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What does auxilary mean when it comes to temp control with a heat pump?

After using an old gas furnace for years, we've moved into a house with all electric appliances. This includes a heat pump. We hear they are very energy effecient. When AUX light comes on, are we using more electricity or is this just a function that's normal? The brand is American Standard and it is 3 years old.

7 Answers

  • Favorite Answer

    The aux. light means that your means of back-up (electric, fossil fuel) has come on in order to aid the H/P reach the desired T-stat setting.

    The trick to a H/P is to only move the temperature up 2 degrees at a time. If you exceed 2 degrees, you bring on the second stage (electric, fossil fuel) and this is where it will cost you a substantial amount of money.

    In regards to a h/p being very efficient..........that all depends upon where you live, climate, design, etc.

    Good luck


  • 1 decade ago

    Heat pumps are found mostly in warmer climates due to the fact they are useless below 25-35F. When the heat pump can no longer function and is below its "balance point" (its too cold outside) then the AUX kicks in which are electric heating coils inside the air handler. You will notice your electric bills shoot up when this happens.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    My guess is, it means you are you using a backup Electric heat element inside the Furnace- this will happen most likely when temps hit below 20o

  • 1 decade ago

    Axillary heat is when the actual heating coils turn on. A heat pump recirculates air in the house. When it is too cold, the heating element will turn on and you will see the light next to axillary shine.

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  • auxiliary

    4 entries found for auxiliary.

    To select an entry, click on it.

    auxiliary[1,adjective]auxiliary[2,noun]modal auxiliaryverbal auxiliary

    Main Entry: 1aux·il·ia·ry

    Pronunciation: og-'zil-y&-rE, -'zil-rE, -'zi-l&-

    Function: adjective

    Etymology: Latin auxiliaris, from auxilium help; akin to Latin augEre to increase -- more at EKE

    1 a : offering or providing help b : functioning in a subsidiary capacity <an auxiliary branch of the state university>

    2 of a verb : accompanying another verb and typically expressing person, number, mood, or tense

    3 a : SUPPLEMENTARY b : constituting a reserve <an auxiliary power plant>

    4 : equipped with sails and a supplementary inboard engine <an auxiliary sloop>

  • 1 decade ago

    Their is an automatic back up heating element in your inside unit.

    That is activated when the outside temperature drops to a certain point.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Auxilary means backup.

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