must reconsider our bias against the Muslims as a community,there could be a few bad ones but the vast majority are loving people.

  • 1 decade ago

    I was in India for about 7 years and I met many, many Muslims who are/were the best people I have met. Made many friends. Even went to the mosque with them to see what the religion was all about. Most of them are wonderful people. Unfortunately the religion has been hijacked by some morons who want to impose their twisted view on everyone else. Those people have nothing to do with Islam.

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  • 1 decade ago

    As I live in Singapore, a multi racial country made up of Chinese, Malays, Indians and a small number of white people, I have plenty of Muslim friends. Most of them are quite harmless, and they actually do good things with their religion teachings, and they will not allow Muslims to do bad things in the religion's name. Ok here's the story, I have a friend, anoymous, he's a muslim, his father is a muslim religious teacher, who remarried three times, went to jail cos of raping a malay girl once, and doesn't treat his family well. My friend does not like his dad and is not proud of what he does, thou he knows his dad is a reputable religious teacher, and is doing well financially, looks ok on the outside. Ok, the moral of the story? Not all muslims are like the muslim terrorists who kill in the name of god we saw on TV, not all muslim can't tell right from wrong, and muslim, in reality can actually dislike another muslim if they do wrongs and are not repentent. In fact, terrorism is causing muslims a big embarrasment now. Most muslims chose to remain silent about that and I never talk about terrorism with my muslim friends cos I know they are not like dat the terrosrist I saw on TV. The muslims who are causing a havoc on the internet and on Yahoo Answers are extremes(Muslims extremes who are extremely sick) and personally, I feel they have the qualities of a terrorist. They are basically quite sick. Oh yeah, in case you're wondering, I'm a devoted christian.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    i went to school with a lot of muslims and even thogh there was definate racial segregation and i had a fair few fights with muslims (as all kids do fight at some point in school) i also had as many with white english kids.

    if your are white as i am, ask yourself this how many bad muslims do you know?

    now ask youself this, how many bad white people do i know? the thing people are forgetting here is that its not the religion that causes these boundaries its the people that follow them i know lots of cool muslims (alot of whom i was fighting at school not five years ago) such as life!

    the trick is to put any bad experiances behind you it's not there religion that made them do it the made a concsious deciscion to do it whatever colour or creed

  • 1 decade ago

    i can understand your question as most of the terrorist activies are done by muslims, i feel that they are misguided by the name of religion & they go to any extent to follow it.

    but let me tell you every muslim is not so. i have a muslim as my best frnd since 3 std & they are so good people.

    & another experience is my dad has some property in a posh area & he was unable to sell it off as some guys wanted to grab it, when they learned my dad will not survive for more than few months. we left hope of the property as we were more concerned abt dad, after few months he expired & few days latter a friend of my dad named javed called me & he said that he has found a person who is willing to buy the property, so he asked me to come down, he arranged every formality & when i offered him how much should i pay him he said he dont want a single rupee. the shops had a lot of wodden furnitures too, he took them to his place & i thought he will use it, but i was surprised when he called up one day to tell me that he sold the furniture so wanted my account no to deposit the money. it was really touching to find such people too. so i learned that muslims can be good too, to tell very very helpfull people.

    now i am in hyderabad & have one more frnd he too is too good & always ready to help me. once he called me for a funtion of his & i didn't know anyone in his family & in muslims the males sit in one side & females other side, & he knew that i feel lonely & instructed his sister to always be with me till the end of the funtion & she did accompany me till the end, & i was sure that she must left all the work to be with me. so i did have good experience with them.

  • ash 7
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    singapore is a multi-racist country and our main races are chinese, muslims, indians and eurasians.

    once, i had an anxiety attack and was at the pavement of the roadside just before the highway. it was the peak hours (all rushing to work in the morning) so there were many vehicles. the only people who came over to help me was two muslim men (likely in their late 20s). they took the efforts to stop and check how i was, and called an ambulance for me.

    i am grateful.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    They are like all groups of people there are some good and some bad. You just have to watch out for the ones who believe that the "infidel" must be wiped out. And the ones that want to convert you right off the bat. I don't care for anyone whose first thought is to try and convert me regardless of their religion.

  • 1 decade ago

    I used to work with a guy named Kambiz, an Iranian. He was very mellow and cool. Easy going. I don't know where he is now, but I imagine people are giving him a hard time.

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