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Girls help me should I respond?

Ok my ex girlfriend whom I broke up with awhile back just emailed me. I feel bad because I am happy the relationship is over and would prefer to not speak to her anymore mostly because I know it causes her emotional distress and am ready to date other people. Should I respond to her email or just ignore it?

21 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
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  • 1 decade ago

    When we break up with someone whether it's a breakup or divorce, we go thru a period where we regret what we have done. If you honestly feel that you have moved on, then be strong but kind and email her back. You can talk and be friends as long as you don't give false impressions that you are still interested. This way she will know that you are moving on and she will eventually also.

  • 1 decade ago

    I would email her back one more time. I would tell her how you feel, but you can do it in a polite way, tell her you're sorry it had to come to this and you never meant to hurt her. But you feel its best that you both move on and wish her luck. But if that does not work and she emails you back then I would ignore it, sooner or later she will get the hint.

  • 1 decade ago

    just tell her that you dont want to be bf and gf any more. you dont want to put her through it again. you dont think it would go any where and that you are ready to date other people. tell her it nicely and she should understand. tell her how you really feel. if you want, you can also send her an email back that says who is this and pretend that it isnt you and that you deleted you account or got a new email. i would go with the first advice though. i would only use the second if she wont use no for an answer. pretend that you changed it after your converstation.

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  • Just tell her- I don't what to talk to you anymore and I hope that it don't hurt you because that is not want I am trying to do. It is just that I don't think that we should be together. We have been broke up for awhile and I would like to see other people. It is not you you are a great girl it is me. LOL

  • L.J.
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    ignore her. if you give her an inch she will take a mile and she will think you want her back and start stalking you. ignore her if you don't want the drama. i have an ex bf who is the same way. when i feel sorry for him and talk to him he comes to my house constantly until i throw him out again. just let her go, pretend she does not exist and don't look at her if you pass on the streets. show no sign of interest and she will quit............... eventually

  • 1 decade ago

    ignore it. if you respond, you might give her false hope that youre still hung up about it. unless you make it very clear, VERY clear, that youre done. even though this sounds easy, its not because if a girl is that emotional, she can find any bit of weakness in your email and hold onto that string of hope.

  • 1 decade ago

    email her back saying that you feel better when you dont talk to her, and explain why. maybe if you ignore the email then she will try to approach you at school asking if you got it

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    ignore her for now and if she emails you again write her back just to see how shes doing could she possibly have moved on too

  • 1 decade ago

    Depends on what the e-mail said. I would just tell her that it's really over, and that you want to date other people. It can be hard if she gets hurt easy, but if you don't tell her the plain and simple truth she'll never learn to get over you.

  • jess l
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    ignore it, she'll get the hint. if you want you can write a few sentences or so in a couple of weeks so she gets the hint that you've moved on. you could write all your sentences in such a way so that the conversation is one-sided. nothing more ending than that

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