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Some advice...?

My friend's wife kicked him out so she could be with another guy. She won't let him see their son. He' s staying in my house for now since all of his friends and family are out of state. What should he do regarding their son.


Please stop assuming I'm involved with him. My husband and I opened our home to a friend whose wife is a skank.

18 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Get an attorney

  • 1 decade ago

    Although this guy is your friend, there are some areas of his life that you need to stay out of. What he decides to do regarding his son is between him and his wife. You will only cause problems for yourself by becoming overly concerned with this guys personal life. Simply continue to be a friend, but nothing more.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    He can't do anything about it right now. He will have to get a legal separation to get any kind of legal rights of visitiation. But let me put a bug in your ear here, and it is a big bug!

    He has just as much custodial right to him as she does at this point. If he can convince her to let him see him for a little while, then he doesn't have to take him back!

    Understand. He can keep him legally as well as she can at this point, No one has legally devised custody, he has as much right as she. Ask the police in your area if they would please go with him to ask her for a visit with his son. This works sometimes, and sometimes it really pisses them off. It is a chance you have to take sometimes.

    Another one that works is have his parents call and ask to see the child. Usually that works a lot better, than the police deal, but that is if he has parents who are close to the child.

  • 1 decade ago

    he needs to see a lawyer because different states have different laws on this . if they were married its adultry to have sex with anyone else unless seperation papers were filed before sereration or sexual incounter. he has the right to see his kid but must start leagle path soon before she dose this will be to his advantage to start first . she by law cant stop him from seeing his kid but its hard for a guy to force such issues if women says kiss off so lawyer is a must here . he can get court order started and visitations orderd where if she says no then he can take police and force her to let him visit his kid . another man another women its all bad for the kid but best is to come together for kids sake and stop all hosstilitys if possible for love of the kid .

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  • lobo
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    He does have the right to see his son, but unfortunately visits are usually decided in court unless both parties agree to some sort of schedule.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    He should see a lawyer.

    Depending on the state, he may get custody since his wife is not providing a moral home.

  • 1 decade ago

    First off, that's not very nice of her. I think you did the right thing ^-^. Second, he should talk to her about it. I may only be fourteen, but I have a step-dad and know what it's like not seeing my real dad for almost six years. Like I said, he should talk to her. If that doesn't work and worse comes to worse, he could fight for custody and visiting rights.

    Source(s): My
  • 1 decade ago

    He should get a lawyer and head for court. The judge will set up a visit ion time or even allow then both joint custody but he has to do something

  • 1 decade ago

    Why does she automatically get the residence? If she wants to be with some guy why doesn't she leave?

    Your friend needs to get an attorney.

  • 1 decade ago

    Seems, you are the problem for all of his issues or he is trying to cheat you. How is he driven out and her wife is under some one else and now he is at your place. Advise him to settle down his previous issues, b4 coming to you.

  • 1 decade ago

    Get an attorney to set up for visitation.

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