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Two-time Bush voters, Are you going to correct the error by staying home or voting Dem. on Nov. 7th?

O.K. you were fooled twice. You can can still help fix the major problems republican leadership have caused!

16 Answers

  • savio
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Apparently, the neocons are devicing the "fight against terror" strategy to win back the house and everyone even cnn says its complete bogus. Finally, the real face of neocons is revealed. The creepy image they project on screen is actually them.

    I hope Barack Obama wins the presidency and i know he will be the best president. Someone who will re consider the constitution that didnt have colored and ethnic people in mind. Plus he has the brains.

  • 1 decade ago

    I couldnt vote for him once. but i did the second time and would do it again in a heart beat. I do not agree with the correcting the error. 9/11 would have still happened if Gore had been voted. I am not a republican persay. I agree with different views on both docets. I did not like the demogratic choice for the past election. they did not cause them if any of it hadnt became like it is now, then we would probably be blown up everyday because i dont think that the democrats which are in congress and the senate now would do anything about it. If we were to pull out of Iraq right now we would be probably signing a note on our back saying kick me im stupid! THis is not anything vulgar just what i think. I just dont think that you should call republicans dumb which is what the jist i got from your question i dont think you should tell people to stay home on election day!!!!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The only error I know of is the mess in Iraq, but how are the Democrats going to fix that? By running away? By telling our enemies when we are going to leave? By giving up on the wishes of millions Iraqi voters who want a stable democratic government? I'll stick with the party that actually sees their vision through, not vote in the one that changes its vision like it changes its underwear.

  • Jadis
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    I love your wording here...typical of the left. If we don't agree with you, we must be fools, right? Everyone is entitled to their opinion. I think we've been trying to fix Billary's screw-ups this past six years. He pandered to N. Korea and literally passed on the chance to get Osama bin Laden. So, NO, I will not be staying home Nov 7th and I definately won't be voting democrat.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Didn't vote for Bush either time...voted Libertarian.

    But if I vote Democratic this time...think about what they'll do:

    1. Raise taxes

    2. Give citizenship to all illegal immigrants

    3. Appoint federal judges who will rule that...well, TECHNICALLY the constitution and our laws might say one thing....but they SHOULD say something go ahead and ignore the law.

    4. Continue to support eminent domain abuses

    Granted, the Republicans have been a huge disappointment...but the Democrats will be even worse...just as they have in the past.

  • 1 decade ago

    Thats right this country is called a Demoracy, not a republic,

    vote Democrat, or at the very least do not vote for another Bush ever!

  • only p
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    If by problems you mean not having another foreign attack on American soil, having a record high economy, and lower unemployment and taxes then fool me again. Seems like the only fools are you Dem's. Oh let's see here's a great idea. We will raise taxes to increase welfare programs, then when companies lay off workers we will have started a vicious cycle. Your ignorance is embarrassing!

  • 1 decade ago

    I believe in the GOP and President Bush. I'm voting REPUBLICAN

  • 1 decade ago

    Bush will be looked favorably upon in the history books, second only to Reagan.

  • 1 decade ago

    I'm doing going to vote Republican again. I wasnt "fooled" twice, and I dont see many problems at all, people are just prepetuating them into something so big when their not.

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