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What is a good enough reason for me to die?

When My mommy was dating my daddy he was married.My mommy got pregnant andhe ran back to his wife leaving my mommy all alone. All of my mommies pro life friends told her to erase me by going to a doctor. My Mommy decided to have me anyway. I am glad she did't listen to her friends .They were sorry for what they said after holding me for the first time.How could abortion be a choice when i didn't get a say?


Roe v Wade ruling is wrong.

Update 2:

This is a true story and she could have died.

Update 3:

pro choice sorry

25 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    you are soooo right i'm glad your mommy didn't listen

    you are too cute

  • Romy
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Why don't you tell your "mommy" to try another way of trying to brain wash people into thinking they dont have a say or a choice to make in the matter.If your "mommy" laid down with legs open she or her friends shouldn't talk about abortion as a way of birth control.... But, honey ask your mommy if she was rapped by some man in an alley who had aids if it would be fair to you to be born with aids, and die a slow and painful death... Go ask her if it would be fair to you if she were rapped by an uncle or her father, like many have been and have a child be born with mental retardation.... You ask you mommy those questions ok and ask her if she would have peace of mind knowing that baby would go through "life" tortured and in pain... If everything has the right to live, i hope your "mommy" is a vegetarian... but, even still she would be killing a plant wouldn't she? and that poor cow she just shoved in her face, didn't have a say weather it got to be your "mommy's" dinner did it.... or how about the eggs your "mommy" eats.... i hope she doesn't eat eggs, cause that is chicken abortion.... you know if you leave that egg alone, underneth its mommy it would have a chance to grow as well..... Tell your "mommy" to think before she talks and get a grip, she has her opinion and everyone else has theres.... EVERYONE on this earth has the right to their own opinions and has the right to make their own choice.... you think people who have to make a decision such as that doesn't have a hard enough time doing it?? Do you think they dont know what they are doing? do you think its something that doen't effect them? YOU WRONG!!! People that make that kind of decision have to live with it for the rest of their lives.... but its oviously something they have to do... MIND YOUR OWN DAMN BUISNESS... if your "mommy" didn't abort you thats great for you and your "mommy" Let people make their own f***ing decisions!!!!

    ~CHEERS!!~ A**hole!!!

    Source(s): Me and my 2 F***ing cents!!! Annabelle....If i could give 50 thumbs up i would cheers to you girl, this jerk off needs to get a damn life!!!!!
  • 1 decade ago

    This is a rough topic. Sometimes things happen in people's lives that we are not ready for. Maybe your mom was just torn on what to do. Not to say I agree with abortion but in some cases it is the right choice. I am sure your mom loves you very much and don't think of yourself as a mistake. Enjoy life and live it to the fullest. :)

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    hey, bible thumper, its the parent's choice so get over it. But, wait, maybe your right. Maybe if all of the 15 and 16 year olds that are completely incapable of raising a child went through with the birth, the world would be a much better place. There would be no pestulance and everyone would go to heaven.

    If god didn't want us to make hard decisions he wouldn't have made the world an f-ed up place. And people's lives, who are a hellofalot more f-ed up then yours, don't have the capabilities or funding to raise children. That's why we have child services and wards of the state and juvenile detention centers.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Thats what you looked like when mommies pro life friends said to erase you? And you speak so well, too!


  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    If you think using this angle for the anti-choice argument is anything but f*cked up, you are mistaken.

    C=JD: How does the label anti-choice really differ from any of the other terms used on either side of this issue? So now we're down to picking the terms that make you the most comfortable? I don't think so. I've used both pro-life and anti-choice to refer to your position in past arguments and will continue to do so as they are in regard to the same stance.

  • 1 decade ago

    it's hard to believe that so many here are so gullible to think that you are a young child, Mark, who enjoys woodworking, boat building, wine making, among other hobbies. to try and mislead people is not helping your cause, whats next on your list, bombing

    abortion clinics? and by the way i am pro-life, but the way that you came across to try and deliver the message, is in bad taste,

    and misleading.

  • 1 decade ago

    Well, I think that abortion is a perfectly humane answer to an unwanted child as long as it is in the first trimester. After that, the brain starts to develop. Infact, I was a mistake, my mother had me anyways. It happens al the time. Honestly, I think that your a rotten lying little dirtbag who just wants to waste peoples time. That you're not a little girl, but a dumbass oppinionated little Reactionist Conservative. You people have to get better at lying.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Honey, I know it's hard to accept the fact that your mother is--how to I say this nicely--a hoochie and your father is a sleeze bag. Nonetheless, if you grow up to be just like her, and, sadly, you probably will, you will faced with the question of whether or not to have a child that you may not be ready to have or care for. When that happens, I hope you have the CHOICE to DECIDE for yourself and that you don't have to leave it up to the government, who does not know what's best for you, or a back alley abortionist, who will use a knife or a coat hanger on you.

  • 1 decade ago

    Let's be positive, and revise your question...OK!



    I am not blowing smoke, trust me. A timid person would not pose much a question. LIVE! There are many out here you can touch and encourage!

    And, i hope I'm not a sucker...

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    If you reduce the need for abortion, that would be better.

    Until that day happens, choices and options have to be made available.

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