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Help I dont want to be a fat bride!?

I am getting married 07/07/07 and want to lose roughly 20 pounds. I am eating healthier and walking daily, but I was wondering if anyone has any tips to drop some weight. Please be specific as in a certain diet, or diet pill that helped you lose weight. I prefer one where I dont have to pay to be a member, but if it worked for you really well I would love to know. Thanks so much

24 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
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  • 1 decade ago

    You've got plenty of time to lose 20 lbs. I've been hitting it hard for 4 months and I've lost almost 15 pounds. I have been on an up and down roller coaster with my weight for years. I have lost lots of weight and then gained some of it back several times. I was a college athlete so I'll tell you what I know and what's worked for me:

    1. Don't use diet pills. Those will work for a short time but they're not healthy for you. Then, as soon as you quit taking them, you'll balloon right back up.

    2. Drink 8-10 glasses of water a day. If you don't like water, or get tired of the water taste, try Crystal Light in your water. The water will speed up your metabolism and help with weight loss. And get rid of the soda! Try diet soda only, and try to keep it to 1 a day. Regular sodas are high in sugars and carbs and calories.

    3. Work out at least 5 days a week. And include at least 3 days of strenght training. Your workouts need to be between 45 minutes to an hour. Any cardio...running, eliptical, kickboxing, etc. Strength training can be weights or something more relaxing like yoga. I've done both and I prefer yoga because it helps you build LEAN muscle, not bulk up.

    4. Eat right. You should be getting lots of fruit and veggies every day. Eat grilled meats and veggies, not fried. Stay away from fried foods and pizza. It's okay to cheat, so have your one cheat day a week where you eat something that you want, like Hamburger and fries or pizza.

    5. Stay around 1500 calories a day to lose weight. A normal person needs around 2000 calories a day.

    6. Keep a food diary. Keep track of everything you eat.

    Don't stress out, that's the most important thing. There is no realy "quick fix" to dieting. And you can't just "diet". You have to change your lifestyle. Trust me, you'll feel better and feel so good about yourself when you start fitting into smaller clothes!

    Good luck!

  • 1 decade ago

    Remember, he loves you enough to ask you to marry him at the weight you are now. Always remember that. I don't know what your weight is, but I know there are a lot of women who consider themselves fat, who just aren't They might be slightly on the high side of average, but they're not fat. If you only want to lose 20 pounds you are probably not fat.

    To answer your question:

    *I would recomend drinking 8-10 8oz glasses of water a day.

    *eating a small healthy snack every 2 hours (like half a piece of fruit or some vegtables). This keeps your metabolism going. (also a good time to drink that water)

    *exercizing 30 min 6 times a week. Try to find something you enjoy doing and stick with it.

    * limit sugary foods and drinks (maybe only one a day)

    These are all things you can do as a part of a weight loss lifestyle, not just a diet. If you lose weight slowly to moderately, it is healthier for you and you are more likely to keep it off. So think about the long run, not just the wedding.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I know the boat youre in... trust me (I actually have more than 20 to lost though LOL).

    Go to (they even have a forum specifically for those that are engaged to be married) its FREE and they have everything Weight Watchers has (except you have to make your own meals not buy pre-made ones, which is better anyway so that you learn how to do portion control and healthy meal planning for yourself)

    It really helps to know what you are up against. I REALLY suggest using the sparkpages, though, no matter what other program you choose. There is ALOT of good info on there and it does food tracking as well as exercise tracking, and as someone else mentioned WATER is key. Not just liquids, but water.... if you stopped drinking any other liquids and went straight to water, you would probably lose 5-10 lbs without even trying. I was shocked! If you read up on SparkPeople you will find out that each body is different as far as calorie reduction.... by sex, by height, by current weight, etc. Also they have great recipes, and the plan is totally customizable so that it fits you.

    There is also a program out that helps alot (but it DOES cost) that is called the 6 week body makeover (it isnt really a 6 week program though they do have the "speed version" for when youre trying to lose only 5 or 10 pounds in 6 weeks and want to shape yourself too) its rather on the costly side, but what makes it different from "fad diets" is that it takes into account your body type and tells you what the best foods are for your body type.

    For example I cant eat alot of simple carbs (talk about blowing up!) instead I have to eat real potatoes and such also I cant eat alot of red meat, my body tries to hold onto it too long, instead I eat chicken or turkey or fish.

    Source(s): I am krystyl_rose on sparkpeople.... hope to see you there!
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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I made sure that my calorie intake was about even or less then what I was burning when I was exercising. But I do advise that you take a multi vitamin because when I started dieting I wasn't getting all the same vitamins that my body needed and I was sick for the first month.

    And remember you will probably gain weight on the scale but that jsut means that you are getting muscle, it's the inches that you are looking to loose.

    I started to exercise and eat right for my wedding day in January, I weighed about 140 and wanted to loose about 10 lbs. Well I thought I was dong good by May until I steped on the scale and it said I was 150!

    I realized that I did fit into a smaller pant size than I did in January, and by the time my wedding came in September I fit in a size 8 dress and weighed 155, I have never been that small in my life! So all I'm trying to say is don't let the scale discourage you. You want to loose inches not pounds.

    You'll be so beautiful, I just know it.

    Good luck, and congrats on the upcoming wedding!

  • xoxo
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    If you want to please all your wedding guests and look nice for the pictures, try any fad diet pill that has a stimulant in it. This makes your metabolism temporarily burn calories faster so you lose weight quicker.

    If you're worried about pleasing your husband-to-be and not putting back on the weight after the wedding is over and you've stopped popping pills, then find a exercise routine that works well for your body (in combination with your healthy eating). Do less walking and more running, biking or swimming. Do this 5 times per wk @ 40mins each session. Follow this routine to the tee and at the end of 3 months, you should be smiling in the mirror. Keep it up for longer and your body should naturally tone because your metabolism has learned to speed up for the long term.

  • 1 decade ago

    You have 9 months to lose 20 pounds that is more than enough time to lose it just by eating healthy and walking but you start dieting and it will back fire diets never work long term. Focus on losing 2 pounds a month and the last month go on a strict diet and you will lose your weight.

  • 1 decade ago

    exercise is very effective if u work on the areas that u mostly want 2 lose that weight &tone u have said u are eating healthier,thats a start so how about toning up ur tummy, abs ,hips,b-hind etc.etc using an exercise ball.i weight 154 in 6 weeks i lost32lbs eating healthy & exercising

    Source(s): buy an exercise ball they usually give some good exercise tips with ball.
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The easiest thing I have found is to increase water intake, stop drinking all sodas (diet included), stop eating bread & pasta and limit your sweets. Just by doing that alone you should be able to drop 20lbs by next year.

    You also need to add some cardio to your exercise plan.

    Tanning also helps you look more tone and define.

    You can talk to your doctor about possibly percribing Adderall for you. It is primarily used to treat ADD but some doctors will use it to help people lose weight. Good Luck!!!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Weight Watchers really does work. Diet pills are soooo bad for you! Just eat a balanced diet and continue to exercise. The BEST thing you can do is start a workout regimen and STICK TO IT right up until the wedding day! I like to eat lots of lean cuisines....they are not gourmet by any means, but they are low calorie and pretty tasty. Try to keep your daily calorie intake to 1200-1600 a day.... and do not do the fad diets. Balance and exercise are the best things you can do for yourself!

  • Mimi
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    try to stay away from diet pills. they will make you feel like you're on speed. NOT good.

    easy solution here (but remember, you have GOT to be disciplined and eat right and exercise)....

    try eating 5 small meals a day. space them out between 2-3 hours.

    exercise 4-5 days a week. MAKE SURE YOU DO CARDIO OR YOU WILL NOT LOSE WEIGHT.


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